单词 | 难看 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 难看 adjective —awful adj难看 adverb —disgracefully adv看看 verb —see v • look at v Examples:难以看到的 adj—hidden adj See also:难—difficult (to...) • distress • not good • scold 难 n—difficulty n • problem n • disaster n
从本文件中很难看出这 些人 到底必须临时性地提供哪些技能和知识,需要花如此高昂的代价。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is difficult to interpret from [...] the document what skills and knowledge those individuals had to provide temporarily at such a high cost. unesdoc.unesco.org |
原则上,贸易法委员会规则载 列了国际公认的仲裁程序标准,因此 很 难看 出 哪些做法可以被“简化”而不引起 对正当程序的关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | In principle, the UNCITRAL rules set out the accepted [...] international standards for an arbitration [...] process, so it is difficult to see which practices [...]could be “streamlined” without leading [...]to concerns about due process. daccess-ods.un.org |
从控制台上,船长很难看到拖 拉物的前端。 voith.com | From his control stand, the [...] captain can hardly see the front end of [...]his tow. voith.com |
很难看出这对促进科学和实 用艺术的进步有什么作用。 iprcommission.org | It’s hard to see how this contributes [...] to the progress of science and the useful arts. iprcommission.org |
尽管很难看清专 利保护机制对经济增长的直接影响,但人们还是投入了大量精力去确定知 识产权制度的变化对贸易和外来投资的影响。 iprcommission.org | Although the direct [...] impact on growth is difficult to discern, much [...]effort has been devoted to establishing the impact of [...]changing IPR rights on trade and foreign investment. iprcommission.org |
第三,越来越多国际组织的成员不仅包括国 [...] 家,也包括国家以外的其他实体;“政府间组织”一语似乎将这些组织排除在 外,尽管就国际责任而言,很难看出 为 什么要找到与那些只拥有国家成员的组织 不同的解决方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Third, an increasing number of international organizations include among their members entities other than States as well as States; the term “intergovernmental organization” might be thought to exclude these organizations, [...] although with regard to international [...] responsibility it is difficult to see why one should [...]reach solutions that differ from [...]those applying to organizations of which only States are members. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们非常害羞而且很难看到,观看它们的最佳机会就是在澳大利亚东海岸地区的小溪和宁静的河流中。 australia.com | They are very shy and difficult to spot, but your [...] best chances are in the eastern coastal areas in small streams and quiet rivers. australia.com |
我们倾听了制药客户的建议,将以一种安全的方式去除腐蚀和残留物,我们还开发了一个系统,可以除 去 难看 的 污 渍。 tipschina.gov.cn | We listened to our Pharmaceutical customers [...] to provide a safe way to remove corrosion and residues and created a system [...] that keeps unsightly stains from [...]returning. tipschina.gov.cn |
20条第4(b) 款对于保留提出的反对。这个区别看来是必要 的,因为很难看出为 什么共同缔约国或国际组织不应当在要么是全盘接受和要么 是全盘拒绝之间作出选择,也就是说,要么是接受保留本身与它的过时提具,要 么是防止提具保留的国家或组织这样做,而在此同时这些保留是很有理由为它们 的伙伴所接受的。 daccess-ods.un.org | This distinction appears to be necessary, for it is hard to see why co-contracting States or international organizations should not have a choice between all or nothing – that is to say, either accepting both the reservation itself and its lateness or preventing the State or organization that formulated it from doing so, even though it may have reasons for doing so that are acceptable to its partners. daccess-ods.un.org |
在建筑的时候,房屋的基础面是定位在土地最高点和最低点的中间, 如果下沉过大,基础就必须降低,不但景色 很 难看 到 , 而且驾车会比较危险。 homewithtyra.com | During construction, the house will sit on a level which is the average of the highest and the lowest point of the lot. homewithtyra.com |
在例中,不难看出,制作一个PDF文件是非常简单的。 oapdf.com | in the case, it is not difficult to see that the production [...] of a PDF document is very simple. oapdf.com |
很难看出用 词的差别(使用第一人称复数而不 是科索沃议会所常用的第三人称单数)如何会合理产生这个结论,即独立宣言是 [...] 由科索沃议会之外的一个机关或实体通过的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is difficult to see how the difference [...] in conjugation (first person plural, as opposed to the third person singular commonly [...]used by the Assembly of Kosovo) may reasonably lead to the conclusion that an organ or entity other than the Assembly of Kosovo adopted the declaration of independence. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,读报告的人很难看出在 实现工作重点的目标方面取得了哪些进展,更不用说在国际水文计 划、政府间海洋学委员会和教科文组织的战略目标方面了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Nevertheless, it is hard for a reader to know how much progress there has been towards the MLA objectives, let alone the IHP, IOC and UNESCO strategic objectives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然该委员会的记录表明,这些优先 事项中有一些,如安全部门改革、法治、解除武装、 复员和重返社会和民族和解,可归类为建设和平工作 的政治性或安全相关内容,但不难看 出 这 些内容与有 关社会的各种社会经济转型根本目标之间存在着有 机联系。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the Commission’s record shows that some of these priorities may be categorized under political or security-related aspects of peacebuilding, such as security sector reform, the rule of law, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and national reconciliation, one can hardly fail to note the organic linkages of these aspects with the overarching objectives of the socio-economic transformation of the societies concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
我要解释一下为什么这是丑陋的,非 常 难看 , 但 你可以做一个出丑吗? zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | I need to explain [...] why this is ugly, very ugly, and yet you [...]can make a fool of myself? en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
有句话「长得越丑,味道越好」, 鮟鱇鱼的长相真是难看。 ibarakiguide.jp | It is an especially ugly-looking fish, but some say that “the uglier it is, the tastier it is! ibarakiguide.jp |
其目的是软化Christianlike人性的一面是 很 难看 到 的 平和,慈善实现其许多经验教训生病,虚弱,以及老年人,并在其上的伤害和宽恕以德报怨责任的坚持。 mb-soft.com | Its Christianlike aim to soften the hard side of [...] human nature is seen in its many lessons [...]of mildness, charity towards the sick, [...]feeble, and aged, and in its insistence on the duty of forgiving injuries and returning good for evil. mb-soft.com |
过去三十年来,越来越多的儿童接种了白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗,增强了对这三种致命疾病的抵抗 力,由此不难看出,疫苗接种的覆盖范围不断扩大。 thegatesnotes.com | Over the past three decades, growing numbers of children have received the diphtheria-tetanuspertussis vaccine, which guards against three deadly diseases and is a strong indicator of overall vaccine coverage. thegatesnotes.com |
静脉曲张的主要特点是血管突出皮肤表面,它不只是一 种 难看 的 症 状,还可能引起疼痛。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Unsightly and potentially painful veins that are enlarged, twisted and bulge at the surface of the skin typically in the legs and feet (but can occur anywhere) are termed “varicose veins”. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
因此,日常使用中不会因为涂层的磨损而形成 难看的行 走痕迹,避免了因涂层而引起的污染、碎 裂、刮擦痕迹或褪色等现象。 nora.com | Thus, they eliminate unsightly pathways which would be the result of use-related abrasion nor increased contamination, chipping, scratches or discolourations of the coating. nora.com |
而随着铜和钢铁原材料的价格在近期创下历史新高, 不 难看 出 为 何对于传统系统而言,成本会成为一个问题。 cn.lubrizol.com | With copper and steel raw material costs hitting record levels recently, it’s easy to see why cost could be an issue with traditional systems. lubrizol.com |
我在这一行业待得很久,所以知道,若CEO们开始公开讨论一个潜在的问题,通常意味着该问题已经很大,他们只是在试图让投资者准备好面对未来不可避免 的 难看 数 据。 youngchinabiz.com | I’ve been in this business long enough to know that when CEOs start to openly discuss a potential problem, it usually means that the [...] problem is already quite large and they are simply trying to prepare investors for [...] the inevitable ugly numbers that lie ahead. youngchinabiz.com |
位于法国东南方的这个地区享有最好的天气,在法国和多样化的农村也不是 很 难看 , 为什么有这么多的人聚集在这里度假或购买物业。 leapfrog-properties.com | Located in the south-east of France this region enjoys the best weather in all of [...] France and with such a varied countryside it is [...] not hard to see why so many people [...]flock here on holiday or to buy property. leapfrog-properties.com |
在可回收和可 [...] 再循环哈龙数量小而且用户分散的国家或区域, 很 难看 出 通过再循环哈龙的销售 能够全额支付经营成本,除非人为地提高再循环哈龙的价格和强制执行进口限制。 multilateralfund.org | In countries and regions where quantities of recoverable and [...] re-usable halons are small and users [...] dispersed, it is hard to see how operational [...]cost can be fully covered by revenues from [...]sales of recycled halons, unless prices for recycled halons are artificially increased and import restrictions enforced. multilateralfund.org |
这是很难看到多远人民的共同信念,影响了这些谜团,但在文学的诗学和哲学的影响是显而易见的。 mb-soft.com | It is hard to see how far the [...] common belief of the people was influenced by these mysteries, but in poetical and philosophical [...]literature their influence is unmistakable. mb-soft.com |
首先,显然在真正实现和解之前,将 很 难看 到强 劲势头。 daccess-ods.un.org | First of all, it is clear that until real reconciliation takes place, [...] it will be very difficult to see major momentum. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,对于10年期的贷款 [...] 来说,因为日元的利率每年有约1.5%的变化幅度,所以 很 难看 到 这 些补助措施发挥很大 的影响。 efchina.org | But with the current interest rate [...] for 10-year loans in Japan hovering around 1.5% [...] annually, it is hard to see how subsidized [...]loans would have much impact. efchina.org |
主角登场,让我们来看一看这个移动电源本身,从它的命名Power Queen不难看出它外观设计的灵感所在,经典高贵的黑色配色加上钢琴烤漆的材质,使得整个电源本身质感十足,中间的一圈银色镶边和四颗螺丝的紧固也能很好的避免灰尘的进入。 mymili.com | From its name, Power Queen, it's easy to see what inspired its design. The black colouring, classic and elegant, coupled with the piano baking varnish, gives the whole portable power an amazing texture. mymili.com |
最后,从「当代世界七大奇迹(Seven Wonders of Modern World)」、「历史的土木里程碑项目」等栏目中 不 难看 出 , ASCE瞄准的是广泛普及土木事业的信息。 forum8.co.jp | This program, along with other programs like "Seven Wonders of Modern World" and "Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Program", tells that one of ASCE's aims is to increase appreciation by the public widely of significant civil engineering projects. forum8.co.jp |
因篇幅所限, 本文并不详细介绍这些 h 指数修正版的用途和价值。我们不难 看出, 人们正在针对“如何克服此类评估方式的潜在问题”进行 大量的研究。 biggerbrains.com | There is not space here to go in to detail on the use and worth of these modifications of the h index, but it does show that there is much research being carried out on how to overcome the potential problems of such assessment formats. biggerbrains.com |