

单词 trot¹
释义 trot¹ /trɒt/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. (马等的)快步,疾走,小跑
He heard a horse approaching at a trot. 他听到一匹马正在快步跑近。
go for a trot 骑马小跑
2. 快步马跑蹄声
3. (人的)小跑步,慢跑
He broke into a trot. 他突然小跑起来。
4. (快步马的)轻驾车赛
5. 学步的小孩;常贬老太婆
6. 美俚(学生作弊夹带的)外文直译本(或逐字译本)
7. [the trots] [用作单或复]拉肚子,泻肚
have the trots 拉肚子
8. 澳新口交运
have a good trot 交好运

II vi.
1. (马等)小跑;骑马小跑
The horse trotted down the road. 马沿着大路小跑而去。
a small dog trotting after its mistress 跟在女主人后面小跑的小狗
2. (人)小步跑,慢跑;快步走,匆匆忙忙地走
The two men began to trot along the sand. 那两个男子沿沙滩慢跑起来了。
3. 走,行走
Well, I must be trotting off home. 嗯,我得回家去了。
Trot away! 走开!
1. 使小跑
The shepherd was trotting their flocks through the street. 牧羊人驱赶羊群小跑着过街。
2. (马)小跑
The driver trotted his pair of bays along the path of the woods. 马夫赶着他的一对栗色马沿着林间小路小跑起来。
3. 带领;陪伴
My father used to trot me down for a visit. 父亲过去常带我去作客。
[OFr < troter to trot < Gmc; 与 MHG trotten to run 有关]
phr. on the trot 1. 忙碌
be kept on the trot 被弄得忙忙碌碌
I've been on the trot at work all the morning. 我整个上午工作忙个不停。
2. 接连地,一个接一个地
for four weeks on the trot 接连4个星期
read two books on the trot 连着读两本书
3. 逃跑
trot along
1. 迅速跑去
You'd better trot along and feed the dogs. 你最好赶快去喂狗。
2. 动身,出发
I must be trotting along now or I'll miss the train. 我这就得走了,不然会赶不上火车的。
trot out 1. (马) 快步跑 (给人看)
Trot out the horses for the buyers to watch. 骑上马快步跑给买主们看看。
2. 提出…供赞同 (或接受);炫耀地出示
trot out one's best wines 拿出佳酿
3. 动不动就提出
He keeps on trotting out the same old arguments. 他总是动不动就提出那些同样的老一套论据。
trot sb. round 带领某人在…到处走走
trot sb. round Oxford and show him the colleges 带某人逛牛津并指点他看各学院




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