

单词 hoop
释义 hoop n 1 circular band of wood, metal, etc (木头、 金属等做的)箍, 圈, 环     a barrel bound with iron hoops 加有铁箍的桶. 2 large ring used at a circus for riders or animals to jump through (马戏团中供骑手或动物穿越的)大圈. 3 large (usu wooden) ring used (esp formerly) as a child´s toy (尤指旧时)儿童游戏用的大环子(通常为木质的). 4 (in croquet) small iron arch fixed in the ground, through which balls are hit (槌球戏中的)铁拱门. 5 (idm 习语) put sb/go through the `hoops make sb/be made to endure a test or an ordeal 使某人经受考验或磨链. hoop, v [Tn] bind or encircle (a barrel, etc) with hoops 用箍箍(桶等).




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