单词 | fseg | ||||||||
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FSEG的专业知识和建模工具被广泛应用于世界各地的火灾安全、安全和行人动力学的问题研究,FORUM8因为可以与FSEG共同活动而感到骄傲。 forum8.co.jp | FSEG expertise and modeling tools are used all over the world to help solve fire safety, security and pedestrian dynamics problems and Forum8 is honored to be collaborating with FSEG. forum8.co.jp |
2002年在Queen's Anniversary Prize获奖,RAE2008中作为英国一流的研究小组被排名的FSEG是位于英国最大大学的火灾/避难建模研究组织。 forum8.co.jp | The Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG), winner of the Queen's Anniversary Prize 2002 and ranked one of the top research groups in the UK by RAE2008, is the UK's largest University based fire/evacuation modeling research team. forum8.co.jp |
开篇介绍了格林威治大学的概要及FSEG的设立经纬・组织・主要研究对象等。其中,提到了FSEG通过20年研究开发的计算火灾工学和以其为基础的应用程序工具。 forum8.co.jp | First of all, Prof. Galea showed an overview of the University of Greenwich and the story behind the establishment ofFSEG,its organization and main research subjects etc. Then he mentioned computational fire engineering that FSEGhas been developing through its research for 20 years, and the application tools based on it. forum8.co.jp |
英国格林威治大学计算数理科学部火灾安全工学小组(FSEG)EdGalea教授的演讲以「计算火灾工学」为题,尤其将焦点聚焦在「火灾和避难的计算机模拟」。 forum8.co.jp | Professor Edwin R Galea, Director of Fire Safety [...] Engineering Group(FSEG),School of Computing [...]& Mathematical Sciences, the University [...]of Greenwich, UK gave a special lecture entitled"Computational Fire Engineering: The computer simulation of fire and evacuation". forum8.co.jp |