

单词 chatter
释义 chatter v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away/on) (about sth) talk quickly, continuously or foolishly about unimportant matters 唠叨; 喋喋不休     Do stop chattering on about the weather when I´m trying to read. 别再没完没了地唠叨天气了, 我要看书了. 2 [I, Ip] ~ (away) (of birds and monkeys) make short repeated high-pitched noises (指鸟和猴)短促连声尖叫, 啾啾叫, 吱吱叫     sparrows chattering in the trees 在树上啾啾叫的麻雀. 3 [I, Ip] ~ (together) (of the teeth) strike together with a clicking sound because of cold or fear (指牙齿)打颤. chatter, n [U] 1 continuous rapid talk 唠叨的话     I´ve had enough of your constant chatter. 我已经听够你那没完没了的唠叨话. 2 chattering sound 吱吱叫的声音     the chatter of monkeys 猴子的吱吱叫声.




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