单词 | 雄辩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 雄辩 —rhetoricless common: oratory Examples:事实胜于雄辩—Facts speak louder than words. [idiom.] 雄辩家—orator See also:雄—grand • mighty • imposing • staminate • person or state having great power and influence 辩—debate • dispute • discuss
9)在西班牙,伟大的诗人普顿超越了所有他的前任,其中最被Juvencus和几乎异 教 雄辩 A u s on ius。 mb-soft.com | (9) In Spain, the great poet Prudentius surpassed all his predecessors, of whom the best had been Juvencus and the [...] almost pagan rhetorician Ausonius. mb-soft.com |
正如施泰纳先生雄辩地说 明,我们地球上某些 地区确实面临着严重的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | These are indeed serious threats to some regions of our planet, as [...] Mr. Steiner eloquently illustrated. daccess-ods.un.org |
我相信随着中国继续向着政治和经济改革的方向推进,一些中国领导人已经非 常 雄辩 地 清 楚表达了这一点,中国的自信感将只会增加。 embassyusa.cn | I believe that as China continues to move in the direction of the [...] political and economic reforms that some Chinese leaders have [...] articulated so eloquently, its sense [...]of confidence will only grow. eng.embassyusa.cn |
秘书长的报告雄辩地阐 述了如何对已 成为联合国优先事项的不同全球问题运用“人的安 全”的概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report of Secretary-General articulates with eloquence how the concept [...] of human security can be applied to different [...]global issues that are already priorities of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些事实真真切切 [...] 地反映了格鲁吉亚当局国际法律规范的承诺情况, 事实胜于雄辩。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such facts showed the actual commitment of the Georgian authorities to international [...] legal norms, based on their actions [...]rather than their words. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然取得了很多成绩,但仍存在着巨大挑战, 就像特别代表以雄辩的方 式强调的那样。 daccess-ods.un.org | While a great many things have been accomplished, significant challenges remain, as the Special [...] Representative eloquently stressed. daccess-ods.un.org |
就在上周,凯卜总理在安全理事会这里(见 [...] S/PV.6731)以利比亚人民掌控自己未来愿望的名义, 有力和雄辩地维 护了安全理事会提供的援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Just last week, Prime Minister El-Keib was here in the [...] Security Council (see S/PV.6731), where he [...] forcefully and eloquently defended the [...]Security Council’s assistance on behalf [...]of the aspirations of the Libyan people to chart their own futures. daccess-ods.un.org |
贵国的历史雄辩地证明贵 国持续支持并致力于寻求非洲大陆的和平与安全,特 别是在与维和行动有关的问题上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The history of your country bears eloquent testimony [...] to its sustained support and commitment to the search for peace and [...]security on the African continent, in particular in questions regarding peacekeeping operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我要再次向秘书长特别代表表示,我们将给予全 [...] 力支持,并向索马里外交部长重申,他可以完全指望 法国帮助该国政府满足他所雄辩指出 的激励该国人 民的和平需要和自由愿望。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to reiterate to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Somalia that he can fully count on [...] France to help his Government to respond [...] to, as he so eloquently stated, the [...]need for peace and the will for liberty that motivates his people. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们赞同瑙鲁总统马库斯·斯蒂芬先生阁下代表 太平洋小岛屿发展中国家(小岛屿发展中国家)及其 朋友,所作的雄辩发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | We align ourselves with the statement eloquently delivered by His Excellency Mr. Marcus Stephen, President of Nauru, on behalf of the Pacific small island developing States (SIDS) and their friends. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊拉克和利比亚的经验雄 辩地证明,归根结底,只有人民才能决定本国命运, [...] 对内部冲突进行外来武装干预,造成使世界这些地区 的对抗愈演愈烈的危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The experience of Iraq [...] and Libya are eloquent testimonies to [...]the fact that, in the end, only the people themselves can determine [...]the fate of their countries, and external armed intervention in internal conflicts creates the risk of a spiralling confrontation in those parts of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如克林屯部长曾雄辩地说 过,支持普世人权的改革使人民与自己国家的成功更加息息相关,从而使社会更加稳定、繁荣与和平。 embassyusa.cn | As Secretary [...] Clinton has so eloquently stated, reforms [...]that support universal human rights give people a greater stake in [...]the success of their nation which in turn makes societies more stable, prosperous and peaceful. eng.embassyusa.cn |
工作和变老的情况。诚如世卫组织防治癌症亲善大使 南希·布林克尔博士雄辩地向我们指出的那样,不应 该让人的生活地点决定人的寿命。 daccess-ods.un.org | So, as Dr. Nancy Brinker, the WHO Goodwill Ambassador for [...] Cancer Control, eloquently put it to us, [...]where you live should not determine whether you live. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些承诺雄辩地证 明,近期议会选举后 摩尔多瓦共和国的政治形式在发生积极的变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those commitments represent eloquent proof of [...] the positive evolution of the political situation in the Republic of Moldova [...]after the recent parliamentary elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国同非洲联盟在和 平与安全领域中,特别是在解决索马里局势方面的伙 伴关系,是另一个雄辩的证明。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another eloquent testimony is the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union in the area of peace and security, and in addressing the situation in Somalia in particular. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿富汗及其国际伙伴面临巨大挑战,阿富汗常驻 代表雄辩地指出了这一点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Afghanistan and its international partners face enormous challenges, [...] as outlined eloquently by the Permanent [...]Representative of Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
从许多方面 讲,它是一场革命战争的顶点,而这场战争是为了消 除加勒比历史学家埃尔萨·戈维亚 雄辩 地 指 出的那种 把人视为“人身财产”的社会制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was in many ways the zenith of a revolutionary war against a social system in which human beings were deemed, as the Caribbean historian Elsa Goveia so eloquently remarked, “property in persons”. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们欢迎主席声明草案将维持和平、建设和平和 [...] 可持续发展明确联系起来,冯德舒伦堡先生在一个范 例,即塞拉利昂这一实实在在的范例 中 雄辩 地 指 出了 这种相互联系。 daccess-ods.un.org | We welcome the clear link made in the draft presidential statement between peacekeeping, peacebuilding and sustainable development, an [...] interconnection Mr. Von der Schulenburg [...] pointed out very eloquently in the model [...]case — and it is truly a model case — of Sierra Leone. daccess-ods.un.org |
古典的雄辩家、 现代的交流理论家和成功的讲道 人都是如此。 sallee.info | This has been true of classical rhetoricians, modern communication theorists and accomplished preachers. sallee.info |
我认为,这些话以及我的兄弟、塞内加尔常 [...] 驻代表刚才在这个座位上所作的发言——他非 常雄 辩地陈述了自己的看法——明确显示,今天,倘若有 [...] 人相信世界还有机会,那是因为,主席女士你的非洲 同胞们在安全理事会和本机构作出了如此巨大的贡 献。 daccess-ods.un.org | I feel that these reflections and the recent speech from this very chair by my brother the [...] Permanent Representative of Senegal, who stated [...] his case so eloquently, clearly show [...]that if anyone today believes the world [...]has a chance it is because here in this Security Council and at this institution so much has been made possible by your compatriots, Madam President. daccess-ods.un.org |
杰罗姆,另一方面,与雄辩地谈 到希望救世主的犹太人。 mb-soft.com | Jerome, on the other hand, [...] speaks with great eloquence of the Messianic [...]hopes of the Jews. mb-soft.com |
在这六年中,我们宏源坚信法律的公正,坚信事实胜 于 雄辩 , 尽 管我们的发展步伐受阻,但我们还是顶过来了,我们的付出最终没有白费。 cn.lvd.cc | With actions speaking louder than words, we succeed in the journey with all our efforts having to defend our fruits. en.lvd.cc |
主席(以英语发言):我感谢国务部长 N’Douro 雄 辩和启发性的发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | I thank Minister of State N’Douro for his eloquent and instructive statement. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实胜于雄辩”是公正的法律使得宏源打赢了与欧司朗的专利纠纷案。 cn.lvd.cc | It is the just law that helps Hongyuan to win the patent lawsuit with OSRAM. en.lvd.cc |
目前这正在发生变化。在这方面,我要 [...] 赞扬美国总统,他在非洲人,尤其是在肯尼亚人的心 中占有特殊的位置,他在星期三雄辩 地 表 明了联合国 在制定共同解决办法中的核心地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is now changing, and in this regard, I would like to commend the President of the United States, who holds a very special place in the hearts of [...] Africans, Kenyans in particular, for having on [...] Wednesday so eloquently indicated the [...]centrality of the United Nations in charting common solutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下数据雄辩说明 了举行语言竞 争性考试的高昂费用和成功获选的极低比率。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following data eloquently illustrates the [...] high cost of processing the LCE and the very low rate of successful candidates, [...]which is insufficient to adequately provide the required number of candidates to ensure a smooth demographic transition in some language services daccess-ods.un.org |
他是一个优雅和雄辩的作 家,但像阿诺布斯不是一个良好的指示基督徒。 mb-soft.com | He was an [...] elegant and eloquent writer, but [...]like Arnobius was not a well-instructed Christian. mb-soft.com |
联合国秘书 [...] 长也在这次首脑会议上发言,赞同这一立场 , 雄辩地 阐述作为两组织基础的各项核心原则和共同价值,并 [...]呼吁更密切合作,以扩大和平,促进人权,实现可持 续发展和建设一个更安全的世界。 daccess-ods.un.org | This message was echoed by the United Nations [...] Secretary-General who spoke eloquently at the Summit [...]of the core principles and common values [...]on which both organizations are based, and called for closer cooperation in order to expand peace, advance human rights, generate sustainable development and build a safer world. daccess-ods.un.org |
达巴希先生(阿拉伯利比亚民众国)(以阿拉伯语 发言):主席先生,你已非常雄辩地表 达了我们对哈 利勒扎德大使的全部感情,因而我只能支持你所说的 话。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) (spoke in Arabic ): Mr. President, you have [...] expressed all of our feelings for Ambassador Zalmay [...] Khalilzad with such eloquence, that I can [...]only support what you said. daccess-ods.un.org |
这份手稿包含公元二世纪雄辩家和讽刺作家卢西亚努斯 (Lucianus) 的十段对话。 wdl.org | This manuscript contains ten of the dialogues of Lucianus, a second-century rhetorician and satirist who wrote in Greek, in the Latin version of Livio Guidolotto (also seen as Guidalotto or Guidalotti). wdl.org |