

单词 钩头篙

See also:

window catch
check mark or tick

pole for punting boats

External sources (not reviewed)

It is small yet strong. Locating the electrical coupling underneath at the head is also possible.
这些测试点采用能提高贴装表面积、强度和耐用性的扁平线工艺设计制造,能简化高密度 SMT 电路板的测试,是微型头、夹具和 钩 具 的理想配套器件。
Designed and manufactured using flat wire, which provides a large mounting surface area, strength, and durability,
these contacts simplify testing on dense SMT circuit boards and are ideal
[...] for use with miniature probes, clips, and hooks.
4) 钩住开关头,吊起开关油室,小心地将油室从上往下 落,穿入安装法兰的开孔。
4) Lift the diverter switch
[...] oil compartment by hooking up the on-load tap-changer head and [...]
carefully lower the oil compartment
into the opening of the mounting flange.
成套件包括一镀镍黄铜软管钩接头 和 丁 腈橡胶垫片。
Includes a
[...] nickel-plated brass hose barb fitting and Buna [...]
N gasket.
担架通过使用Liko快速脱缆钩系统进行安装,因此移位机必须配备Q-link紧固件或快速脱 钩 接 头。
The stretcher is installed with
Liko Quick-Release Hook System; therefore the lift must be equipped with Q-link
[...] fastener or Quick-release Hook Adapter.
本文件旨在尋求委員支持進行為篙 灣 發 展擬建的第 3 組基礎設施及相關工程,以及篙灣第 2 階段填海工程( 屬工 務計劃項目第 660CL 號㆘的部份工程) 。
This paper seeks Members’ support for the proposed
construction of
[...] infrastructure and associated works for Penny’s Bay Development, Package 3 and Penny’s Bay Reclamation Stage 2 [...]
under part of the Public
Works Programme (PWP) Item No. 660CL.
雖然很多主要工程計劃,例如機場核心工程 計劃及篙灣發 展計劃已經完成,而部分主要工程計劃尚未展 [...]
Although many major projects, such as the Airport
[...] core projects and Penny Bay project, had [...]
been completed and some major projects had
yet to start, there were still many works projects of small and medium scales that would be implemented.
(b) 就在大嶼山北 部篙灣興 建國際主題公園及其主要相關基礎 設 施 [...]
(包括填海工程、水 上 康 樂中心、行人道、 鐵路、公共 交 通 交 匯處、 渡輪碼頭、 雨水排放系統、 污水抽水站、 灌溉設 施、供水系統及公用設 施 ;斜坡修建及鞏固工程、景觀屏蔽
和 美化工程)的環評研究。
an EIA study for the construction of an
[...] International Theme Park at Penny’s Bay of North [...]
Lantau and its essential associated infrastructures,
including reclamation, a water recreation centre, roads, a pedestrian walkway, a rail link, a public transport interchange, piers, stormwater drainage system, sewerage facilities, irrigation, water supply and utility services, slope formation and stabilization, screening and landscaping works.
[...] 減 環境影響措施, 例如在篙 灣採取的措施,亦有助 把沉澱物 [...]
限制在可以 接受的水平內。
Mitigation measures like those being
[...] undertaken at Penny's Bay also helped [...]
keep the sediment levels within acceptable limits.
船廠用地於 2001 年 4
[...] 月復歸於政府,用以興建配合香港 迪士尼樂園發展的必要基礎設施( 包括篙灣連接路的篙灣路段和 P2 道路) 。
The site reverted to Government in April 2001 and is required for the construction of
the necessary infrastructure in
[...] support of HKD (including the Penny’s Bay Section of Chok [...]
Ko Wan Link Road and Road P2).
主要項目包括篙 灣 填海工程(10.61 億 元 )、 后 海 [...]
灣幹線 (9,300 萬 元 )、 東 鐵 支 線 -紅磡至 尖沙咀 支 線 的主要基建工程(7,600 萬 元 ) 、 鄉郊排水系統修 復 計 劃平原河 排水系統修 復 工程
(4,500 萬 元 )、 元 朗 西南擴 展 區 (3,500 萬 元 )、 元 朗 及 錦 田的主要排水道-田 村 排水 道 -附 屬 道 路 工程(3,200 萬 元 )、元 朗 排洪繞 道 (3,000 萬 元 )、為 屯 門第 56 區的房屋 發 展計劃 而 進行的道 路 築建工程和排水渠敷 設工程(2,600 萬 元 )、介 乎 錦 英 路 與日 後 的 T7 號主幹路交 界 處 的 西 沙路擴闊工程(2,600 萬 元 )、 荃 灣 第 2 區 與 深 井 之間 一 段 青 山 公 路 的 改善工程(2,500 萬 元 ) ,以及白 石 角 發 展計劃基礎設施餘 下 工程 (1,000 萬 元 )等 。
The major
[...] projects will include Penny’s Bay Reclamation [...]
($1,061 million), Deep Bay Link ($93 million), East Rail Extension
– Essential public infrastructure works for Hung Hom to Tsim Sha Tsui extension ($76 million), Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme – drainage rehabilitation works at Ping Yuen River ($45 million), Yuen Long south western extension ($35 million), Main drainage channels for Yuen Long and Kam Tin – Tin Tsuen channel – Ancillary road works ($32 million), Yuen Long bypass floodway ($30 million), Construction of roads and drains to serve the housing development in Area 56, Tuen Mun ($26 million), Sai Sha Road widening between Kam Ying Road and future Trunk Road T7 junction ($26 million), Castle Peak Road improvement between Area 2 and Sham Tseng, Tsuen Wan ($25 million), Remaining engineering infrastructure works for Pak Shek Kok development ($10 million), etc.
(A4) 竹篙灣連接路扒頭鼓段,連接篙灣 連 接路 篙灣 段 和擬建的青衣至大嶼山連接路。
(A4) the Pa Tau Kwu section of the Chok Ko Wan Link Road (CKWLR) to connect the Penny’s Bay section of CKWLR with the proposed TY-LL.
因應委員於2002年 7月 9日上次會議席上提出的 要求,政府當局已就篙灣鐵 路線的工程項目協議(下稱 “ 工程項目協議”)及該工程計劃的融資安排提供補充資 料,有關的文件載於立法會CB(1)2279/01-02(01) 號文 件。
In response to members' request at the last meeting held on 9 July 2002, the Administration had provided supplementary information in relation to the Penny's Bay Rail Link (PBRL) Project Agreement (the Project Agreement) and the funding arrangement of the PBRL Project vide LC Paper No. CB(1) 2279/01-02(01).
工務小組委員會委員在 1999 年 11 月 17 日會議上,審議
[...] PWSC(1999-2000)70 號文件。會上,委員問及篙灣發 展計劃採用 不同填海方法所需的費用和時間。
When considering PWSC(1999-2000)70 at the Public Works Subcommittee meeting held on 17
November 1999, Members have queried the cost and timing of alternative methods of
[...] reclamation for Penny’s Bay Development.
在此方面,政府當局需要提供更多資料,說明 其如何得出此數額,特別是票價收入假設,以及 篙灣 鐵路線估計會為地鐵網絡其他路線帶來的額外收入。
In this respect, the Administration would need to provide additional information on how this amount was arrived at, in particular the revenue assumptions of fare and estimated additional revenue induced by PBRL to the rest of the MTR network.
后者需要移位机配备Q-link紧固件或快速脱 钩 接 头。
The latter requires the lift to be equipped with the Q-link fastener or
[...] the Quick-release Hook Adapter.
兩 區區議員對 我們就篙灣連接路-篙灣段工 程 而 提 出 的 收 地建議並無異議。
Members of the two District Councils expressed no adverse comments on the proposed land
[...] resumption for the CKW Link Road – Penny’s Bay Section.
在简要固定冷麻醉24 - 48H老苍蝇,苍蝇被粘一个三角形状的 钩 的 头 部 和胸部(美国强力胶紫外线玻璃胶,505127A,步行者技术,Cucamonga,CA。
After briefly immobilizing 24-48h old flies by cold-anaesthesia, the flies are glued (SuperGlue UV glass adhesive, 505127A, Pacer Technology, Cucamonga, Ca.
雖然,我不贊成這種做法,亦覺得政府 應該採取措施改變僱主這種意識形態,但平心而論,我不認為現時的整體招聘情況如 李議員所說「普遍存在歧視」,這說法似乎有「㆒ 篙 打 ㆒ 船㆟」之嫌。
Despite the fact that I do not think it is right in so doing and I think the Government should take steps to change this mentality of some employers, in fairness I do not think that the overall recruitment situation features "prevalent discrimination against women by employers" as suggested by Mr LEE.
他们是代表与公平的皮肤埃及古迹, 头 发 , 蓝眼睛, 钩 鼻 子,并指出胡须。
They are represented on the Egyptian monuments with fair skins, light hair, blue eyes, aquiline noses, and pointed beards.
當局需要提供土地、相關的基礎設施和政府、機構及社區設施, 以配合在大嶼山篙灣發 展一個國際主題公園( 即香港迪士尼樂園) [...]
and government, institution and community (GIC) facilities to support the
development of an international theme park, to be known as Hong Kong
[...] Disneyland (HKD), at Penny’s Bay on Lantau Island.
當局須提供必要的基礎設施和政府、機構及社區設施,以支援 在大嶼山篙灣發展香港迪士尼樂園第一期,並須為日後發展香港迪 [...]
We need to provide the necessary infrastructure and government, institution and
community (GIC) facilities to support the development of Hong Kong Disneyland
[...] (HKD) Phase 1 at Penny’s Bay on Lantau Island.
九月份时,"约四百名穿制服的警察和平民带着铲子、警棍、 头 、 铁 钩 和 其 它武器,殴打在附近一家快要完工的工厂里睡觉的教会成员,他们把那座工厂当做敬拜的场所......有数十位基督徒受重伤"(Compass [...]
Back in September, "some 400 uniformed
police and civilians bearing shovels,
[...] batons, bricks, iron hooks and other weapons [...]
had beaten members of the church who were
sleeping at a nearly finished factory building used as a worship site... dozens of Christians were seriously injured" (Compass Direct).
[...] 636可以通过自动调平液压系统和前附件支架安装各种属具,如叉架、叉架回转座、铲斗、载人作业平台、卷扬机、 头 固 定 吊 钩 和 副 臂等。
The company said, as telehandlers, Multis 636 by automatic leveling hydraulic system and front attachment bracket installed various
appurtenances, such as forks, fork rotation seat, bucket, manned operating
[...] platforms, winches, arm head fixed hook and jib.
在进一步采取跨部门行动的问题上,与会者建议信息传播技术与教育 钩 ( 如 在上面 “教育”部分已提出的那样),并与教育部门一道促进虚拟大学和培训中心之间的合作。
As regards further intersectoral action, participants suggested linkages between ICTs and education (as is already elaborated above under “Education”) and the promotion of cooperation between virtual universities and training centres (together with ED).
与会者还认为,应当继续开展 32 C/5 中将生物多样性和文化多样性钩的 跨 部门联合 活动,并应在教科文组织内另设跨部门机制,根据大会第三十二届会议通过的决议来落实毛 里求斯会议(巴巴多斯+10)的建议。
Participants also felt that the joint intersectoral initiatives in document 32 C/5 of linking biological and cultural diversity should be continued and that additional intersectoral mechanisms should be established within UNESCO for the follow-up of the recommendations of the Mauritius Meeting (Barbados+10) in line with the resolution adopted by the General Conference at its 32nd session.
为落实这一优先事 项建议采取的行动包括:鼓励在财政、经济或计划方面承担了广泛任务的一 个核心部委负责把适应气候变化的政策和活动纳入主流;组织一次全国高级
[...] 别政策对话以制订与减少灾害风险战略 钩 的 国家适应战略;通过一个多部 门机制,例如减少灾害风险国家平台,把对减少与气候有关的风险的活动的 [...]
Suggested actions towards achieving this priority include: encouraging a core ministry with a broad mandate including finance, economics or planning, to be responsible for mainstreaming climate change adaptation policies and activities; organizing a national high-level
policy dialogue to prepare a national adaptation
[...] strategy that links with disaster [...]
risk reduction strategies; formalizing collaboration
and the coordination of climate-related risk reduction activities through a multisector mechanism such as a national platform for disaster risk reduction; and developing mechanisms to actively engage and empower women, communities and local governments in the assessment of vulnerability and impacts and the formulation of local adaptation activities.
[...] 臣道發展計劃內土地平整的剩餘物料、 篙 灣 第 二階段的填海工程中剩餘的加 荷物料、港島西和荃灣雨水排放隧道在挖掘時所產生的泥石等等。
These include, for example, the surplus materials from site formation for the Development at
Anderson Road, the surplus surcharge for Stage 2
[...] Reclamation at Penny’s Bay, the rock [...]
and soil generated in excavation for drainage
tunnels at Hong Kong West and Tsuen Wan.
2004-05 年度的建議撥款額與 2003-04
[...] 年度的核准撥款額相若 ,主 要是由於用以支付與篙灣填海工程有關的補償金的 10 億 [...]
6,100 萬元 款項,預期會由 2003-04 年度推延 至 2004-05 年度才支付 所 致 (
見 下文 附錄 1B 第 I 部分項目 1)。
The proposed allocation for 2004-05 stands at a level similar to 2003-04 mainly due to the anticipated deferred payment
of $1,061 million for the compensation
[...] claims arisen from Penny’s Bay Reclamation [...]
from 2003-04 to 2004-05 (Item 1 of Part I at Annex 1B below).
我 們 亦 會 與 其他有關團體和 組織的
[...] 代表會 面,向 他 們 講 述篙灣和陰澳填海工 程的進展,聽 [...]
取這些代表就這項計劃發表 的 意見,並 了 解 他 們所關注 的問題。
We will also meet other relevant bodies and organizations to
brief them on the development of the
[...] reclamation works at Penny’s Bay and Yam [...]
O, and to hear their views and concerns on the project.




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