

单词 sage
释义 sage n (fml 文) very wise man 圣人; 贤哲; 智者     consult the sages of the tribe 向部落的智者求教. sage, adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (fml often ironic 文, 常作反语) wise or wise-looking 贤明的; 貌似聪明的     a sage judge, priest, ruler, etc 贤明的法官、 牧师、 统治者等     in the sage opinion of experienced journalists 根据有经验记者的高见. sage n [U] herb with fragrant greyish-green leaves used to flavour food 鼠尾草(叶色灰绿, 用於调味)     sage and onion stuffing, ie used to stuff a goose, duck, etc 鼠尾草和洋葱填料(用作烹调鹅、 鸭等者).




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