

单词 hoot
释义 hoot n 1 cry of an owl 猫头鹰的叫声. 2 sound made by a vehicle´s horn, factory siren, etc 车辆的喇叭、 工厂汽笛等的鸣响声. 3 shout expressing disapproval or scorn 表示反对或轻蔑的喊叫声     His suggestion was greeted with hoots of laughter. 他的建议引起了阵阵嗤笑. 4 (infml 口) (a) loud laugh of delight and amusement 哈哈大笑. (b) thing that causes this 令人捧腹的事物: What a hoot! 真可笑!     She looked an absolute hoot! 她看起来十分可笑! 5 (idm 习语) not care/give a hoot/two hoots (infml 口) not care at all 毫不在乎. hoot, v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sb/sth) make a hoot or hoots (猫头鹰)鸣叫; (车辆的喇叭、 工厂汽笛等)鸣响; 嘘叫     the eery sound of an owl hooting 猫头鹰那怪异恐怖的叫声     The driver hooted at the sheep in the road. 那司机按汽车喇叭把道路上的羊轰走.     The crowd was hooting and jeering at the speaker. 人群发出嘘叫声嘲笑那个演说者.     He hooted with laughter. 他哈哈大笑. 2 [Tn] make scornful hoots at (sb); greet with jeers 向(某人)发出轻蔑的喝叫声     hoot a bad actor 向蹩脚演员叫倒好. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (at sb/sth) sound (a horn) 鸣(喇叭)     The driver hooted his horn (at us). 司机(冲著我们)鸣喇叭. 4 (phr v) hoot sth/sb down/off; hoot sb off sth reject sth or drive sb away (from a place) by jeering 以讥笑声拒绝某事物; 以嘘叫声把某人(从某处)轰走     The proposal was hooted down. 人们嘘叫著拒绝了这项建议.     hoot a speaker off (a platform) 把一个发言人轰下(台hooves pl of hoof.)去. hooter n 1 (esp Brit) siren or steam whistle, esp as a signal for work to start or stop at a factory, etc 汽笛; (尤指工厂等发出上下班信号的)汽笛. 2 (dated 旧 esp Brit) car horn 汽车喇叭. 3 (Brit sl 俚) nose 鼻子.




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