

单词 pool
释义 pool n 1 small area of still water, esp one that has formed naturally 水池, 水塘, 水坑(尤指自然形成者)     After the rainstorm, there were pools on the roads. 暴雨过後路上有许多水洼儿. 2 shallow patch of water or other liquid lying on a surface 一滩水或其他液体     The body was lying in a pool of blood. 尸体躺在血泊中. 3 place in a river where the water is deep and there isnot much current 河中水深甚少流动之处. 4 = swimming-pool (swim). pool n 1 [C] common fund of money, esp the stakes of all the players in a gambling game (集中在一起的)款额; 共同储金; (尤指)各赌博者的合计赌金. 2 [C] (a) common supply of funds, goods or services which are available to a group of people to be used when needed 集中使用的资金、 物资、 服务等     a pool of cars used by the firm´s salesmen 公司推销人员共用的一些汽车     [attrib 作定语] a pool car 公用汽车. (b) group of people available for work when required 可招之即来的一些人     a pool of doctors available for emergency work 为应付紧急情况而待命的一些医生     a `typing pool,ie a pool of typists 提供联合服务的打字人员. 3 [C] arrangement by a number of business firms to agree on prices and share profits, in order to avoid competition 联营(公司之间为避免竞争而在价格和利润上订立协议的措施). 4 [U] (esp US) game played with (usu) 16 coloured balls on a billiard-table, similar to snooker 普尔弹子戏(类似落袋台球的游戏, 通常用16个彩色球). 5 the pools [pl] = football pools (football)     do the pools every week 每星期都赌足球普尔     have a win on the pools 赢得足球普尔彩金. 6 (idm 习语) shoot pool => shoot1. pool, v [Tn] put (money, resources, etc) into a common fund 向共同基金提供(金钱、 资源等)     They pooled their savings and bought a house in the country. 他们用积蓄的钱合资在乡间买了一所房子.     (fig 比喻) If we pool our ideas, we may find a solution. 我们集思广益就能找到解决办法.




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