单词 | 风暴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 风暴 noun, plural —storms pl风暴 noun —crisis n • turmoil n • tsunami n 风暴 —violent commotion • fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc) 暴风 noun —cyclone n暴风 —storm wind • storm (force 11 wind) Examples:热带风暴—tropical storm 风暴潮—storm surge 暴风雨—rainstorm • storm • tempest See also:暴—cruel • surname Bao • show or expose
该代表团告知经社会,印度将应专题小组的 请求,支持关于热带气旋和风暴研究的培训及沿海地区的预报系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation informed the Commission that, upon request from the Panel, [...] India would support training programmes on [...] tropical cyclone and storm research and forecasting [...]systems for coastal areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一个令人关切的问题是,酸化对作为重要的鱼类栖息地的珊 [...] 瑚礁的有害影响,因为这些栖息地保护食品和就业,防止沿海社区遭 受 风暴 激增 的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another source of concern was the harmful effect of acidification on coral [...] reefs that serve as vital fish habitats that protect food and employment and also [...] coastal communities from storm surges. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果是这些资源提供的生态系统服务衰退,特别是免受沿海区域危险(例 如风 暴和热 带气旋)影响的服务,并减少对生产性生计的支持。 fao.org | The result can be a depletion of the ecosystem services that these resources provide, [...] particularly protection from coastal [...] hazards such as storms and cyclones, and [...]a reduction in support for productive livelihoods. fao.org |
学校课程中将包括与气候变化、应对 风暴 和 洪 水以及减 缓自然灾害有关的知识。 daccess-ods.un.org | Knowledge related to climate [...] change, response to storms and floods and [...]mitigation of natural disasters will be included in school curricula. daccess-ods.un.org |
风暴过后 ,马德修米达的父母收拾了所剩无几的家当,一家九口人搬到了位于森德班三角洲戈萨巴镇的一个泥筑堤岸上。 unicef.org | After the cyclone, Madhumita's parents [...] collected the little that remained of their household effects and moved the family [...]of nine to a nearby mud embankment in Gosaba, in the Sunderbans delta. unicef.org |
因此特别报告员提出将三方核心小组的任务由热 带 风暴 纳 尔 吉斯 影响地区扩展到其他邦,以解决其他帮的人道主义需求,如克钦邦、若开邦和钦 邦。 daccess-ods.un.org | For this reason, the Special Rapporteur has promoted the idea of the expansion of the [...] Tripartite Core Group’s mandate beyond the [...] areas affected by Cyclone Nargis to address [...]humanitarian needs in other states, such as Kachin, Rakhine and Chin. daccess-ods.un.org |
各位部长认识到,数以百万计的世界居民依赖珊瑚礁及有关海洋生态系统 [...] 的健康来维持可持续的生计和发展,因为它们是主要的食物和收入来源,同时 还提供不受风暴、海 啸和海岸侵蚀的保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers recognized that millions of the world’s inhabitants depend on the health of coral reefs and related marine ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods and development as [...] they are a primary source of food and income and also provide for [...] protection from storms, tsunamis and coastal [...]erosion. daccess-ods.un.org |
西孟加拉邦的政府为受风暴影响 的人口提供了防水帆布、水袋和干粮包。 unicef.org | The Government of West Bengal has moved in tarpaulins, water pouches and packets of [...] dry food for those affected by the cyclone. unicef.org |
教科文组织将为建立和运作海洋灾害(海啸 、 风暴 潮 ) 及其他自然灾害(例如洪水、 干旱、滑坡、地震、火山爆发)的监测网络和预警系统提供科学意见、协调和政策支助,为 在交换有关灾害风险评估和减灾的数据与信息方面开展国际和地区合作构建平台,为防灾教 育和宣传提供政策指导,尤其是为保护濒危学校和文化遗产提供指导方针。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO will provide scientific contributions, coordination and policy support on the establishment and operation of monitoring networks and early warning systems for ocean-related hazards (tsunami, storm surges) and for other natural hazards (such as floods, drought, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), foster platforms for international and regional cooperation in exchange of data and information on disaster risk assessment and mitigation, and provide policy guidance for education and public awareness in disaster preparedness and guidelines particularly for the protection of schools and cultural heritage at risk. unesdoc.unesco.org |
风暴警报 也通过广播、新闻、互联网和气象局进行发布。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Storm warnings are also advised [...] by radio, news, internet and the Bureau of Meteorology. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
气候变化的影响对于许多太平洋岛屿发展中国家构成了真正的威胁,其 中有几个已经受到了风暴潮和 洪水强度和频率上升的困扰,而这些又反过来 [...] 威胁着它们的淡水供应。 daccess-ods.un.org | The impacts of climate change posed a real threat to many Pacific island developing nations, several of which were [...] already suffering from a higher intensity [...] and incidence of storm surges and flooding, [...]which, in turn, was threatening their freshwater supply. daccess-ods.un.org |
与暴雨和风暴引起 的水流有关,沙门氏菌出 现在河流和海洋环境中,病原体接近水产养殖场所或在沿海水域污染鱼。 fao.org | The presence of Salmonella in rivers and the marine environment has [...] been related to torrential rains and storm-generated [...]flows, and the pathogen could [...]thus reach aquaculture sites or contaminate fish in coastal waters. fao.org |
它有助于设计同时考虑到服务供应(用 于 风暴 波 的 生活 栖息地缓冲带)及受益于服务的人们的地点与活动的模式。 teebweb.org | It can help design models which [...] account for both service supply (living [...] habitats buffers for storm waves) and the [...]location and activities of people who benefit from services. teebweb.org |
泰国代表向委员会通报说,泰国是唯一既参加了气象组织/亚太 经社会热带气旋风暴专题小组、同时又参加了亚太经社会/气象组织 台风委员会的成员国。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of Thailand informed the Committee that his country was the only member State with membership in both the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones and the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
若 干这些国家已作出努力确保其电厂和电网能抗御热 带 风暴 影 响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several such States have made efforts to ensure that their power plants and grids [...] are tropical-storm-resistant. daccess-ods.un.org |
正当我们相聚在这里的时候,我们即将迎来越来越严重 的 风暴 , 各 种危机正 已使我们的工作蒙上一层阴影,并且使我们的任务变得更加紧迫。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have come together [...] here as a perfect storm continues to gather [...]force around us, a confluence of crises that overshadow [...]our work and add ever-greater urgency to our central task. daccess-ods.un.org |
他要求秘书处继续支持泰国开展的相关活动, 尤其是热带气旋风暴专题 小组的能力建设活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | He requested that the secretariat continue supporting their activities, especially capacity-building in regard [...] to the Panel on Tropical Cyclones. daccess-ods.un.org |
实施此项目的方式与国际社会目前为争取建立更全面的地球观测系统的努力是相一致 的,即通过协调,发挥和进一步发展现有的基础设施和能力,以便对诸如 “ 风暴 潮 ” 这样的 多种灾难进行早期预警,“风暴潮” 是印度洋更为常见的灾害。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The approach adopted for this endeavour is fully consistent with ongoing efforts by the international community to work towards the establishment of a more comprehensive earthobserving system, which will coordinate the operation and further development of existing infrastructure [...] and capabilities to generate early [...] warning for a wide variety of disasters such as “storm surges”, a much more frequent phenomenon in [...]the Indian Ocean. unesdoc.unesco.org |
伴随着这一情景的是严重的后果,包括海平面上 升,生长季节转移,风暴、洪 水和干旱等极端气候事件发生的频度和强度的加 剧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Serious impacts are associated with this scenario, including sea-level rise, shifts [...] in growing seasons and increasing frequency and intensity of extreme [...] weather events such as storms, floods and droughts. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,检察官有关“风暴行动”重要军 事文件的要求仍未得到回应。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the Office of the Prosecutor’s request for important military documents [...] related to Operation Storm remains outstanding. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近,国际社会的注意力主要集中从政策上应对目前全球 金融风暴暴露的 金融体系薄弱环节的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recently, the international community attention had been focused largely on the challenge of crafting policy responses to the weaknesses in the financial system, exposed by the ongoing global financial turmoil. daccess-ods.un.org |
创新署在2011年已开始推出 “创新果酱”,创建在线“头脑风暴 ” 使 用户有机会讨论在研发和工业化,地方机构和私人资金,公共管理的创新和市场角色,智能城市之间的合作主题和合作机 [...] 会,以便找到解决方案,想法和最佳的实施办法,以回应众多问题的具体办法。 aginnovazione.gov.it | The Agency in 2011 has launched the initiative “Innovatori Jam”, [...] creating a “brain storming” online where [...]users were given the opportunity to discuss [...]on themes of collaboration between research and industry, local institutions and private finance, innovation in public administration and the role of the market, smart cities etc. in order to find solutions, ideas and best practices to respond in a concrete way to the big questions. aginnovazione.gov.it |
瓦克博格豪森生产基地在报告年度参与了 强 风暴 研 究 项目SAFE(基于传感器与执行器的 强 风暴 预 警 系统)。 reports.wacker.com | The period under review also saw the WACKER [...] Burghausen site [...] participating in a storm research project known as SAFE (Sensor-Activated Severe Storm Early Warning [...]System). reports.wacker.com |
本报告所论的都是热带风暴及以 上等级的热带气旋频数,即底层近中心最大平均风速大于等 [...] 于 17.2 米/秒(八级风)的热带气旋数。 aon.com | This report discuss [...] about tropical storm and levels above [...]tropical cyclone frequency levels, that is maximum average wind [...]speed near the bottom center is greater than or equal to 17.2m/s (level 8). aon.com |
海岸沙丘可抵御风暴潮, 保护海岸免受 地下海水入侵,保护生物多样性并提供娱乐设施。 teebweb.org | Coastal dunes provide [...] protection against storm surges, protect [...]the hinterland against underground seawater intrusion, conserve [...]biodiversity and provide recreational facilities. teebweb.org |
报告所述期间有一些令人鼓舞的迹象表明,海地政治领袖重新愿意共同合 作,尤其是应对一系列严重飓风和热 带 风暴 造 成 的危机,以及最近与即将举行的 参议院选举有关的新的紧张局势造成的危机。 daccess-ods.un.org | The reporting period was marked by encouraging indications of a new readiness among the Haitian political leadership to work together, in particular in response to [...] the crisis created by a devastating [...] series of hurricanes and tropical storms and more recently [...]by renewed tensions related [...]to the upcoming senatorial elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告所述期间一系列的突发灾害――包括日本的地震和海啸、巴基斯坦和 泰国的洪水、菲律宾南部的热带风暴 天 鹰 以及土耳其东部的地震――也造成了流 [...] 离失所现象,虽然并非所有这些灾害都需采取协调一致的国际应对措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | A series of sudden-onset disasters during the reporting period – including the earthquake and [...] tsunami in Japan, floods in Pakistan and [...] Thailand, tropical storm Washi in the southern [...]Philippines, and the earthquake in [...]eastern Turkey – also resulted in displacement, although not all of these disasters required a coordinated international response. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管一场激烈的风暴,现 在被称为“带”,管理组,达到大的协助下树的守护者,他们在那里在不同的chaws的培训,或班,其中一个是教,通过Strix公司甲状腺肿(萨沙•霍勒) 。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Despite a fierce storm, the group, now [...] called “the Band”, manages to reach the Great Tree with assistance from the Guardians, [...]where they are trained in different chaws, or classes, one of which is taught by Strix Struma (Sacha Horler). seekcartoon.com |
专家组还一致认为,可按照气候危害类型( 洪水、干旱、风暴,等 等) 、部门 ( 农业和粮食安全、水、健康、沿岸系统,等等) [...] 以及层次( 社区、地区/ 区域、国 家、共同流域,等等 ) 为共同类型的评估制订一套核心的技术指南,而这些指南 在可能情况下也可用现有材料改编。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was further agreed that a core set of technical guidelines could be developed for common types [...] of assessments by climate hazard type [...] (floods, droughts, storms, etc.), sector [...](agriculture and food security, water, health, [...]coastal systems, etc.), as well as level (community, district/region, national, shared basin, etc.), and that these could be adapted from existing material, where possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
表示严重关切气候变化和海洋酸化对全世界珊瑚礁及有关生态系统的健康 [...] 和生存产生的不利影响,包括因海平面升高、珊瑚漂白现象增加并日趋严重、海 洋表面温度升高和风暴强度 提高而产生的不利影响,加之废物流入海中、过度捕 [...] 捞、破坏性渔捞方式、外来入侵物种和珊瑚开采的协同负面效应 daccess-ods.un.org | Expressing grave concern about the adverse impact of climate change and ocean acidification on the health and survival of coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world, including through sea-level rise, the increase in the severity and incidence of [...] coral bleaching, rising sea surface [...] temperature and higher storm intensity, combined [...]with the synergistic negative effects [...]of waste run-off, overfishing, destructive fishing practices, alien invasive species and coral mining daccess-ods.un.org |