A training course with alternate periods of formal instruction and practical experience.
Example sentencesExamples
My university degree was a sandwich course - meaning that the third year out of the four year course is spent on an industrial placement.
You'll likely do either a three-year degree leading to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science or a four-year sandwich course which includes a year in industry or a year abroad.
Hence, we should develop sandwich courses: studies in regular schools alternating (say, weekly) with apprenticeships in the workplace.
Back in the early 90s when I was a student in Liverpool, it was required that I do an industrial placement during the third year of my sandwich course.
He began his career in cancer research when he spent 12 months on a sandwich course at the Institute of Cancer Research in London.
Another route would be to go for a sandwich course when choosing your degree.
As the FCO website illustrates, candidates of all racial backgrounds can apply for a one year economic placement, on the condition that they follow a sandwich course.
Many schools in India have tried approaches, including sandwich courses, and a one-year full time model.
The four-year sandwich course has been developed with specialised police forces in the area.
Similarly they will be able to take up work placements which are part of a sandwich course or to undertake internship placements without the need to obtain permission from Work Permits.
Fareham-born Mr Ekins joined Hampshire County Council as a civil engineering trainee in 1962 and did a sandwich course.
We would be denying universities the freedom to incentivise industrial, vocational, scientific, technical, engineering and sandwich courses, or foundation degrees, which are vital for the economic future of this country.
Some universities offer a four-year sandwich course where the third year is spent gaining a teaching qualification.