

单词 blow
释义 blow v (pt blew, pp blown or, in sense 12 用於下述第12义时作. blow n 1 act of blowing 吹: give one´s nose a good blow, ie clear it thoroughly 把鼻子好好地擤一擤. 2 (idm 习语) go for/have a `blow go for a short walk in the fresh air 到空气新鲜的地方去散步. blow n 1 hard stroke (given with the fist, a weapon, etc) (用拳头、武器等的)重击     He received a severe blow on/to the head. 他头部受到重重的一击. 2 ~ (to sb/sth) sudden shock, set-back or disaster (for sb/sth) (对某人[某事物]而言)突然的打击、挫折或灾祸     a blow to one´s pride 对自尊心的重大打击     His wife´s death was a great blow (to him). 他妻子去世(对他)是一大打击. 3 (idm 习语) at one `blow; at a (single) `blow with one stroke or effort 一击; 一下子; 一举     He felled his three attackers at a single blow. 他一下子撩倒了三个袭击他的人. a ,blow-by-`blow account,description, etc (of sth) account giving all the details (of an event) as they occur (对某事的)详尽的报道     He gave us a blow-by-blow account of the evening´s events. 他给我们详细叙述了晚间的赛事. come to `blows (over sth) start fighting (because of sth) (为某事)打起来     We almost came to blows over what colour our new carpet should be. 我们为了用甚麽颜色的新地毯险些打了起来. deal sb/sth a blow => deal3. get a `blow/`punch in succeed in hitting sb 打中某人. strike a blow for/against sth => strike2.




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