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trou·ble /ˈtrʌbl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 烦恼,苦恼;忧虑 domestic trouble(s) 内忧 He has been through much trouble. 他历经许多苦恼。 His heart is full of trouble. 他内心忧虑重重。 2. 困难;不幸;灾难 At first she had a little trouble following the lectures. 起先她上课听讲有点困难。 The old lady next door was telling me all her troubles. 隔壁老太在向我诉说她的种种不幸。 3. 麻烦;打扰 Did the work give you much trouble? 那工作给你带来许多麻烦吗? We shouldn't be putting you to so much trouble. 我们不该这么打扰您。 A: It wouldn't be any trouble. B: That's very kind of you. 甲:这没什么麻烦。乙:你真客气。 4. 工夫,力气 He took a lot of trouble over this design. 他花了许多工夫设计这份图样。 5. [常作troubles](社会等方面的)纷争,动乱,骚乱 the latest labour troubles 最近的工潮 6. [the Troubles] (1919-1923年间爱尔兰及20世纪70年代初北爱尔兰的)暴乱,动荡,连续不断的暴力行为 7. 引起烦恼(或忧虑、困难、不幸、麻烦等)的人(或事物) That boy is a trouble to his parents. 那男孩是他父母苦恼的缘由。 His greatest trouble was his gullibility. 他最大的缺陷在于轻信。 What is the trouble? 问题出在哪儿? 8. 病,疾病;(身体上的)苦痛,不适 heart trouble 心脏病 children's troubles 儿童疾病 I'm having trouble with my teeth. 我正牙痛。 9. (机器等的)故障 the mechanical trouble with a plane 飞机的机械故障 My car stalls all the time. I think I've engine trouble. 我的汽车老抛锚。我看是发动机有毛病。 10. 〈旧〉未婚怀孕 11. 情况,事实 The trouble is, there's nothing we can do about it. 情况是,我们对这事无能为力。
II ❶ vt. 1. 使烦恼,使苦恼;使忧虑 You look troubled. What's worrying you? 你看上去愁眉苦脸。有什么事使你不安? She was troubled with poor health. 她因健康不佳而苦恼。 He was deeply troubled by the thought that she might leave him. 他一想到她可能和自己分手就深感忧虑。 2. [用于客气或带讽刺的客气]麻烦,使费神 I'm sorry to trouble you. 对不起,麻烦您了。 May I trouble you to shut the door? 麻烦你把门关上好吗? I'll trouble you, sir, not to joke on this matter. 先生,劳驾别拿这件事开玩笑。 3. (病痛)折磨;使疼痛,使受伤 Severe pain continued to trouble me. 剧痛继续折磨着我。 4. 搅乱,扰乱 The wind troubled the lake. 风刮得湖水翻腾不止。 5. 〈加勒比英语〉乱动,乱搞 I don't like anyone to trouble my new motorcycle. 我不喜欢人家乱动我的新摩托车。 ❷ vi. 1. 费神,费事,费力 Don't trouble about that. 别为那(事)费心了。 Oh, don't trouble, thanks. 啊,谢谢,不麻烦啦! He dismissed the deeds as forgeries without even troubling to examine them. 他认为这些契据是伪造的,甚至不屑仔细察看。 2. 不安,忧虑 trouble over trifles 为小事忧虑 [< OFr troubler < VL turbulāre < LL turbidāre < turbidus confused < turba commotion, turmoil]
phr. ask for trouble 〈口〉自找麻烦,自讨苦吃 It's asking for trouble to associate with him. 跟他来往是自找麻烦。 A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 〈谚〉苦恼让人知晓,负担一半减少。 be more trouble than a cartload of monkeys 〈口〉令人极其烦心,极为讨厌 be no trouble = not to be trouble borrow trouble自找麻烦;无事烦恼 If we acquiesce, we'll be borrowing troubles for the future. 假使我们默许,日后将平添麻烦。 Forget about it; why borrow trouble? 忘了它吧;干吗无事烦恼? get (sb.) into trouble 1. (使某人) 陷入困境;(使某人) 招致麻烦 (或责罚、不幸等) Keep away, or you'll get into trouble. 别来参与,不然你会倒霉的。 Her inquisitive nature got her into trouble more than once. 她爱打听他人私事的天性使她不止一次招来麻烦。 2. 〈口〉〈婉〉(使某人) 未婚先孕 He's got several girls into trouble. 他已使好几个姑娘未婚怀孕。 give oneself (the) trouble 努力,不怕麻烦 go to the (或 some, any 等) trouble 尽力设法,不怕费事;特意 in trouble 1. 处于不幸 (或困境等) 中,倒霉;受训斥 land oneself in trouble 使自己处于不幸之中 The car company is in grave trouble again. 这家汽车公司再度陷入严重的困境。 Smith was said to be in trouble with his boss. 听说史密斯受到老板的训斥。 2. 〈口〉〈婉〉未婚怀孕 The girl next door is in trouble. 隔壁的姑娘未婚先孕了。 look for trouble = ask for trouble make trouble闹事,捣蛋 make trouble for the leaders 跟头儿们捣蛋 meet trouble halfway 自寻烦恼,杞人忧天 Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 〈谚〉麻烦没来找你,可别自找麻烦。 not to be trouble 不引起麻烦,不打扰 He had instructions from his mother not to be trouble in the household. 他母亲告诫他不要在家中惹是生非。 run into trouble = get into trouble take (the) trouble费力,奋力 We must thank him for taking all the trouble. 我们应感谢他尽了很多力。 You didn't take the trouble to consult the dictionary. 你没花工夫去查词典。 |