

单词 same
释义 same /seɪm/ a. | pron. | ad. | phr.
I a.
1. [通常与 the 连用]同一的
He is the same man that (或 whom) we met yesterday. 他就是我们昨天遇见的那个人。
All planets travel in the same direction. 所有行星都朝同一方向运行。
We have lived in this same city for thirty years. 我们在这同一座城市里住了30年了。
We came back the same way we went. 我们循去时的原路回来。
2. [通常与 the 连用]同样的,相同的
two boxes of the same dimensions 同样大小的两只盒子
get the same wages for the same work 同工同酬
two girls of the same age 两个年龄相同的姑娘
hold the same opinions as those of the majority 持有和大多数人相同的意见
He gave the same answer as before. 他作了和以前相同的回答。
3. [通常与 the 连用]无变化的,一成不变的;千篇一律的
The village stayed the same. 村子仍是老样子。
His attitude is the same as ever. 他的态度依然如故。
the same old story 老一套
the fear of being too same 怕落入俗套
We eat the same thing for breakfast every day. 我们每天早餐总是吃这个。
4. [与this,these,that,those 连用,用于法律、商业文书时常略去定冠词]刚才提到的,上述的
This same man was later my tutor. 此人后来当了我的导师。
Estimate for repairs to ceiling and re-painting of same:£100. 天花板修理及重漆的估价:100英镑。

II pron.
1. [常与 the,this 或 that 等连用]同样的人;同样的事物
We must all say the same. 我们大家都得这么说。
Shall I give you some different sort of fruit or would you like more of the same? 要不要给你一些别的水果,还是再要一些同样的?
2. [法律、商业文书上的用法常略去定冠词]该人;上述事物,上述情况
We have heard from your branch office and have replied to same. 贵分公司来函收悉,并已回复。

III ad.
[通常与 the 连用]同样地
I came into the room and went to bed the same as usual. 我走进房间,像平常一样上床睡觉。
[< ON samr; 与 OE swā same likewise, Goth sama, L similis, Gr homos same, Sans sama level, equal, same 有关]
phr. about the same = much the same
all the same1. 仍然,依然,照样
He is often rude, but I like him all the same. 他时常表现粗鲁,可我依旧很喜欢他。
The expression is ungrammatical; all the same it is a part of the common tongue. 这种表达不合语法,但仍是日常语言中的一部分。
2. 完全一样,毫无区别;无所谓
A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea, if it's all the same to you. 甲:茶还是咖啡?乙:茶,如果对你都一样的话。
Do whatever you want, it's all the same to me. 你想干啥就干啥,我无所谓。
at the same time 见 time
come (或 amount) to the same thing 见 thing¹
feel the same to = think the same of
Yes, you're a nuisance sometimes, but we love you just the same. 是的,你有时令人讨厌,但我们仍然爱你。
much the same 差不多一样,几乎一样
The patient is much the same. 病人差不多还是那样。
not the same 不那么令人愉快的;不那么合人意的
We started out again by car. But it wasn't the same. 我们乘汽车再次出发。但情况两样了。
one and the same 完全一样(的);同一个(的)
Those two men are of one and the same sort — they're both bad. 他俩是一丘之貉,都很坏。
the same difference 见 difference
same here 我也一样
Tom said he was too tired to run any further, and Bill said, “Same here.” 汤姆说他累得不能再跑了,比尔说:“我也一样。”
(the) same again (,please). (请)同样的再来一份。
(the) same but (或 only) different 几乎一样的,略微不同的
(the) same to you
1. [用于回答对方的祝愿]我也如此祝愿你
2. [用于回答对方的辱骂]你也是
A: You're a twit. B: Same to you. 甲:你是个白痴。乙:你也一样。
the very same [用于强调语气]正是这个的,完全相同的
You've made the very same mistake again! 你又犯了个与以前完全相同的错误!
think the same of 对…保持不变的看法,对…的看法和过去一样




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