

单词 ponder
释义 ponder v[I, Ipr, Tn, Tw] ~ (on/over sth) think about (sth) carefully and for a long time, esp in trying to reach a decision; consider (长时间地仔细)考虑(某事物)(尤指以便作出决定); 深思     You have pondered long enough; it is time to decide. 你考虑的时间够长的了, 该作决定了.     I pondered (over) the incident, asking myself again and again how it could have happened. 我反覆思考那件事, 一再自问究竟是怎麽回事.     pondering on the meaning of life 深深地思索人生的意义     I am pondering how to respond. 我在琢磨该怎样回答.




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