释义 |
Examples:Indo-European (language)—Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia—European center for nuclear research CERN, at Geneva—countable noun (in grammar of European languages)—central European country mostly within the modern Czech republic—Airbus (European corporation)—Paracelsius (Auroleus Phillipus Theostratus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541), Swiss alchemist and prominent early European scientist—Great European Scholar (honorific title of Matteo Ricci)—Voronezh, city in the southwest of European Russia—Bohemia, European country (in current Czechia and Slovakia)—Mentos, a brand of candy produced by European company Perfetti Van Melle—Gypsy (European ethnic group)—European common market (old term for EU, European Union)—uncountable noun (in grammar of European languages)—Saracen Empire (medieval European name for Arab empire)—European imported turbot—Tokharians, historic Indo-European people of central Asia—Necessity is the mother of invention (European proverb).—radical of a compound word (in European language)—clause (in European grammar)—Sakharov prize for freedom of thought, awarded by European parliament annually since 1988—Xu Beihong (1895-1953), famous European trained painter and influential art teacher—Common Gromwell or European stoneseed (Lithospermum officinale)— |