

单词 mull
释义 mull v[Tn] make (wine, beer, etc) into a hot drink with sugar, spices, etc 将(葡萄酒、 啤酒等)制成热饮(加糖、 香料等)     mulled claret 热的红葡萄酒. mull n (Scot 苏格兰) (esp in place-names) long piece of land sticking out into the sea (尤用於地名 中)岬, 海角     the Mull of Kintyre 金泰尔角. mull v (phr v) mull sth over think about or consider sth long and carefully 思索或思考某事物     I haven´t decided yet; I´m mulling it over in my mind. 我还没有决定, 一直在仔细考虑.




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