单词 | salesforce | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
自1999年成立以来,文思海辉的管理和咨询团队即与Salesforce.co m进行合作,并且自2004年以来一直是Salesforce.co m的主要合作伙伴。 pactera.com | Pactera’s management and consulting team has been [...] workingwith Salesforce.comsince its inception in 1999 and has been a certified PremierSalesforce.com Partner since 2004. pactera.com |
根据项目所述,Phoenix被Salesforce.com内部使用,对于简单的低延迟查询,其量级为毫秒;对于百万级别的行数来说,其量级为秒。 infoq.com | Phoenix is usedinternally by Salesforce.com forlow latency [...] queries in the order of milliseconds for simple queries or [...]seconds when tens of millions of rows are processed, according to the project’s description. infoq.com |
现在你的SalesforceCRM 联络人也可以收到高品质的电子报。 benchmarkemail.com | Now yourSalesforce CRMcontacts can receive [...] the quality email communication they deserve. benchmarkemail.com |
这也取决于你是“如何”使用关系数据库的:是像Salesforce.co m那 样的多租模式抑或单租模式。 infoq.com | It also depends a lot on *how* [...] you're using a relational database: in a multi-tenant [...] manner as isthe case at Salesforce.com or a single tenant manner. infoq.com |
优化:通过Force.com平台的编码、功能升级以及定制化和与其他应用集成的功能,优化现有Salesforce.co m应用的功能。 pactera.com | Optimization: optimize the features of existing Salesforce.com applications through Force.com platform coding, features upgrades, and customization orintegration with other applications. pactera.com |
Benchmark的第三方整合系统可以直接将你的Salesforce联络人资讯汇入选定的联络人群组。 benchmarkemail.com | Benchmark's third-party integration system [...] will import yourSalesforce contactsinto a [...]list of your choosing. benchmarkemail.com |
文思海辉为现有的Saleforce.com应用提供了全面的附加功能,为每个客户提供了一个能够满足其独特业务需求的Salesforce.co m平台。 pactera.com | Pactera provides comprehensive additional functionality for [...] existing Saleforce.com applications, [...] giving each client aSalesforce.com platform specifically [...]designed to fit unique business needs. pactera.com |
文思海辉快速的Salesforce.com实施能力,确保了销售、客户满意度和收入的提升。 pactera.com | Pactera’s rapid Salesforce.com implementation capacity [...] ensures improved sales, customer satisfaction, and revenues. pactera.com |
作为Eloqua主要认证合作伙伴,文思海辉的市场营销顾问团队已经在整合Eloq ua与Salesforce.co m和其他业务关键应用方面积累了深厚的专业知识。 pactera.com | As certified Eloqua Premier Partner, Pactera’s teams of marketing consultants [...] have developed deep expertise in [...] integratingEloquawith Salesforce.com and other applications [...]critical to your business. pactera.com |
除了无数的SQL、NoSQL与NewSQL数据库,Salesforce.co m又宣布了Phoenix项目,这是构建在Apache [...] HBase(列式大数据存储)之上的一个SQL中间层。 infoq.com | In addition to myriads of SQL, NoSQL [...] and NewSQLdatabases,Salesforce.comhas announced project [...]Phoenix, an SQL layer on top [...]of Apache HBase, a column-oriented Big Data store. infoq.com |
文思海辉帮助赛门铁克实施salesforce.co m,在4个月内达到4,000名用户。 pactera.com | Pactera helped [...] (Symantec)implement salesforce.com which encouraged [...]4,000 customers to subscribe in 4 months. pactera.com |
作为Salesforce.com的卓越合作伙伴,文思海辉至今已完成超过1,000个项目的交付。 pactera.com | Asa Premier Salesforce.com Partner,Pactera [...] has delivered over 1,000 projects to date. pactera.com |
Fonality基于云的商务通讯解决方案,取代了传统的电话系统,并增加了很多高级功能,如会议桥、统一消息、聊天、语音邮件和电子邮件、在线状态管理、联系中心应用,并集成了微软Outlook、谷歌、Salesforce等产品。 tipschina.gov.cn | Fonality's cloud-based business communications solutions replace traditional phone systems and add advanced functionality including conference bridges, unified messaging, chat, voicemail and email, [...] presence management, contact center applications, and integration with products such as [...] Microsoft Outlook, Google,Salesforce. tipschina.gov.cn |
文思海辉经验丰富的工程师拥有BigMachines方面完整的实施和支持能力,也可以整合Salesforce.co m、合作伙伴关系、客户关系管理系统以及客户门户和网站。 pactera.com | Pactera’s seasoned engineers possess complete implementation and support [...] capacities for BigMachines and can [...] also integrationwith Salesforce.com, partnerrelationship, [...]and customer relationship management [...]systems, as well as customer portals and websites. pactera.com |
所以,Salesforce.com具有很强的市场优势,因为他们只是试图提倡一种模型。 gxs.com | So Salesforce.comhas a superior [...] marketing position because they’re only trying to advocate one model. gxs.com |
近日,Salesforce.com开 源了Phoenix,这是一个Java中间层,可以让开发者在Apache [...] HBase上执行SQL查询。 infoq.com | Salesforce.comhasopen sourced Phoenix, [...] a Java layer enabling developers to run SQL queries on Apache HBase. infoq.com |
文思海辉同时能够为现有的Salesforce.co m客户开发Force.com应用程序,包括自定义联系人角色验证和自定义对象商机转换系统。 pactera.com | Pactera can also develop Force.com [...] applications for existingSalesforce.comcustomers, including [...]custom contact roles validation [...]and custom object lead conversion systems. pactera.com |
Salesforce.com CRM解决方案:解决方案可以帮助销售代表完成更大规模的交易,几乎可以基于任何设备与客户进行联系,从而提高工作效率和客户满意度。 pactera.com | Salesforce.comCRM solutions: Pactera Salesforce [...] solutions help sales reps close bigger deals, connect with customers on [...]almost any device, improve productivity, and increase customer satisfaction. pactera.com |
文思海辉帮助AMD实施salesforce.com,在45天内达到800名用户。 pactera.com | Pactera helped (AMD)implementsalesforce.comwhich encouraged [...] 800 customers to subscribe in 45 days. pactera.com |
FPX业务发展副总裁Jim [...] Scheper表示:“富士通网络通信公司是一类优质客户的代表,他们将FPX的配置报价解决方案与其现有的后台数据应用和Salesforce.co m无缝集成在一起并从中获益。 tipschina.gov.cn | Fujitsu Network Communications represents the perfect type of customer to benefit from the seamless integration of FPX's Configure-Price-Quote [...] solutions with their existing back-end [...] data applications andSalesforce.com," saidJim Scheper, [...]Vice President of Business Development for FPX. tipschina.gov.cn |
人们似乎总是提到的头号人物就是Salesforce.com 和 CRM领域,我已经听到一些你指的采购、财务后勤 [...] 办公室、无区分类型的东西,但你的通用公司例子是一个好例子。 gxs.com | The number one that people always [...] seem to refer tois Salesforce.comandtheCRM space, [...]I’ve heard of number of you refer [...]to purchases, financial back office, non-differentiated types of things but your General Motors automotive example is a good one. gxs.com |