

单词 骐驎

See also:

piebald horse

External sources (not reviewed)

这方面走在最前沿的是日产,该公司名气较小 骐 达 ( Tiida)品牌汽车占其在华销售额的比例快速上升。
Nissan is the most advanced on that front, as it now gets a fast-growing portion of its China sales from its less familiar Tiida brand of cars.
根據本公司之組織章程細則第87條之規定,吳 驎 博 士、許文輝先生及張未博士將會輪席退任, 惟彼等符合資 格,於本公司之應屆股東週年大會上膺選連任。
In accordance with Article 87 of the Company’s Articles of Association, Dr. Thomas Ng Kalon, Mr. Koh Boon Hwee and Dr. Dick Mei Chang will retire by rotation and, being eligible, offer themselves for reelection at the forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company.
吳 女 士、吳驎 博 士、許 文 輝 先 生、張 未 博 士 及 莫 祖 權 先 生 各 自 與 本 公 司 訂 立 委 任 書,任 期 由 2007年4月16日 起 計 為 期 兩 年,惟 任 何 一 方 均 可 以 不 少 於1個 月 書 面 事 前 通 知 或 雙 方 同 意 之 較 短 時間予以終止。
Each of Ms. Wu, Dr. Thomas Ng Kalon, Mr. Koh Boon Hwee, Dr. Dick Mei Chang and Mr. Mok Joe Kuen Richard has entered into a letter of appointment with the Company for a term of two years from 16th April, 2007, subject to termination by either party giving no less than one month’s prior notice in writing or such shorter period as both parties may agree.
這個刻法在早期的煙壺上是比較罕見的,而見於道光時的一件水晶煙壺,Treasury 2, 編號 363,咸豐的 (編號 364),以及朱驎1934年 琢磨的一件玉壺:第一場拍賣會, 拍賣品號 51 。
It may have been a style that became popular during the mid-Qing period, as it is rare on earlier works, but it appears also on the Daoguang-dated crystal bottle, Treasury 2, no. 363, the Xianfeng-dated bottle, no. 364 (both made for Prince Ding), and the jade bottle signed by Zhu Youlin in 1934: See Sale 1, lot 51, where we discuss the technique as he applied it to pictoral art.




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