

单词 octave
释义 octave n 1 (music 音) (a) note that is six whole tones above or below a given note 第八音. (b) space between two such notes 八度     These notes are an octave apart. 这些音相距八度. (c) note and its octave played together 八度和音     The child´s hands are too small to stretch to an octave on the piano. 这孩子的手太小, 按不到钢琴上八度和音的键. (d) note and its octave with the six notes in between 八度音程(包括两个八度音之间的六个音). Cf 参看 scale2 6. 2 (also octet) (in poetry) first eight lines of a sonnet; verse of eight lines (诗)十四行诗的前八行, 八行诗.




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