

单词 recoil
释义 recoil v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (from sb/sth); ~ (at sth) (a) draw oneself back in fear, disgust, etc (因恐惧、 厌恶等)畏缩, 退缩     She recoiled from the gunman in terror. 她面对持枪歹徒吓得直往後缩.     He recoiled at the sight of the corpse. 他见到尸体厌恶得止步不前. (b) (fig 比喻) withdraw mentally 畏怯     recoil from murder, violence, etc 畏惧凶杀、 暴力等. 2 [I] (a) (of guns) jerk back when fired (指枪炮)反冲, 产生後座力. (b) (of springs) move or jump back suddenly after impact (指弹簧)弹回. 3 (phr v) recoil on sb (of harmful actions) return to hurt the person who does them (指有害行动)还治其人之身; 报应. recoil n [U, sing] sudden backward movement, esp of a gun when fired 反冲(力); (尤指枪炮的)後座(力).




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