

单词 record
释义 record n 1 [C] ~ (of sth) permanent account, esp in writing, of facts, events, etc (对事实、 事件等的)记录; (尤指)记载     a record of school attendances, road accidents 学生出席、 交通事故记录     records of births, marriages and deaths 出生、 婚姻和死亡记录     public, parish, medical, etc records 公共事务、 教区事务、 医疗等记录     make/keep a record of one´s expenses 记自己开支的帐. 2 [sing] ~ (for sth) facts, events, etc known (but not always written down) about the past of sb/sth (已知的有关某人[某事物]过去的)事实、 事件等(不一定有文字记载); 功过; 经历; 履历     He had a good `war record, eg fought bravely. 他有良好的作战经历(如作战勇敢).     have a (previous) criminal `record, ie have already been convicted for a crime or crimes 有前科     The airline has a bad safety record, ie Its aircraft often crash. 这家航空公司安全情况历来不好(班机常失事).     The school has a poor record for examination passes, ie Many of its pupils fail. 这所学校考试成绩历来欠佳(许多学生不及格). 3 [C] (also `gramophone record, disc) ~ (of sb/sth) thin circular piece of plastic on which sound has been recorded 唱片     a pop, jazz, hit record 通俗歌曲、 爵士音乐、 流行歌曲唱片     the band´s latest record 该乐队最新录制的唱片     put on/play some records 放一些唱片     [attrib 作定语] a record sleeve, album, library 唱片的封套、 唱片集、 唱片库. 4 [C] best performance or highest or lowest level ever reached, esp in sport 最好的成绩, (最高的或最低的)水平, 记录(尤指体育运动)     beat/break (ie surpass) a record 打破一项记录     an Olympic, world, all-time record 奥林匹克运动会、 世界、 空前的记录     She holds the world record in/for the 100 metres. 她保持著100米世界记录.     [attrib 作定语] a record performance, score, time 刷新记录的表现、 得分、 时间     record profits, sales, crops 创记录的利润、 销售额、 收成. 5 [C] (computing 计) set of related data forming a unit in a computer file 记录(计算机文件中形成一个单元的一组相关的数据). 6 (idm 习语) (just) for the `recordso that it should be noted; for the sake of accuracy (仅)供记录在案; 为准确起见     Just for the record, the minister´s statement is wrong on two points. 必须明确指出, 部长的言论有两点是错误的. ,off the `record (infml 口) (of statements, opinions, etc) not for publication or not to be officially noted (指说法、 意见等)不得发表的, 不可正式记录的     The Prime Minister admitted, (strictly) off the record, that the talks had failed. 首相承认会谈失败, 此消息(绝)不可发表. on `record (a) (of facts, events, etc) noted or recorded, esp officially (指事实、 事件等)记载下来的; (尤指)正式记录的     Last summer was the wettest on record for 50 years. 刚过去的这个夏季是50年来记录中雨水最多的. (b)(of statements, opinions, etc) publicly known or officiallynoted (指说法、 意见等)公开发表的, 正式记录的     be/go on record as saying that the law should be changed 公开说该法规应予更改     put one´s views, objections, etc on record, ie publish or broadcast them 公开发表自己的观点、 反对意见等. put/set the `record straight give a correct account of facts, events, etc; put right a misunderstanding (对事实、 事件等)作正确的陈述, 纠正误解     To set the record straight, I must say now that I never supported the idea. 我必须在此表明, 我从未支持过那种意见. record v 1 (a) [Tn, Tf, Tw] write down (facts or events) for later use or reference 将(事实或事件)记录下来以备他日使用或参考; 记录; 记载     record progress, developments, etc 记载进展、 发展等情况     record the minutes/proceedings of a meeting 做会议记录[记录会议事项]     The papers record that inflation has dropped. 报纸刊载通货膨胀已下降.     Historians record how Rome fell. 历史学家记载了罗马帝国衰亡的经过. (b) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tng] ~ (sth) (from sth) (on sth) preserve (sound or images) on a disc or magnetic tape for later reproduction 将(声音或图像)保存在磁盘或磁带上以便重放; 录(音); 录(像)     To record, press both buttons. 录音时须按双钮.     My voice records quite well. 我的声音录下来很好听.     record music from the radio 录下无线电广播中的音乐     record a speech, piece of music, TV programme (on tape/video) (在磁带[录像带]上)录演讲、 乐曲、 电视节目     a recorded (ie not live) programme, concert, interview, etc 录制的节目、 音乐会、 访问记等(非现场直播的)     record sb playing the guitar 为某人的吉他演奏录音. 2 [Tn] (of measuring instruments) mark or indicate (sth); register (指测量仪器)标明或显示(某事物); 自动记下     The thermometer recorded 40C. 温度计上显示出40C.




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