通过电压互感 器U10(端子 +HT 和 -HT )同时进行必要的电压测量。 highvolt.de | The simultaneously necessary voltage measurement occurs via the U10 voltage transformer (on the +HT and –HT terminals). highvolt.de |
订购 配件包 15U933以修理单个分配阀。 gww.graco.com | Order Kit 15U933 to repair a single dispense valve. gww.graco.com |
( u)草案第46条修订第374B章第45条,废除现时对署长拒绝发 出驾驶执照或驾驶教师执照或拒绝将其续期,或将其取消 的决定,可以呈请形式向行政长官会同行政会议提出上诉 的权利,代以要求由交通审裁处覆核该等决定的权利。 legco.gov.hk | (u) Clause 46 amends regulation 45 of Cap. 374B by repealing the existing right of appeal by petition to the Chief Executive in Council against the Commissioner’s decision to refuse to issue, renew or cancel a driving licence or driving instructor’s licence and substituting a right of review of such decisions by a Transport Tribunal. legco.gov.hk |
对于带有其它端接 的U系列阀 、要 指 定 用 特 殊 清 洁 和 包 装 来 处 理时、在阀订购号上添加 -SC11。 swagelok.com | To order special cleaning and packaging for U series valves with other end connections, add -SC11 to the valve ordering number. swagelok.com |
根据人与生物圈计划 理事会 2000 年批准的《关于跨界生物圈保留地的建立与运作的建议》,在秘书处的支持 下,贝宁、布基纳法索和尼日尔建立了非洲的首个跨界生物圈保留地 (W生物圈保留地)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With the support of the Secretariat, the first Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (TBR) in Africa was established by Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger (the “W” Biosphere Reserve) following the recommendations for the establishment and functioning of TBR approved by the MAB Council in 2000. unesdoc.unesco.org |
食物搀杂(人造糖)规例》(第 132章,附属法 例U)(下称“该条 例 ”)根据《公众 生及巿政条例》(第 132章 )(下称“主体条例”)第 55(1A) 条订立,以限制售卖、托付、交付或输入任何人造糖以供人食用或任 何含有人造糖并拟供人食用的食物,但该规则附表内所指明者则除 外。 legco.gov.hk | The Food Adulteration (Artificial Sweeteners) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg. U) ("the Regulations ")are made under section 55(1A) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) ("the Principal Ordinance") to restrict the sale, consignment, delivery or importation of any artificial sweetener for human consumption or any food intended for human consumption containing any artificial sweetener except those specified in the Schedule to the Regulations. legco.gov.hk |
( w)会议在批准请求时还注意到,如果厄立特里亚在常设委员会会议和缔 约国会议上提供最新资料,说明其就明确余下任务和制定详细计划取得的进展, 则厄立特里亚和所有缔约国都将获益。 daccess-ods.un.org | (w) Also in granting the request, the Meeting noted that both Eritrea and all States Parties could benefit if Eritrea provided updates on progress made in obtaining clarity regarding the remaining challenge and in producing a detailed plan at meetings of the Standing Committees and at Meetings of the States Parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
几个新的保护区表明重视生态系统的方法正在发挥作用(意大利的提契诺河), 该概念已经用于沿海地区(如多米尼加共和国的雅拉瓜 - 巴奥鲁科山 - 恩里基约湖)和小岛 屿(大韩民国的济州岛,俄罗斯联邦的科曼多尔群岛),并用来管理跨边界保护区(如贝 宁、布基纳法索和尼日尔的 “W”地区,它是非洲首个跨边界保留地)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several new sites demonstrate the ecosystem approach in action (Ticino, Italy), the application of the concept in coastal areas (e.g. Jaragua-Bahoruca-Enriquillo, Dominican Republic) and in small islands (e.g. Jeju Island, Republic of Korea; Commander Islands, Russian Federation) and to manage transborder sites (e.g. the “W” Region Beni, Burkina Faso and Niger, the first in Africa of this type). unesdoc.unesco.org |
尺 寸(w、h):如果您选择文档:自动检测和拉直或文档:手动选择, [...]这是电子影像的宽度和高度。 graphics.kodak.com | Size (w, h): if youselect [...]Document: Automatically Detect and Straighten or Document: Manually Select, this is the width [...]and height of the electronic image. graphics.kodak.com |
该网站使用了联合国主页的新品牌,并且根据万维 网集 团(W3集团)《网页内容无障碍导则》和《联合 国网站无障碍导则》让残疾人毫无障碍地访问。 daccess-ods.un.org | It used the new branding of the United Nations home page and had been made fully accessible to persons with disabilities, in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Accessibility Guidelines for United Nations Websites. daccess-ods.un.org |
统的影响”、“毒理机制和方法”(2008 年);“产后甲醛暴露对老鼠海马状突起和 [...] 大脑半球的锥体细胞数量、细胞层体积的影响:一个体视学研究”(2007 年);“褪 [...] 黑激素可防止甲醛诱导的老鼠前额皮层神经毒害:免疫组织化学和生物化学研 究”(2007 年);“咖啡酸苯乙酯对防止老鼠因吸入香烟烟雾造成肝损伤的保护作 用”(2007 年); “W-3必需脂肪酸对防止甲醛诱导老鼠前额皮层神经元损伤的保 护作用”(2007 年); “W-3脂肪酸在老鼠脑缺血再灌注模型中的保护作用”(2007 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2008); “Effects of post-natal formaldehyde exposure on pyramidal cell number, volume of cell layer in hippocampus and hemisphere in the rat: a stereological study” (2007); “Melatonin prevents formaldehyde-induced neurotoxicity in prefrontal cortex of rats: an immunohistochemical and biochemical study” (2007); “The protective effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against liver damage induced by cigarette smoke inhalation in [...] rats” (2007); [...] “Protective effects of W-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats” (2007); “Protective effe cts of W-3fatty acids [...]in a rat focal cerebral [...]ischaemia-reperfusion model” (2007). daccess-ods.un.org |
( w)加快在应对土着人民面临的粮食安全挑战方面的进展速度,在这方面采 取特别行动,消除导致土着人民饥饿和营养不良现象异常严重的根源。 daccess-ods.un.org | (w) Accelerating progress on the challenges faced by indigenous peoples in the context of food security, and in this regard taking special actions to combat the root causes of the disproportionately high level of hunger and malnutrition among indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些限流器都包含在喷射配件包 15U955中。 gww.graco.com | These restrictors [...] are inclu ded in Injection Kit 15U955. gww.graco.com |
在E.N.A .P.,U.N.A.M.金属雕塑工作坊、建构摄影、图像中心和墨西哥城艺术家独立中心木刻工作坊学习。 shanghaibiennale.org | Studied in Metal Sculpture Workshop, E.N.A.P., U.N.A.M., Constructed Photography, Centro de la imagen, and Wood carving workshop, Centro Artesanal Independencia, Mexico City, Mexico. shanghaibiennale.org |
灭火器配置场所或计算单元的最小需配灭火级别应按下式计算:A或B,S灭火器配置场所或计算单元的保护面积, m2;U--A类火灾或B类火灾的灭火器配置场所相应危险等级的灭火器配置基准,m2A 或m2/B; K --修正系数:无室内消火栓系统和灭火系统或仅设有室外消火栓系统的配置场所K=1.0;设有室内消 火栓系统的配置场所,K=0.9;设有灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.7;同时设有室内消火栓系统和灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.5 可燃物露天堆垛,甲、乙、丙类液体贮罐,可燃气体贮罐,地下建筑工程(含人民防空工程、地下铁道),古建筑,歌舞娱乐放映游艺和大型商场等灭火器配置场所,K=1.0。 jyxf.com | (1.) Fire extinguisher places or computing unit configured minimum level shall be calculated to be equipped with fire-fighting: A or B, S Extinguisher protected place or area calculation unit, m2; U - A Class B Class fire or fire Extinguisher fire extinguisher place the appropriate risk level configuration baseline, m2A or m2 / B; K - correction factor: no indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting systems, or only with outdoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces K = 1.0; with an indoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces, K = 0.9; with fire extinguishing system configuration spaces, K = 0.7; also has an indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting system configuration spaces, K = 0.5 fuel open-air stacking, A, B, C liquid storage tank , flammable gas storage tanks, underground construction (including the defense works, underground railway), ancient architecture, dance and Movies Entertainment and large shopping malls and other places extinguisher, K = 1.0. jyxf.com |
零维护缓存保护技术的基本理念是,检测出控 制卡发生断电,然后将板载控制卡缓存中的数 据复制到非易失性存储中 [...] - 这种情况下指的是 类似 于U盘和固态硬盘中所使用的某种NAND [...]闪存。 adaptec.com | The basic idea of ZMCP is to detect the loss of power to the adapter and then to copy the data in the on-board adapter cache to [...] nonvolatile location — in this case NAND flash memory of a type similar to that used in USB thumb [...] drives and s olid state disks. adaptec.com |
根据本公司收到之通知,本公司於最後可行日之主要股东仅 有U9,其直接持股为 27,847,026 股(占本 公司股权 15.88%),公司董事锺燕洲 对U9直接总持股数 27,847,026 股拥有权益。 hisaka.com.sg | Based on the notifications received by the Company, the only substantial shareholders of the Company as at the Latest Practicable Date are U9, which has a direct interest of 27,847,026 Shares [...] (equivalent to a 15.88% interest in the [...] Company), and our Director Cheng Ee Chew, which is deemed to have an interest in all of the 27,847,026 Sha res held directly by U9. hisaka.com.sg |
在 7 月 8 日第 12 次会议上,理事会听取了两位斯里兰卡代表——保健和营 养部长 H.A.P.Kahandaliyanage 和外交部长顾 问W.D.Lakshman 所作的自愿国家 陈述。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 12th meeting, on 8 July, the Council heard the voluntary national presentations by the representatives of Sri Lanka: H. A. P. Kahandaliyanage, Secretary, Ministry of Health Care and Nutrition, and W. D. Lakshman, Advis erto the Minister for Foreign Affairs. daccess-ods.un.org |
4 U、6U和 8U系列装有传统的波 纹管(系统压力作用于波纹管内侧); 12U和12UA 系列装有反向波纹 管(系统压力作用于波纹管外侧)。 swagelok.com | 4U, 6U, and 8U series contain conventional bellows (system pressure acts on inside of bellows); 12U and 12UA series contain inverted bellows (system pressure acts on outside of bellows). swagelok.com |
( w)加强汇出国和汇入国之间的合作,以降低汇款的交易费用,特别是为更 加便宜、快捷和安全的汇款进一步创造条件,惠益各国的发展努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | (w) Strengthening cooperation between originating and receiving countries to lower the transaction costs of remittances, especially promoting conditions for cheaper, faster and safer transfers of remittances, which can contribute to national efforts for development. daccess-ods.un.org |
用户提交用户内容,声明并保证 :(w)用户拥有不受限制的权利提交用户内容;(x) 名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容的任何人,以书面方式无条件许可其名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容中,并且以书面方式无条件授予参赛者提交用户内容的权利(如果主办方要求,用户应向主办方提交该许可和授予);(y)如果任何未成年人的名字、声音或形象出现在用户内容中,用户是未成年人的家长或法定监护人,或者用户得到该未成年人的家长或法定监护人的明确书面许可;以及(z) 用户内容没有违反任何第三方的所有权或其他权利。 japanphotocontest.cn | By submitting User Content, each user represents and warrants that: (w) he/she has the unrestricted right to submit the User Content; (x) any person whose name, voice or likeness appears in the User Content has unconditionally consented in writing to his/her appearance in such User Content and unconditionally granted the entrant in writing the right to submit the User Content (a copy of which consent and grant will be furnished to Sponsor upon Sponsor’s request); (y) he/she is (or has the express written permission of) the parent/legal guardian of any minor child whose name, voice or likeness appears in the User Content; and (z) the User Content does not infringe on any third party’s proprietary or other right. japanphotocontest.jp |
项目简介: Xiss web是一个网络相册Java生成工具用于将存储在本地文件中的图片批量生成基 于W3C标准,支持幻灯播放的网络相册。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Xiss web is a web album generation tool for Java will be stored in local files generated image volume based on W3C standards , to support slide show web album. javakaiyuan.com |
2003 年 12 月 5 日,在职的乔 治·W·布什总统任命了工作队的 16 名成员,同时修订了克林顿总统的行政命令,要求工作队每两年、而非每年就所 取得的进度提出报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 5 December 2003, then President George W. Bush named the 16 members of his Task Force, at the same time amending President Clinton’s executive order so that the Task Force was required to report on the progress made every two years instead of annually. daccess-ods.un.org |
从客户提供原样或潘通色卡打小样,经指定 AATCC GRETAGMACBETH 美标灯箱光源( [...] D65 、 TL84 、 CWF 、U3000 )确认后,做大货头缸对比标准样 [...]OK 后,后续大货缸差控制在 灯箱下 同一色系美标灰卡 4 级,或 [...]DATA COLOR CMC DE 值在同一象限 0.7 以内(出于后加工涂层、贴膜复合颜色变色考虑,目测最重要,电脑测色往往有盲区,判断方面不如人眼灵活),关键不能偏浅(不能超过 3% ),这样方便大货后加工成品缸差在可控范围内。 szfangzhi.com | Provide customers with the intact or the Pantone to play the sample, specified the AATCC GRETAGMACBETH [...] American standard light box light source (D65, [...] TL84, CWF , U3000) to confirm the cylinder [...]head of the bigger cargo contrast to [...]the standard kind of OK, subsequent cargo tank differential control gray cards of the same color American standard light box under 4, or DATA COLOR CMC DE values within the same quadrant 0.7 (for processing coating, film composite color color to consider, the most important visual, computer color tend to have blind spots, to judge not as good as the human eye is flexible), the key can not be lighter (not more than 3%), so convenient for large cargo processing finished cylinder in the controllable range. szfangzhi.com |
( u)本期及递延税项(续) 当有合法可强制执行之权利将本期税项资产抵销本期税项负债,及当递延所得税资产及负债涉及同一税务机构 对该应课税实体或不同应课税实体徵收之所得税,且无意以净额基准清算结余时,递延所得税资产及负债将予对 销。 wingtaiproperties.com | Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred income tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the taxable entity or different taxable entities where there is no intention to settle the balances on a net basis. wingtaiproperties.com |
( u)订立任何担保、弥偿合同或保证契约以担保、支持或保证(不论是否获得代价 或利益)任何人士履行任何责任并保证处理或将处理诚信事项的人士的忠诚 度。 coscopac.com.hk | (u) to enter into any guarantee, contract of indemnity or suretyship and to assure, support or secure with or without consideration or benefit the performance of any obligations of any person or persons and to guarantee the fidelity of individuals filling or about to fill situations of trust or confidence. coscopac.com.hk |
1 8 5 3 年 证 据 修 订 法( 亦 称 B rough a m 勋 爵 法 案 )接 纳 了 上 述 建 议 , 规 定 夫 妻 有 资 格 及 可 受 强 制 在 民 事 诉 讼 中 作 证 ; 该 法 例 第 3 条 规 定 : ‚ 丈 夫 不 可 受 强 制 透 露 妻 子 在 婚 後 向 他 所 作 的 任 何 通 讯 , 而 妻 子 亦 不 可 受 强 制 透 露 丈 夫 在 婚 後 向 她 所 作 的 任 何 通 讯 。 hkreform.gov.hk | made competent and compellable in civil proceedings, by the Evidence Amendment Act 1853 (also called Lord Brougham's Act); it was provided in s.3 that "No husband shall be compellable to disclose any communication made to him by his wife during the marriage, and no wife shall be compellable to disclose communication made to her by her husband during the marriage". hkreform.gov.hk |
正 如 A.W.Palmer 所 言 ﹐ 农 奴 [...]解 放 「 增 加 了 劳 动 力 的 流 动 性 ﹐ 促 使 经 济 的 转 变 ﹐ 使 工 业 家 得 以 在 新 建 的 工 厂 和 铁 路 中 雇 用 这 些 已 解 放 的 农 奴 。 hkahe.com | As A.W. Palmer states, the [...]Emancipation “helped change the economy by increasing the mobility of the labor and thereby enabling [...]the industrialists to use ex-serfs in the new factories and on the railways. hkahe.com |
它的特点包括:可设置自由或限制图片访问,角色/用户管理,多服务器支持,支持用户评论,采用HTML模板控制界面外观,多语言支持,一个RSS通知Feed,EXIF和IPTC元数据管理,多目录支持(每一张图片可以同时属于多个目录),所有Web页面都兼 容W3C规范。 javakaiyuan.com | Its features include : image can be set free or restricted access , role/user management , multi-server support, support for user comments , the appearance of the control interface using HTML templates , multi- language support , an RSS notification Feed, EXIF and IPTC metadata management , and more [...] directory support ( each picture can belong to multiple directories ), all Web pages [...] are compatiblewith W3Cspecifications . javakaiyuan.com |
(f) 最后,1994 年版 本(w)项现已成为 2011 年版本(v)项,同时作为对这方 面信息的补充,还要求列明可适用的停顿期期限,不适用任何停顿期的,关于 这方面及其理由的说明。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) Finally, the information listed in subparagraph (w) of the 1994 text, which has become subparagraph (v) of the 2011 text, has been supplemented by a requirement to include the duration of the applicable standstill period or, if none will apply, a statement to that effect and the reasons therefor. daccess-ods.un.org |