单词 | 霉菌病 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 霉菌病 noun —mycosis nExamples:组织浆霉菌病—histoplasmosis See also:霉菌 n—mold n • mould n • fungi n • mildew n 霉病 n—mildew n 霉病—fungal growth 病菌—germs • pathogenic bacteria • harmful bacteria
牢房里拥挤不堪且得不到维护,导致环境给囚犯造成严重的健康问题, 如 霉菌病 和其他皮肤病和胃病。 daccess-ods.un.org | The heavy overcrowding and poor maintenance of the cells resulted [...] in conditions that created serious health problems for the inmates, such as mycosis [...] and other skin and stomach diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种开关在成型过程中采用了 BioCote 的银离子技术,实现了内置抗菌保护功能,可防范各种各样的微生物,包括 细 菌 、 霉菌 和 病 毒 ,效力持续时间为产品的预期寿命。 digikey.cn | The switches are manufactured with BioCote’s silver ion technology during the [...] molding process, providing built-in [...] antimicrobial protection against a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, mold, and viruses for the expected [...]lifetime of the product. digikey.be |
此类 吸附剂还可以增强家畜对霉菌毒素等 病 原 攻 击的天然抵抗 能力。 talloil.se | Our myctoxin binders also support the immune system to minimize [...] the negative effects of mycotoxins in livestock. talloil.se |
與其他甜酒不同,生產冰酒時,所要求的是健康的葡萄酒,從未受Botrytis( 灰霉病,因貴腐菌引發的真菌病) 影響。 sd-germanwines.com | Unlike other dessert wines the production of ice [...] wines requires wines that are healthy and haven't been [...] attacked by Botrytis the fungal disease responsible for noble rot. sd-germanwines.com |
由土壤及残株传播引起的根茎病害丝 核 菌 、 腐 霉菌 、 镰 孢 菌 和 黄 萎 病 是 澳中两国 谷物、纤维和园艺生产培育正普遍面临的问题。 australiachina.com.au | Root and stalk diseases caused by the soil and stubble-borne pathogens Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium [...] and Verticillium are [...]chronic and widespread in Australian and Chinese grain, fibre and horticultural production. australiachina.com.au |
紫外线可以杀死病毒和霉菌孢子吗? light-sources.com | Does Germicidal UVC Kill Viruses and Mold Spores? light-sources.com |
对于免疫系统较差的病人,如艾滋病患者等,这种 真 菌 可 引致严重的感染,称为「马菲氏 青 霉病 」。 hsbc.com.hk | This fungus can cause a serious infection called "Penicilliosis" in patients [...] with poor immune system, for example AIDS. hsbc.com.hk |
虽然我们说避免接触霉菌非常困难,虽然我们有很多种药物可以治疗过敏症状,但对有明 确 霉菌 过 敏 病 史 的 患者来说,把接触霉菌的机会降低至最小,是非常有意义的。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | Although it is very difficult to keep mold out of one's environment, although there are certain drugs that effectively used [...] for the treatment, for those who are [...] naturally allergic to mold, it is specially important [...]to minimize exposure to them. tianjin.ufh.com.cn |
来自澳大利亚的试验数据表明,平均而言,最有效的生物菌剂可以显著减少由丝核菌和 腐 霉菌 引 发的 根 病 , 其 效果可媲美或优于商用种子化学处理剂的现有效果。 australiachina.com.au | Trial data from Australia showed that on average, the [...] most effective inoculants reduced [...] Rhizoctonia and Pythium root infection to levels comparable [...]with, or better than those achieved [...]with registered rates of commercial chemical seed treatments. australiachina.com.au |
先進NCCO納米催化式氧化科技,高效能地分解有害物質及去除有害氣體及異味,例如過敏原 、 病 毒 、 細 菌 、 霉菌 及 揮發性有機化合物(VOC)等。 hk.oregonscientific.com | Nano-Confined Catalytic Oxidation (NCCO) technology is adapted to sanitize and reduce [...] harmful airborne substances such as [...] allergens, viruses, bacteria, mold spores and Volatile [...]Organic Compounds (VOC) efficiently. hk.oregonscientific.com |
观察员提到,下届 OIE [...] 动物产品食品安全工作组将审议在动物产品食品安全领域 标准制定时重要致病菌名单 的讨论稿,包括陆生和水生动物。 codexalimentarius.org | The Observer noted that the next meeting of the OIE Animal Production Food Safety Working [...] Group would consider a discussion paper [...] on the priority pathogens for standard setting [...]in the field of animal production [...]food safety, including both terrestrial and aquatic animals. codexalimentarius.org |
一般情况下,我们无法控制空气质量,但是我们可以借由良好的卫生习惯来尽量避 免 病 毒 感 染,再通过做医学检查来减少与尘螨 、 霉菌 和 香 烟烟雾等污染物接触。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | We cannot control the general quality [...] of the air but we can [...] try to avoid viral infections with good hygiene, and by taking measures to decrease exposure to pollutants like dust mites, mold and tobacco smoke. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
过敏症是一种夸张的免疫系统的反应,导致过敏的物质, 如 霉菌 , 灰 尘,花粉,宠物皮屑或某些食物过敏原。 cn.iherb.com | Allergies are an exaggerated immune system [...] response to an allergen, causing hypersensitivity to [...] substances such as mold, dust, pollen, [...]pet dander or certain foods. iherb.com |
产品简介: 该产品用于免拆卸清洗造型复杂的现代汽车空调进气道;它能快速有效地清除脏物,确保排 出空气的新鲜性;具有消毒、杀菌功效,消除风道中 的 霉菌 和 真 菌 ; 预防过敏性呼吸 道 病症 的发生。 xado.info | It kills [...] fungi and bacteria, thus preventing the risk of allergies and other respiratory diseases. xado.com |
注意:如果病人对青霉素过 敏,切记要马上告知医生,以便医生使用其他 种类的抗生素。 world-heart-federation.org | Note: If the patient is allergic to penicillin, be [...] sure to tell the doctor right away so that he or she can prescribe a different antibiotic. world-heart-federation.org |
国际上,不断有国家需要找到一个保存档案的场所,这主要是在两 种情况下:一是冲突爆发或迫在眉睫,档案有可能被破坏;二是档案可能会因环 境问题被破坏,如霉菌、害 虫或自然灾害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Internationally, there is a continuing need to find a space to safeguard archives in two situations: first, when a conflict is taking place or appears imminent, and records may be destroyed; second, where records will likely be destroyed by environmental problems, such as mould, vermin or natural disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,细菌(例如沙门氏菌和李氏杆菌)和化学品 (霉菌毒素 )污染引发了几次食品恐慌事件,意味着食品安全是公众主要关切的 问题。 fao.org | At the same time, several food scares, caused by bacterial (e.g. Salmonella and Listeria) and chemical (e.g. mycotoxins) contamination meant that food safety was an issue of major public concern. fao.org |
微 生物、人 造 有機色 素、蘇 丹 紅、化學防 腐劑、人 造 甜 劑、霉 菌毒素、重 金 屬、金 屬 滲移、抗 氧 化 劑 、 氯丙二醇、二氯丙醇、多 氯聯苯、多 環 芳 香 族碳氫 化合物、甲醛、接觸 食物的物品的殘餘化學物、由 接 觸 食物的物品滲移的 化學物、氨基甲酸乙酯、 N-亞 硝基胺、 礦 質 碳氫化合物、溴 酸 鹽 、 殘餘農 藥、殘餘藥物、放 射 性 核素污染物、三 鹵 甲 烷、輻 照 食物的檢驗 、有毒 物 質 和 攙雜物,以及食物組 分。 legco.gov.hk | Processed food Micro-organisms, synthetic organic colours, Sudan dyes, chemical preservatives, artificial sweetening agents, mycotoxins, heavy metals, migration of metals, antioxidants, 3-monochloro-propane-1, 2-diol, 1,3-dichloropropanol, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, residual chemicals in food-contact articles, migration of chemicals from food-contact articles, ethyl carbamate, N-nitrosamines, mineral hydrocarbons, bromate, pesticide residues, drug residues, radionuclide contaminants, trihalomethanes, screening of irradiated food, poisons and adulterants, and food proximate. legco.gov.hk |
能够杀死高达99.9%的病毒,细菌和 霉菌 孢 子。 light-sources.com | Germicidal UV lamps kill up to [...] 99.9% of most viruses, airborne bacteria and mold spores. light-sources.com |
(a) 雀鳥:須 提 交出口 國獸醫當 局簽發的獸醫證明書,證明有 關 雀鳥並沒 有傳染 病 (包括新城疫、鸚鵡病及沙 門 氏菌病 ) 的 任 何 病 徵 。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Birds: A veterinary certificate issued by a veterinary authority of the exporting country to certify that birds are free from any signs of infectious diseases including Newcastle Disease, Psittacosis, and Salmonellosis. legco.gov.hk |
与沟灌相比,滴灌西红柿固体含量较低,但易感染 疫 霉 根 腐 病 , 要 避免渍涝。 wrdmap.org | tomatoes may have lower solids content when grown with drip irrigation [...] compared with furrow irrigation, but they are [...] susceptible to root phytophthora, and hence [...]waterlogging should be avoided. wrdmap.org |
就油漆塗料而言,我們正進行一項顧問研 究以優化油漆塗料的防霉功能,當中包括在現有公屋搜 集霉 菌的樣 本以制訂一套切合本港油漆塗料防霉功能的測試方 法。 legco.gov.hk | We are now carrying out a consultancy study to enhance the anti-mould property of paints, which involves collecting samples of mould from existing estates for devising a local mould growth resistance paint test. legco.gov.hk |
食典委注意到瑞士代表团对这一决议持保留意见,他们的意见是,食品中污染物 委员会在制定规范操作前,应根据粮农组织制定的现有指南,即预防咖啡 里 霉菌 形 成指 南,进一步评估新工作的需求。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission noted the reservation expressed by the Delegation of Switzerland on this decision; in their view, the Committee on Contaminants in Foods should, before developing a Code of practice, further assess the need for new work in the light of the existing guidance produced by FAO, namely the Guidelines for the Prevention of Mould Formulation in Coffee. codexalimentarius.org |
由于他们开始研究台湾在1964年,科学家们观察到的洋流, 对 霉菌 , 细 菌 和 真菌的出现在1965年之后第一次维管植物,其中有由10种结束,进行种子的到来第一个十年。 glifr.com | Since they began studying the island in 1964, scientists have observed the arrival of [...] seeds carried by ocean currents, the [...] appearance of moulds, bacteria and fungi, followed [...]in 1965 by the first vascular plant, [...]of which there were 10 species by the end of the first decade. glifr.com |
现 时 已 证 实 某 些 霉 菌 毒 素 在 若 干 类 易 受 感 染 的 [...] 动 物 身 上 , 会 引 致 出 现 畸 形 、 突 变 及 ∕ 或 致 癌 的 情 况 , 而 且 在 世 界 许 多 地 [...] 方 , 家 畜 、 禽 畜 及 人 类 所 患 的 多 类 疾 病 均 与 某 些 霉 菌 毒 素 有 关 。 cfs.gov.hk | Some mycotoxins have proven to be teratogenic, mutagenic and /or carcinogenic in certain [...] susceptible animal species and have been [...] associated with various diseases in domestic animals, livestock [...]and humans in many parts of the world. cfs.gov.hk |
指引列明九類經由食物傳播的主要致 病菌 ( 例如沙門氏菌類、李斯特菌、大腸桿菌 [...] O157 及霍亂弧菌等) 的安全水平, 並把即食食品的微生物質素分級,以反映食物的衞生情況。 cfs.gov.hk | These guidelines stipulate the safety limits of nine [...] major food borne pathogens such as Salmonella [...]species, Listeria monocytogenes, E. [...]coli O157 and Vibrio cholerae, as well as providing a classification of microbiological quality of ready-to-eat food for reflecting the hygienic status of the food concerned. cfs.gov.hk |