

单词 planet

Definition of planet in English:


noun ˈplanɪtˈplænət
  • 1A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit round a star.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It has ignited a drive to find more planets and smaller planets around more stars.
    • The latest find is a system of three planets orbiting around a star previously thought to have only one.
    • Measuring the changing brightness of a star can tell us whether there are planets orbiting around it.
    • This professor is in charge of discovery of new planets and celestial bodies.
    • There are brilliant people out there who search the very heavens and map the orbit of the stars and planets.
    • Gazing at the stars, planets and distant galaxies is a universal pleasure, but it's one denied to most of us.
    • That the star Sirius has five planets is not something which anyone could conclusively verify at present.
    • Nasa astronomers said they had found the smallest planets yet orbiting stars beyond our Sun.
    • Her school projects and papers were all about the stars, planets, and outer space.
    • The mass of the orbiting planet causes the central star to be pulled around in an orbit.
    • Astronomers in the US reckon they've identified a tenth planet orbiting our sun.
    • Kepler showed that a planet moves round the Sun in an elliptical orbit which has the Sun in one of its two foci.
    • You can divide little objects out, not only the planets, but the nebula and clusters of stars.
    • If the candidate planet does orbit the brown dwarf, then the pair will move across the sky together.
    • The planets all orbit the Sun in the same direction, with orbital planes inclined slightly to the ecliptic.
    • Both depend on the gravitational attraction exerted on the parent star by orbiting planets.
    • The kite is designed to take pictures of planets and asteroids around the solar system.
    • The problem is, you have to do these measurements for at least one full orbit of any planets that might be there.
    • He had a model which showed the movements of the sun and the moon and certain stars and planets.
    • Any planet with a stable orbit in that zone might be able to support life long enough for intelligence to evolve.
    satellite, moon, star, heavenly body, orb
    1. 1.1the planet The earth.
      no generation has the right to pollute the planet


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It lay in the drive to further hand the fate of the planet and the world's poor over to big business.
      • There is no need to worry about this asteroid due to destroy planet Earth in 2019.
      • Yet for all his vision, he has not fought hard enough against the polluters who threaten the planet.
      • We, after all live on an increasingly polluted planet of finite recourses and space.
      • In this sense, he argues, the planet itself is alive, and so sustains life on Earth.
      • Creating a thing that will prevent the planet spinning off its axis makes the world a safer place.
      • Purpose is the unique gifts and insights that you bring to the planet and can contribute to your world.
      • New York is arguably the only city in the world whose self-regard is reciprocated across the planet.
      • The idea behind the relay is to unite the world and infuse the planet with the Olympic spirit.
      • Ten years ago at the Rio earth summit the world accepted the need to manage the planet as a single whole for the whole of the human race.
      • Not only do I think he was one of the greatest musicians to appear on planet earth, I think he was a really nice bloke.
      • They provide a world view of people working to protect the planet we live on.
      • Canada is one of the worst polluters on the planet and it is time to do something about it.
      • This means weighting the rules of world trade to benefit poor people and the planet.
      • Back on the radio earth summit website, the sounds people from across the planet want to send to the summit keep coming.
      • The high tax on petrol was put on in the first place to encourage people to use less of something which is polluting the planet.
      • His songs changed the world and there is not a songwriter on the planet who has not been influenced by him.
      • His flight lasted a mere one hundred and eight minutes, but he returned to Earth the most famous man on the planet.
      • It seems that humanity has abused Earth to the point where the planet is no longer inhabitable.
      • After all, there isn't a man, woman or child on the planet who would not like to see an end to world poverty.
      earth, globe, sphere
    2. 1.2Astrology historical A celestial body distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own (including the moon and sun), especially with reference to its supposed influence on people and events.
      the planets are presently influencing you in a positive way
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is difficult for the individual to see the extent to which the drive of the aspecting planet is influencing their life.
      • What physical mechanism is there for the planets to influence me down here on earth?
      • With the Sun as the ruler of the 2nd house, this trio of planets also influenced his economic affairs.
      • Both planets were direct in motion; Mars was moving slowly and Venus was moving swiftly.
      • The effect is to harmoniously combine the influences of the planets.

The planets of the solar system are either gas giants—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—or smaller rocky bodies—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Pluto, formerly regarded as the ninth planet, was in 2006 reclassified as a dwarf planet. The minor planets, or asteroids, orbit mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Only Earth and Venus have substantial atmospheres


  • what planet are you on?

    • informal Used to indicate that someone is out of touch with reality.

      〈英,非正式〉 用以表示某人脱离了现实你在哪颗行星上?

      Example sentencesExamples
      • What planet are you on mate if you think this only happens in the Australian Football League?
      • And as for stealing the election from her, what planet are you on?


  • planetologist

  • noun planəˈtɒlədʒɪstˌplænəˈtɑlədʒəst
    • So in some respects, by studying Titan's atmosphere, planetologists are probing the early history of the Earth, particularly its early atmospheric chemistry.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Evolutionary biologists, planetologists, archaeologists and all those academics who dig up the past confirm evidence of different life forms at given periods.
      • Not to mention twelve planetologists, five zoologists, somewhere around thirty industrial miners.
  • planetology

  • noun planɪˈtɒlədʒiˌplænəˈtɑlədʒi
    mass noun
    • The branch of science that deals with planets.

      If, however, the human race has now reached the technical capability to carry on some of its industrial activities in space, we should indulge in the mental exercise of ‘comparative planetology.’
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many characteristics of the Earth are quite unique, and recent discoveries under-scoring this are causing a turn toward viewing planetology as a study of contrasts with Earth, not similarities to it.
      • He criticized the commission for coming up with a set of goals for the exploration program that included topics such as studies of the Big Bang and comparative planetology but omitted a clear statement about searching for life on Mars.


Middle English: from Old French planete, from late Latin planeta, planetes, from Greek planētēs 'wanderer, planet', from planan 'wander'.

  • Early Greek astronomers observed certain heavenly bodies moving around the night sky in contrast to the stars, which stayed permanently in a fixed position in relation to one another. This is why they are called planets, from Greek planētēs ‘wanderer’. The Sun and the Moon were once thought of as planets too. Plankton, the term for small and microscopic organisms floating in the sea, comes via German from the related Greek word planktos, ‘wandering or drifting’. See also aeroplane


gannet, granite, Janet

Definition of planet in US English:


  • 1A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.


    The planets of the solar system are either gas giants—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—or smaller rocky bodies—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Pluto, formerly regarded as the ninth planet, was in 2006 reclassified as a dwarf planet. The minor planets, or asteroids, orbit mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Only Earth and Venus have substantial atmospheres

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The planets all orbit the Sun in the same direction, with orbital planes inclined slightly to the ecliptic.
    • Measuring the changing brightness of a star can tell us whether there are planets orbiting around it.
    • This professor is in charge of discovery of new planets and celestial bodies.
    • Gazing at the stars, planets and distant galaxies is a universal pleasure, but it's one denied to most of us.
    • The problem is, you have to do these measurements for at least one full orbit of any planets that might be there.
    • There are brilliant people out there who search the very heavens and map the orbit of the stars and planets.
    • It has ignited a drive to find more planets and smaller planets around more stars.
    • You can divide little objects out, not only the planets, but the nebula and clusters of stars.
    • The kite is designed to take pictures of planets and asteroids around the solar system.
    • Nasa astronomers said they had found the smallest planets yet orbiting stars beyond our Sun.
    • He had a model which showed the movements of the sun and the moon and certain stars and planets.
    • Both depend on the gravitational attraction exerted on the parent star by orbiting planets.
    • The mass of the orbiting planet causes the central star to be pulled around in an orbit.
    • The latest find is a system of three planets orbiting around a star previously thought to have only one.
    • If the candidate planet does orbit the brown dwarf, then the pair will move across the sky together.
    • Any planet with a stable orbit in that zone might be able to support life long enough for intelligence to evolve.
    • Kepler showed that a planet moves round the Sun in an elliptical orbit which has the Sun in one of its two foci.
    • Her school projects and papers were all about the stars, planets, and outer space.
    • Astronomers in the US reckon they've identified a tenth planet orbiting our sun.
    • That the star Sirius has five planets is not something which anyone could conclusively verify at present.
    satellite, moon, star, heavenly body, orb
    1. 1.1the planet The earth.
      no generation has the right to pollute the planet


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Creating a thing that will prevent the planet spinning off its axis makes the world a safer place.
      • In this sense, he argues, the planet itself is alive, and so sustains life on Earth.
      • The high tax on petrol was put on in the first place to encourage people to use less of something which is polluting the planet.
      • There is no need to worry about this asteroid due to destroy planet Earth in 2019.
      • His flight lasted a mere one hundred and eight minutes, but he returned to Earth the most famous man on the planet.
      • Yet for all his vision, he has not fought hard enough against the polluters who threaten the planet.
      • The idea behind the relay is to unite the world and infuse the planet with the Olympic spirit.
      • His songs changed the world and there is not a songwriter on the planet who has not been influenced by him.
      • Back on the radio earth summit website, the sounds people from across the planet want to send to the summit keep coming.
      • We, after all live on an increasingly polluted planet of finite recourses and space.
      • Purpose is the unique gifts and insights that you bring to the planet and can contribute to your world.
      • New York is arguably the only city in the world whose self-regard is reciprocated across the planet.
      • Canada is one of the worst polluters on the planet and it is time to do something about it.
      • Not only do I think he was one of the greatest musicians to appear on planet earth, I think he was a really nice bloke.
      • Ten years ago at the Rio earth summit the world accepted the need to manage the planet as a single whole for the whole of the human race.
      • It seems that humanity has abused Earth to the point where the planet is no longer inhabitable.
      • This means weighting the rules of world trade to benefit poor people and the planet.
      • After all, there isn't a man, woman or child on the planet who would not like to see an end to world poverty.
      • They provide a world view of people working to protect the planet we live on.
      • It lay in the drive to further hand the fate of the planet and the world's poor over to big business.
      earth, globe, sphere
    2. 1.2Astrology historical A celestial body distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own (including the moon and sun), especially with reference to its supposed influence on people and events.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is difficult for the individual to see the extent to which the drive of the aspecting planet is influencing their life.
      • What physical mechanism is there for the planets to influence me down here on earth?
      • The effect is to harmoniously combine the influences of the planets.
      • With the Sun as the ruler of the 2nd house, this trio of planets also influenced his economic affairs.
      • Both planets were direct in motion; Mars was moving slowly and Venus was moving swiftly.


Middle English: from Old French planete, from late Latin planeta, planetes, from Greek planētēs ‘wanderer, planet’, from planan ‘wander’.





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