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shuf.fle (obj) WALK5FQf76vto walk by pulling (your feet) slowly along the ground rather than lifting them曳足而行Don't shuffle your feet like that!Lift them properly.[T]别像那样蹭着地走路。把脚好好地抬起来。They shuffled through the snow, weighed down with their luggage. [I always + adv/prep]他们拿着很重的行李曳足行过雪地。He shuffled into the kitchen, leaning on his walking stick. [I always + adv/prep]他依靠着手杖拖步走进厨房。I like to spend Sunday morning shuffling around in my slippers and reading the newspapers. [I always + adv/prep]我喜欢在星期天穿着拖鞋四处走动,看看报纸。(fig.) The economy is only shuffling along (= advancing slowly) at the moment. [I always + adv/prep]现今的经济步伐滞缓。To shuffle is also to move your feet or bottom around, while staying in the same place, esp. because you are uncomfortable, nervous or embarrassed.在同一位置不停地挪动The play was really good, but it was spoilt by a woman in front of me who was shuffling around in her seat all the way through. [I always + adv/prep]戏十分不错,但被一个在我前面的位置上不停动来动去的女人破坏了。When I asked him where he'd been he just looked down at the ground and shuffled his feet. [T]当我问他去了哪儿,他只是看着地面,不停地挪动着脚。