

单词 odd
释义 odd adj (-er, -est) 1 strange; unusual; peculiar 奇怪的; 不寻常的; 古怪的     What an odd man! 多古怪的男人哪!     How odd! 多奇怪呀! * She wears rather odd clothes. 她穿的衣服很怪.     She gets odder as she grows older. 她越老越古怪. 2 (no comparative or superlative 无比较级或最高级) (of numbers) that cannot be divided by two; not even (指数目)奇数的     1, 3, 5 and 7 are odd numbers. 1、 3、 5、 7是奇数. 3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (no comparative or superlative 无比较级或最高级) (a) of one of a pair, set, series, etc when the other(s) is/are missing 单的(指一双、 一套、 一组...中的单个)     an odd shoe/sock/glove 单只的鞋[袜子/手套]     two odd volumes of an encyclopedia 百科全书中的两个单本     You´re wearing odd socks, ie two that do not form a pair. 你穿的两只袜子不是一双. (b) left over; extra; surplus 剩余的; 多余的; 多出的     She made a cushion out of odd bits of material. 她用碎布头做了个靠垫. 4 (no comparative or superlative; usu placed directly after a number 无比较级或最高级, 通常直接置於数字之後) a little more than 稍多於     five hundred odd, ie slightly more than 500 五百多     thirty-odd (ie between 30 and 40) years later 三十多年後     twelve pounds odd, ie 12 and some pence extra 十二英镑多. 5 [attrib 作定语] (no comparative or superlative 无比较级或最高级) not regular or fixed; occasional 不规则的; 非固定的; 临时的     weed the garden at odd times/moments, ie at various irregular moments 用零星时间给花园除草     I take the odd bit of exercise, but nothing regular. 我偶尔稍微锻炼一下, 但无规律.     The landscape was bare except for the odd cactus. 那片地上除了偶见的仙人掌以外, 什麽都没有.     Do you have an odd minute (ie a little spare time) to help me with this? 你有空儿帮我做这件事吗? 6 (idm 习语) an odd/a queer fish => fish1. the/an odd man/one `out (a) person or thing left over when the others have been put into pairs or groups 配对或分组时多出的人或物     There´s always an odd one out when I sort out my socks. 我给袜子配对时, 总是有单只的剩下.     That boy is always the odd man out when the children are divided into teams. 孩子分组时, 那男孩总是单个儿. (b) person or thing that is different from the others 与众不同的人或物     Banana, grape, apple, daisy which of these is the odd one out? 香蕉、 葡萄、 苹果、 雏菊--这几样东西哪一样与众不同? (c) (infml 口) person who cannot fit easily into the society, community, etc of which he is a member 与集体不融洽的人; 不合群者     At school she always felt the odd one out. 她上学时总觉得和大家格格不入.     His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club. 他衣冠楚楚, 在俱乐部中如鹤立鸡群.




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