

单词 长袖善舞

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External sources (not reviewed)

安理会是中国可长袖善舞、施 加影响 力的舞台,也是中国可以争取国际支持制衡美国 行为的机构——毕竟安理会应是唯一垄断国际干 预中武力使用权力的机构。
The Security Council is seen as a place where China can project power and rally international support to balance U.S. actions, using the body’s monopoly on legalising the use of force in international interventions.
政府更給人一個感覺,便是被 袖善舞 、 財 雄勢大的地產商玩弄於股 掌之上、牽着鼻子走。
The Government has even given people the impression that it is tricked by financially powerful property developers who excel in doing business and is led by the nose by them.
公营和私营部门以及多边机构和善 界 领 袖 应 该加倍努力合作,以 确保患者有效获长期治疗。
The public and private sectors, as
well as multilateral
[...] agencies and philanthropic leaders, should redouble their collaborative efforts to ensure meaningful long-term treatment access.
政府㆒直以來奉行的自由 貿易信念及政策,確保唯有靈活變通、 袖善舞 及 具 競爭力者才得以立足。
The free trade philosophy and policies followed by the Government throughout its existence have ensured that only the fit, capable, and competitive survive.
于 2007 年开始的第一次省长直接选举将前印度尼西 亚政府反对派袖推上省长的位置。
The first direct Provincial Governor
election at the beginning of 2007 has put a former Indonesian
[...] government opposition leader at the top seat of [...]
the Province.
各位成员可以看到,如同我国其他人一样,这些 同胞在国家和国舞台上有着长期和丰富的经验,曾 在富有挑战性的外地特派团中服务。
As members can see, like others in my
country, those
[...] compatriots have had long and rich experience in both the national and international arenas and have served [...]
in challenging field missions.
在大多 数情况下,被绑架者在社长老和 宗教 袖 干 涉 后获释。
In a majority of instances, those abducted were released on the
[...] intervention of community elders and religious leaders.
我 們 的成衣 、 電 子 貨 品 、手表及 玩 具 質 優 新 穎 , 除 了因 政 府 提 供 了一個出入口 均可享 免 稅的環境外 , 全 靠 我 們 的 商 人 獨 具 慧 眼 ,袖 善 舞 。
The quality and innovation of our clothing, electronics goods, watches and toys are as much about the keen eye and entrepreneurial flair of our business people as they are about government policies that provide a duty-free environment for importers and exporters.
因此,令人舞的是,秘长成立 了一个指导委 员会,以审议加强整个预防性外交行为体网络的合作 的措施。
It is therefore
[...] encouraging to note that the Secretary-General has established [...]
a steering committee to consider measures
for enhancing cooperation across the network of preventive diplomacy actors.
在这些协议中,比较重 要的分别涉及以下领域:善就业增 长 、 社 会保障改革、《外国人法》的拓展和 [...]
延伸、《依附法》的编制、对养老金和行业最低工资的重新评估、集体合同的扩 展、纠纷的庭外和解、改善对失业农民的保护措施、持续性培训和预防劳动风 险。
Particularly noteworthy are the
[...] agreements on improving growth and employment, [...]
social security reform, implementation of
the Aliens Act, the drafting of the Dependence Act, the revaluation of pensions and of the statutory minimum wage, the extension of collective bargaining, extrajudicial dispute settlement, enhanced protection against agrarian unemployment, continuing education and prevention of occupational hazards.
我们对这 些进展感到舞,但正如秘长报告 (S/2010/85)说 明的,政府机构依然十分脆弱。
We are encouraged by that progress, but, as the Secretary-General’s report [...]
makes clear (S/2010/85), Government institutions remain fragile.
(ii) 谢尔格.利法尔(1904-1986 年)系舞蹈演员、编舞、舞蹈教员和舞蹈理论家,曾 担任巴舞蹈学院院长,索 邦大学教授和国 舞 蹈 理 事会(与教科文组织持有正 式关系的非政府组织)主席。
(ii) A dancer, choreographer, dance teacher and theorist, Serge Lifar (1904-1986) was the director of the Institute of Choreography in Paris, a
teacher at the
[...] Sorbonne and President of the International Dance Council (an international NGO maintaining [...]
official relations with UNESCO).
我們會慣常㆞讚揚商㆟思想敏捷、 袖善舞, 為香港創造財富,又發展出有史以來堪稱世界最成功的商業體系之㆒。
It is customary to applaud the sagacity and ingenuity of our businessmen for the creation of riches and the development of one of the most successful business systems in the history of the world.
[...] ㆘列各項:(a)停止在㆗國和西藏進行宗教迫害;(b)釋放因宗教信仰而被捕的宗教組織袖或成員;(c)改善對美 國企業的不公平和歧視性貿易方法;(d)減低關稅、撤銷非關 [...]
稅方面的障礙和增購美國貨物與勞務;(e)遵守核供應國集團和有關生化武器的澳洲組 織(Australian Group on Chemical and Biological Arms)所採納的導彈科技管制制度與管
制措施;(f)遵守㆗英聯合聲明;(g)與美國合作,就韓戰或越戰㆗失蹤美軍的㆘落,提 供合理解釋;(h)停止干擾「美國之音」;及(i)准許國際㆟權及㆟道組織探訪犯㆟,旁 聽審訊及參觀拘留㆞方。
Fifth, significant progress in (a) ceasing religious persecutions in the People's
Republic of China
[...] and Tibet; (b) releasing leaders and members of religious [...]
groups arrested for their religious beliefs; (c) easing unfair and discriminatory trade practices against United States
business; (d) lowering tariffs, removing non tariff barriers and increasing purchase of United States goods and services; (e) adhering to the missile technology control regime and controls adopted by the Nuclear Supplies Group and the Australian Group on Chemical and Biological Arms; (f) adhering to the Sino-British Joint Declaration; (g) co-operating with United States on an acceptable accounting for United States military personnel missing in the Korean or Vietnamese war; (h) ceasing the jamming of the Voice of America and, lastly, (i) providing international human rights and humanitarian groups access to prisoners, trials and places of detention.
尽管登记工作有了善,但 是包括长在内 的妇女可能没有获得基本用品和服务所需的证件。
Despite improvements made in registration, women, including [...]
heads of households, may be without the documentation they need
to access basic supplies and services.
Light microfleece long sleeve half zip with [...]
mesh panels at the pits for breathability, the Joly is a cozy shirt for highly
active pursuits on cool days, or a warm baselayer year round.
在互动讨论期间,一位观察员提出了几个优先行动领 域,其中包括:培训各国内的非洲裔政治 袖 ; 改 善 获 得高等教育的机会;保护 环境;在公共政策中采用关注性别和族裔的做法;以及根据人权指标实施有效的 [...]
During the interactive discussion an observer proposed several priority areas of action
including: training
[...] of political leaders of African descent in the countries; improvement in access to higher [...]
education; protection
of the environment; gender and ethnic approaches in public policies; and implementation of effective measures against racial discrimination based on human rights indicators.
它意味着获得充足的阳光,然后采用防护措施,比如使用SPF值为15(或以上)的防晒剂、遮阳伞 长袖 宽 松 衣服来避免过度照射。
It means getting adequate amounts of sun and then using protective
measures – such as sunscreen with SPF
[...] 15 or above, umbrellas, long-sleeved and [...]
loose-fitting clothing – to avoid over exposure.
[...] 实现必要的复苏,结构性政策和短期政策都必须要以这个目标为中心,这就必须 要如前面所述的那样提供积极的财政支助,同时采 长 期 措 施, 善 收 入 分配的 情况。
In fact, the necessary recovery in domestic demand in crisis-hit countries requires both structural and short-term policies to focus on this goal; this
would involve active fiscal support, as discussed earlier,
[...] along with long-term measures that improve income distribution.
安理会成员指出,虽然几内亚比绍的安全和政治状况有所 善 一 事 令人舞,但 必须以相对的角度来看待这件事,特别是考虑到正在对 2009 年的暗杀事 件进行调查。
Members of the Council said
[...] that, while the improved security and political situation in Guinea-Bissau was encouraging, it must be viewed [...]
in relative terms,
in particular in the light of the investigations into the assassinations of 2009.
To avoid bites, wear long-sleeved shirts [...]
and pants.
[...] 機制;假如由旅遊業議會自行成立基金,但無相應的法例及機制作監管,萬㆒基金出 現管理善或舞弊, 責任將由誰㆟負責呢?
If the TIC sets up a fund all by itself without corresponding
legislative support and supervising mechanisms, who are going to bear
[...] responsibilities in case of mismanagement or fraud?
我们对黎巴嫩-叙利亚关系在关键 时刻得以善感到鼓舞,并期望这种关系转变为实现 完全正常化的进一步的具体步骤。
We are encouraged by the improvements achieved in [...]
Lebanese-Syrian relations, which come at a critical time, and expect to
see them translated into further tangible steps towards full normalization.
[...] 向经济及社会理事会和大会提供协助的任务规定,通过 善 与 行政 首 长 协 调 会秘 书处和联合检查组的协调,加强协调作用,以提高规划效率和实效,从而继续确 [...]
In the same resolution, the Assembly also emphasized that, in full accordance with its mandate to assist the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly on coordination, the Committee on Programme and
Coordination should enhance its
[...] coordination role, through improved cooperation with the [...]
CEB secretariat and the Joint Inspection
Unit, in order to increase planning efficiency and effectiveness so as to continue to ensure the timeliness of the implementation of, and prevent duplication and redundancy in, the action of the Organization.
[...] 地方一级鼓励公共和私营部门采取行动,发展有活力、运作良好的企业部门,同 时善收入增长和收 入分配,提高生产力,增强妇女力量,保护劳工权利和环境。
We will continue to pursue appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks at our respective national levels and in a manner consistent with national laws to encourage public and private initiatives, including at the local level, and to foster a
dynamic and well-functioning business
[...] sector, while improving income growth and distribution, [...]
raising productivity, empowering
women and protecting labour rights and the environment.
伊拉克安全局势的善鼓舞许多 阿拉伯国家和 外国重新开放了其外交使团,并且为发展伊拉克在区 域和国际上的友好关系作出了重要贡献,此外,还向 世界各地表示支持这种发展的不同国家派驻了 [...]
53 名 伊拉克大使。
The improvement of the security situation in Iraq has encouraged many Arab and foreign [...]
countries to reopen their diplomatic
missions and has significantly contributed to the development of Iraq’s friendly relations at the regional and international levels, in addition to the appointment of 53 Iraqi ambassadors to various countries of the world that have expressed their support for this development.
早於2002年開始,養和醫院已積極參與公益活動,其中包括樂施會毅行者、公益金百萬行、世界心臟日、由南華早報及香港電台合辦的「愛心聖誕大行動」,與及由香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫舉辦之 善舞 會 Pi nk Ball等等。
Since 2002, HKSH has been an active supporter of wide-ranging charity activities, among them are the Oxfam Trailwalker, the Community Chest, the World Heart Day, the Operation Santa Claus (a yearly charitable event co-organized by the South China Morning Post and RTHK), and the Pink Ball of the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry, etc. In recent years, the Hospital has been encouraging its staff members to take part in voluntary services after work.
[...] 存 很多問題,包括(㆒)保險公司經營 善 、 舞 弊 和 倒閉等情況,使存款者面對㆒ 定的風險;(㆓)存款未能隨 [...]
員工轉工而轉移,使員工失去選擇工作的自由;(㆔) 私㆟保險公司的經營,基本㆖是做生意,是牟利,而非㆒種社會保障服務,股東的利
As the Honourable LEE Wing-tat has pointed out, the implementation of compulsory retirement protection schemes by private insurance companies has many inherent problems, such as
(1) contributors have to bear certain
[...] risks in case of mismanagement, malpractices [...]
or liquidation of the insurance company;
(2) workers are devoid of their freedom to change jobs as transferability of funds is not possible with every change of job; (3) private insurance companies aim at making profits instead of providing social security.




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