








(a person's) age

External sources (not reviewed)

编制应收账项的并加以密切监察 的目的,乃为管理与应收款项有关的信贷风险。
Aged analysesof debtors are prepared [...]
and closely monitored in order to manage credit risk associated with receivables.
根据独立专业估值师发出之估值报告,林木之公平值减估计销售点成本,乃按照市场厘定类似大 小、品种及资产之价格厘定。
In accordance with the valuation report issued by an independent professional valuer, the fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs of the
trees are determined by reference to the marketdetermined prices of biological assets with
[...] similar size,species andage.
(B) 董事不得仅因其达到特定要求离职或无资格再获选或 重新被委任,而任何人士亦不得只因达到特定资格获委任为董事。
(B) No Director shall be required to vacate office or be
ineligible for re-election or
[...] re-appointment as a Director, and no person shall be ineligible for appointment as a Director, by reason only of his having attained any particular age.
由於现时很多长者只领取,相信全民退休金计划可 以显着地长者的生活水平。
Given that most of the elders only receive OAAright now, OAP can help enhance the living standard of all elderly people substantially.
房屋署只设 1 个总工程师职位,实在不足以
[...] 复杂的公营房屋规划及发展工作带来的额外工作量,包括:高重建;工程可行性研究不断增加;积极参与公众谘询;基本工程储 [...]
备基金总目 711 项下的支援项目愈来愈多;更多基建改善工程及合约
管理工作;为符合新的环保及工程规定而进行的工程发展和标准研究 与日俱增;以及提升土地测量服务水平。
One CE post is grossly insufficient to cope with these duties together with the additional workload due to resumption of HOS as well as those arising from other housing initiatives and the increased complexity in public housing
planning and development works, such as the
[...] redevelopmentofaged estates;increasing [...]
number of engineering feasibility studies;
active participation in public consultations; increasing number of supporting projects under CWRF Head 711; more infrastructure improvement works and contract administration works; increasing number of engineering researches on development and standard to meet new environmental and engineering requirements; and enhancement of land surveying services.
However, the CSSA recipient
[...] (irrespectiveofage)should beexcluded [...]
for the purpose of calculating the number of household
members, income, rent and subsidy amount.
保 证 受 保 只 适 用 於 受 保
[...] 人 投 保 时 之 受 保籍 皆 符 合 本 计 [...]
划 之 要 求 , 并 且 该 名 受 保 人 之 全 期 总 保 费 ( 包 括 「 目 标 入 息 保 」 人 寿 保 险 计
划 及 / 或 「 智 选 入 息 保 」 人 寿 保 险 计 划 及 / 或 「 跃 进 入 息 保 」 人 寿 保 险 计 划 及 / 或 「 自 选 入 息 保 」 人 寿 保 险 计 划 及 / 或 「 增 长 入 息 保 」 人 寿 保 险 计 划 及 / 或 「 梦 • 赏 年 年 」 人 寿 保 险 计 划 及 / 或 「 悦 • 享 连 连 」 年 金 人 寿 保 险 计 划 之 保 费 总 和 )金 额 不 超 过 HK$30,000,000 (US$3,750,000) 之 人 寿 保 险 计 划。
Guaranteed acceptance is applicable to the Life Insured
[...] whose Insurance Ageand nationality [...]
accord with the requirements of the Plan,
and the Total Premium Amount (including Income-Select Life Insurance Plan and/or Income Step-up Life Insurance Plan and/or Smart Income Life Insurance Plan and/or Step-up Income Life Insurance Plan and/or Target Income Life Insurance Plan and/or RewardYou Life Insurance Plan and/or SavourLife Annuity Life Insurance Plan) per Life Insured not exceeding HK$30,000,000 / US$3,750,000.
尽管主要客户采用及更现代化之飞机,且本期内改装客机为货机之业 务机会减少,令平均工程量下降,但其港机工程及厦门太古飞机工程公司运作 之飞机机架维修及改装工程设施,在本期内仍保持高使用量。
The airframe maintenance and modification facilities operated by both HAECO and TAECO continued to be heavily utilised during the period, although with the younger fleets of more modern aircraft operated by their base customers, and with fewer opportunities during the period to convert passenger aircraft for cargo use, the extent of the average work package has dropped.
School-aged dependents of student [...]
visa holders can attend any school that meets relevant requirements for domestic registration.
(11) 作为酒店、汽车旅馆、旅馆、宿舍、公寓、餐厅、茶点和茶室、咖啡、牛 奶及小吃店、夜总会及所有类别之俱乐部拥有人及/或管理人、酒馆、 啤酒屋及宿舍管理人、持牌食品供应商、葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商人、啤酒 制造商、酿酒师、蒸馏酒商、充气、矿泉和人造水及其他饮料的进口商及 制造商,及在其各自分公司作为承办人及承包商,以及作为剧院、电影院 、歌舞厅、音乐厅、体育馆、桌球室、心及所有娱乐场所、电台 及电视台及播音室的拥有人及/或管理人经营业务。
(11) To carry on business as proprietors and/or managers of hotels, motels, inns, lodging houses, apartment houses, restaurants, refreshment and tea rooms, cafes and milk and snack bars, night-clubs and clubs of all kinds, tavern, beer-house and lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, malsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors in all their respective branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and all places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios.
[...] 薪总额的约15-19% (供款金额按调整),就两名执行董事而 [...]
言,供款上限为 278,400瑞士法郎。
Contributions are paid in CHF and
represented amounts equivalent to c.15–19%
[...] (contributions are age related)of gross [...]
annual salary up to CHF 278,400 for both Executive Directors.
世服宏图为支持世界癌症研究基金会和表达对社会的关怀,於2012 年 10 月 19 日在香港 黄埔雷霆一年一度的慈善
As part of Servcorp's ongoing commitment to World Cancer Research Fund, the "Servcorp Bowl Off" charity event took place in Hong Kong on the 19th October 2012 at Thunder Bowl, Kowloon.
(b) 由於乘客需 求不大及营办 商 控 制成本的需要,大 部 分 航班的 班 次 较疏(由 15 钟 至 20 分 钟 一
[...] 班11 ),并且 使用舒适度 及 速度较 低 和的船只。
(b) Because of the low passenger demand and the need to control cost, most ferry routes operate at a
relatively low frequency of 15 to 20 minutes11 , and
[...] older vessels that areless comfortable [...]
and of slower speed are deployed.
如果您以眷属签证的名义携带5 岁至 18 岁的子女前往澳洲,作为此类签证的条件之一,您必须送该子女入读全日制学校。
If you are bringing children aged between five and 18 years old with you to Australia under a dependent visa, as part of the condition of this visa, they will be required to attend school full-time.
(d) 「 调 解 先 导 计 划
」服 务 提 供 者 表 示,除 非 参 与 该 计 划 的 长 者 业 主 申 请 政 府 资 助 以 支 付 调 解 员 费 用,该 服 务 提 供 者 并
[...] 无 备 存 其 他 参 与 计 划 的 业 主 的记 录 。
(d) According to the service provider of the Pilot Mediation Scheme, unless the elderly owners participating in the Scheme apply for Government assistance for
payment of the mediator fees, the service provider does not
[...] keep record ofthe age profile of the participating owners.
超声波诊断专家 的所有机构与多普勒 (USDG)
[...] 向成人研究和现代的高科技机械.结果对所有童有准备的天抬头纸调查与图片的 [...]
10 * 15 厘米。
Ultrasound diagnostic Specialists study of all
bodies with Doppler (USDG) to adults and
[...] children of all ages on a modern high-tech [...]
machinery. results are ready on the
day of the survey on headed paper with pictures of 10 * 15 cm.
此外,「强化建造业人 力训練计划」亦於
2010 年 9 月举办首个课程,旨在为有严重人手老化、人 手短缺和招募学员有困难的工种培训工人;截至 2012 年 1 月,建造业议会(议 会 )已吸引了 935
[...] 名学员參加是项计划,当中约 60%的35 岁以下而且 很多都是新入行的。
In addition, since the implementation of the first course under the Enhanced Construction Manpower Training Scheme (ECMTS) in September 2010 targeting at training workers for trades with acute ageing, labour shortage and recruitment difficulties, the Construction Industry
Council (CIC) has attracted 935 trainees up to January 2012, and
[...] about 60% areaged below35 and [...]
many are new entrants.
(B) 任何董事概不会仅因已届任何某一退任董事职位或失去重选 或重获委任为董事的资格,且任何人士概不会仅因已届任何某一失去获委任为董事的资格。
(B) No Director shall be required to
vacate office or be ineligible for
[...] re-election or re-appointment as a Director, and no person shall be ineligible for appointment as a Director, by reason only of his having attained any particular age.
(甲) 提出的问题是中立的,并无暗示要将有关、降低或改变。
(a) The questions asked were neutral, and did not imply an increase, decrease,
[...] or, change in the relevantage.
在住宿的房子里索契春季收集几乎一切所需的休闲旅游客源市场: Aquapark 每 1000、舞厅、 电影院、 酒吧、 餐厅、 强壮的海岸线完整的海上娱乐正在自己的专业服务、 足球场、 高尔夫、 网球、 客人的酒店优秀早餐自助餐,会令人羡慕的任何世界 Spa,桌球室,自己的医疗预防基地所有食肆独特体育场馆健身房、 游泳池和其他浴缸,当然,按摩、 纪念品商店和旅游商品,在从索契的游客,因为他们知道有完全是最好的。
In the lodging house Spring in Sochi collected almost everything you need for leisure tourists: Aquapark per 1000, Bowling, a nightclub, Cinema, bars, restaurants, Well-groomed coastline full of entertainment at sea Are rolling your own professional service, football field, golf, tennis, restaurant for guests of hotel excellent breakfast buffet, which will be envied by any world Spa, billiard room, own medical-prophylactic baseUnique sports complex with gym, swimming pool and other baths, and, of course, massage, souvenir shops and tourist goods, in which tourists from Sochi, because they know that there's exactly is the best.
两个家庭(一个核心家庭和一个家庭)选择分别居於同一区议会地区的两个单位, 并以两份申请表提出申请。
The two families (one nuclear family and one elderly family) opt to live separately in two flats located in the same District Council district, and submit two separate application forms.
根 据 该 方 法,当 任 何 未 经 确 认 之 累 积 精 算损益超出界定利益责任之现值与该计划内资产之公平值之较大 者之10%,则有关之超出部分按参与该计划员工之预期平均余下益 表 中 确 认。
Under this method, to the extent that any cumulative unrecognised actuarial gain or loss exceeds 10% of the greater of the present value of the defined benefit obligation and the fair value of plan assets, that excess is recognised in income over the expected average remaining working lives of the employees participating in the plan.
个人或全家作出承诺,每季尝试一项新活动:雪地健行、远 足、冰壶、单车、露营、溜冰、滑雪、游泳、滚轴 溜冰。
Make a personal or family commitment to try a new activity each season: snowshoe, hike, curl, bike, bowl, camp, skate, ski, swim, in-line skate.
在疏忽法中,问题是法庭是否认为在某一件案中,该儿童在那个 情况应合理地预知会造成损失而且合理地这样做,并顾及他的验。
In negligence the question is whether the court will hold in a particular case that the particular child in that case
ought reasonably to have foreseen the likelihood of damage and acted reasonably,
[...] having regard to his ageand experience.
[...] 你应考虑下列各项因素:你的个人目标及退休计划, 你的离退休的年期,你的投资目标及你可 [...]
There are certain factors you need to take into account when deciding on the appropriate
level of risk: your personal goals and
[...] retirement plan, yourage andnumberof years [...]
to retirement, your investment objectives
and the level of risk with which you feel most comfortable.
所有提供联邦医 疗保险优良计划(如本计划)的组织,必须遵守反歧视的联邦法律,包括 1964 年《民权法》第
[...] 6 篇、1973 年《康复法案》、1975 年《法》、《美国残障人士法》,以及其他所有取得联邦资助之组织所适用 [...]
All organizations that provide Medicare Advantage Plans, like our plan, must obey Federal laws against discrimination, including Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, the
[...] Rehabilitation Actof 1973, theAge Discrimination Act [...]
of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities
Act, all other laws that apply to organizations that get Federal funding, and any other laws and rules that apply for any other reason.
A school magazine has been created and is the only one in the region. There are « Homeschools » too: young girls who weren't allowed to go to school during the Talibans' dictatorship and who are too old to go to primary school, can follow special classes until they reach middle school level.
[...] 常人士或任何其他法律认定的伤残人士承让的股份,惟董事没有责任查明任何 承让人的神状况或法律行为能力。
The Directors shall not register a transfer to a person who is known to them to be an infant or a person of. unsound mind or under any other legal
disability but the Directors shall not be bound to
[...] enquire into the age or soundness of [...]
mind or legal ability of any transferee.




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