单词 | touch |
释义 | touch v 1 [I, Tn] be or come together with (sth else) so that there is no space between 触, 接触, 触及(他物) The two wires were touching. 那两条金属线搭在一起了. One of the branches was just touching thewater. 有一个树枝刚碰著水面. The two properties touch(each other), ie share a boundary. 这两块地产相毗邻. 2 [Tn] press or strike (sth/sb) lightly, esp with the hand 轻触, 轻碰(某物[某人])(尤指用手碰) Don´t touch that dish it´s very hot! 别摸那个盘子--烫极了! Can you touch the top of the door (ie reach it with your hand)? 你够得著门的上边吗? He touched me on the arm, eg to attract my attention. 他碰碰我胳膊(如让我注意). Don´t let your coat touch the wall the paint´s still wet. 你的大衣别蹭著墙--涂料还没乾呢. 3 [Tn] move or interfere with (sb/sth); harm 移动, 妨碍(某人[某物]); 损坏 I told you not to touch my things! 我告诉过你, 别动我的东西! The valuable paintings were not touched by the fire. 那场火并未波及这些名画. What he did was perfectly legal the police can´t touch (ie arrest) him for it. 他做的事完全合法, 警方不能碰他.4 [Tn] (usu in negative sentences 通常用於否定句) eat or drink even a little of (sth) 仅吃或喝少量(某物) You´ve hardly touched your steak. 这块牛排你没怎麽动啊. 5 [Tn, Tn.pr] (a) ~ sb/sth (with sth) make (sb/sb´s feelings) sympathetic or sad 感动(某人); 触动(某人[某人的感情]); 使(某人)怜悯或悲哀 Her tragic story touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow. 她的经历很悲惨, 我们都深受感动[我们都很伤心]. He never seems to have been touched with the slightest remorse for his crimes. 他似乎从来没有丝毫悔罪之意. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (on sth) cause (sb/sb´s feelings) to be hurt or offended 伤害(某人[某人的感情]); 触犯(某人) Her sarcasm touched his self-esteem. 她讥讽的言语伤了他的自尊心. You´ve touched me on a tender spot, ie mentioned sth I find painful or unpleasant. 你触到了我的痛处(提及使我痛苦或不快的事). 6 [Tn] (usu in negative sentences 通常用於否定句) be associated or connected with (sth) 与(某事)有联系或有关系 Your objections do not touch the point at issue. 你提的反对意见与问题的实质无关. I wouldn´t touch anything illegal. 我与违法的事沾不上边儿. Shenever touches (ie drinks) alcohol. 她向来滴酒不沾. 7 [Tn](usu in negative sentences 通常用於否定句) equal (sb/sth) in excellence; rival 与(某人[某事物])媲美或匹敌; 抵得上 No one can touch him (ie He is the best) as a comedian/in comedy. 他这个喜剧演员[演喜剧]没人能比得上. There´s nothing to touch mountain air for giving you an appetite. 再也没有比山间清新的空气更能促进食欲的了. 8 [Tn] reach (a certain level, etc) 达到(某一水平等) The speedometer was touching 120 mph. 速度计显示时速达120英里. After touching 143, the price (ie of shares on the stock-market) fell back to 108 by the close of trading. 股票价格攀上143点後, 收市时回落到108点. touch the depths of despair 达到绝望的深渊.9 (idm 习语) hit/touch a nerve => nerve. not touch sb/sth with a `barge-pole (Brit infml 口) not wish to have or be associated with sb/sth 但愿从未或决不与某人[某事物]有任何关系 I don´t know why she´s marrying that appalling man; I wouldn´t touch him with a barge-pole. 我不明白她为什麽要嫁给那个糟糕透顶的人, 我连理都不愿意理他. touch `bottom (a) reach and touch the ground at the bottom of a body of water 触到水底 The ship has touched bottom the estuary must be shallower than we thought. 船搁浅了--这河口的水比我们想像的要浅. (b) (fig 比喻) reach the worst possible state or condition 达到最坏的境况 When he was forced to beg from his friends he felt he had touched bottom and could sink no lower. 等到他被迫向朋友乞讨时, 他觉得自己的境况已糟到无以复加的地步了. touch sb on the `raw hurt sb´s feelings by mentioning sth about which he is sensitive 触某人的痛处(提及某人敏感的事而伤害某人的感情); 揭某人的疮疤. touch the right `chord appeal cleverly to sb´s feelings 巧妙地触动某人的感情. touch `wood (catchphrase 警语)(expression used, often while touching sth made of wood,in the superstitious or humorous hope of avoiding bad luck 迷信的或诙谐的避邪用语, 常边说此语边触木制物品) I´ve been driving for 20 years and never had an accident touch wood! 我开车开了20年从来没出过车祸--摸摸木头避邪! 10 (phr v) touch at sth (no passive 不用於被动语态) (of a ship) stop for a period at (a place); call at sth (指船)在(某地)停一段时间, 停於某处 Our ship touched at Naples. 我们的船曾在那不勒斯停靠. touch down (a) (of an aircraft) land (指飞行器)著陆, 接地. (b) (in Rugby) score a try by putting the ball on the ground behind the other team´s goal line (英式橄榄球)底线得分, 触地球(在对方球门线後以球触地). touch sb for sth (sl 俚) get sb to give one money (as a loan or by begging) 让某人给些钱(或借或讨) Hetried to touch me for a fiver. 他想让我给他五英镑. touchsth off (a) cause sth to explode or catch fire 使某物爆炸或著火. (b) (fig 比喻) cause sth to start 触发或引起某事 His arrest touched off a riot. 他被捕後引起了骚乱. touch on/upon sth mention or deal with (a subject) briefly 提及或涉及(某问题) The matter was hardly touched on. 那件事几乎没涉及到. touch sb up (sl 俚) touch sb in a sexually improper or suggestive way (猥亵地或为挑逗性欲)触摸某人. touch sth up improve sth by making small changes 稍作修改以改进某事物 I´m going to touch up those scratches with a bit of paint. 我要用点儿颜料修补那些划痕. touch n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] act or fact of touching 触; 接触 I felt a touch on my arm. 我觉得有人摸了我胳膊一下. A bubble will burst at the slightest touch. 气泡稍微一碰就破. He managed to get a touch to the ball. 他尽力触到了球. 2 [U] faculty of perceiving things or their qualities by touching them 触觉 Blind people rely a lot on touch. 盲人在很大程度上依靠触觉. a highly developed sense of touch 高度发达的触觉.3 [sing] way sth feels when touched 触摸时的感觉 soft to the touch 摸起来很柔软 The material has a warm, velvety touch. 这料子摸著如天鹅绒般温暖柔软. the cold touch of marble 触摸大理石的冰冷感觉. 4 [C] small detail (细节中)微小之处 put the finishing touches to a piece of work 给一个作品作最後加工 humorous touches 幽默的细微之处 That was a clever touch. 那是巧妙的装点. 5 [sing] a ~ (of sth) slight quantity; trace 少许; 微量 This dish needs a touch more garlic. 这菜里要再加点儿蒜. `Do you take sugar?´ `Just a touch.´ `你要糖吗?'`只要一点儿.' There´s a touch of frost in the air. 空气中略有寒意. I´ve got a touch of flu. 我有点儿感冒. have a touch of the sun, ie slight sunstroke 轻微中暑. 6 [sing] manner or style of workmanship,performance, etc (技艺、 表演等的)手法, 风格 the touchof a master, ie expert style, eg in painting 大师风范(如绘画中的) play the piano with a light, heavy, firm, delicate,etc touch 以轻快的、 有力的、 稳健的、 灵巧的...指法弹钢琴 His work lacks that professional touch. 他的作品缺乏专业技巧. 7 [sing] person´s special skill 个人的特殊能力; 技能 I can´t do the crossword today I must be losing my touch. 我今天填不出这纵横字谜了--一定是本事不济了. Has he regained his old touch? 他恢复以前的能力了吗? another adventure film with that inimitable Steven Spielberg touch 具有独树一帜的史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格技巧的另一部冒险影片. 8 [U] (in football and Rugby) part of the pitch outside the sidelines (足球及英式橄榄球)边线以外区域 The ball is out of/in touch. 球已出[在]边线外区域. kick the ball into touch 把球踢出边线外. 9 (idm 习语) at a `touch if touched, however lightly 一触即 The machine stops and starts at a touch. 这机器一触即可停止或开动. the common touch => common1. an easy/a soft `touch (sl 俚) person who readily gives or lends money if asked (一经要求)愿意给人钱或借给人钱的人. in/out of `touch (with sb) in/not in communication 有[无]联系 Let´s keep in touch. 咱们保持联系. Do get in touch soon, eg by phone. 一定要尽早联系(如打电话). Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area. 我们总公司可安排您与当地分公司取得联系. I´ll be in touch again towards the end of the week. 我到周末时再联系. We´ve been out of touch with Roger for years now. 我们至今已有数年未与罗杰来往了. in/out of touch with sth having/not having information about sth 了解[不了解]某事的信息 I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers. 我经常读报来尽量了解时事. lose touch => lose. a touch (with an adj or adv 与形容词或副词连用) slightly 少许 It´s a touch colder today. 今天有点儿冷. She hit the ball a touch too hard. 她击球的力量大了点儿. |
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