单词 | 酩酊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酩酊—heavily intoxicatedExamples:酩酊大醉—dead drunk as drunk as a lord See also:酩—drunk intoxicated 酊—intoxicated
这是因为人类的代谢速度有限,需要时间才能将酒精完全排出体外或转化成其它物质,而这和究竟晚上是否在酩酊大醉之下倒头大睡无关。 hkcarworld.com | But if they have to drive to work first thing the next morning, the alcohol may not have "cleared the system" overnight. hkcarworld.com |
为都市居民提供洁 净水牵涉了过濾、沉淀和蒸馏等技术;郊区的旅客可於天然水依次加入碘酊及抗坏血酸,令其变得「安全」,以供饮用。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | The supply of clean water to people in metropolitan districts involves a number of techniques such as filtration, precipitation and distillation. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
于2010年推出的NOWNESS.com是酩悦‧轩尼诗-路易‧威登集团一个编辑自主的网站。 lvmh.cn | NOWNESS.com, launched in 2010, is the editorially independent [...] website of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis [...]Vuitton. lvmh.com |
我们所提供的不同型号的该产品您都可以选择内衬为硅胶Silicone 或者酊氰橡胶EPDM材质。 normagroup.com | Depending on the profile type (a or b) the rubber profiles are available either in Silicone or EPDM material. normagroup.com |
第 4 部分 [...] 所载表格表明各表所列麻醉药品酯、醚和盐的纯无水麻醉品含量以及某些浸膏和酊折成的纯无 水麻醉品含量。 incb.org | 4 contains tables showing the pure anhydrous drug content of esters, ethers and salts of narcotic drugs [...] listed in the Schedules as well as the equivalents of [...] certain extracts and tinctures, intermsof the [...]pure anhydrous drug. incb.org |
由Nomex®聚酰酩纸张和聚酯或者聚酰亚胺(Kapton®)薄膜联合而成的柔韧性绝缘材料。 coveme.com | Range of flexible insulation materials deriving from the coupling of Nomex® aramid paper with polyester or polyimide (Kapton®) films. coveme.com |
对于其他奢侈品牌也一样:美国蒂芙尼宣布由于第三季度营业额亏损,将有可能裁员;意大利宝格丽利润也被估计下滑,类似的还有路威酩轩,2008年第三季度与前两季度相比,增长率下降50%。 labbrand.com | And for other luxury brands is the same: US Tiffany has announced a possible staff cut due to a third quarter drop in turnover; Italian Bulgari looks at an expected fall in profits similarly to LVMH, who has sawn its third quarter growth sliced 50 per cent in comparison to the first two terms of 2008. labbrand.com |
Nomex®是一种合成芳香聚酰胺聚合物,一般情况下作为芳香族聚酰酩被人们熟识,是高温工作下的绝缘材料。 coveme.com | Nomex® is a synthetic aromatic polyamide polymer generally known as an aramid used as insulation material for high working temperatures coveme.com |
酩悦轩尼诗创办10 Cane时秉持“炼金术”的理念——混合多种元素来创造新事物。 lvmh.cn | Moët Hennessycreated 10 [...] Cane around the idea of "alchemy", the mixing of elements to create something new. lvmh.com |
NOWNESS.com以酩悦‧轩尼诗-路易‧威登集团闻名于世的创意及热情探索精致生活的艺术。 lvmh.cn | NOWNESS.com explores the art of fineliving with the level of innovation and passion for which LVMH is known. lvmh.com |
14/12/2011 2011年年末,葡萄酒投资以繁荣状态收尾 • 14/12/2011 勃艮第需要“必然增长” • 13/12/2011 苏富比拍卖行今年创下高端葡萄酒销售的新纪录 • 12/12/2011 通过使用新的电脑程序,葡萄酒酿造商开始变得更具技术头脑 • 12/12/2011 唐·培里侬香槟发售2003年份酒 • 09/12/2011 Anish Kapoor设计木桐堡葡萄酒标签 • 09/12/2011 伦敦葡萄酒交易行的前100中高品质葡萄酒“认为牛市” • 08/12/2011 哈罗斯展出酩悦1911年份葡萄酒 • 08/12/2011 波尔多的产业被来自中国的买家大肆抢购 • 07/12/2011 中国的高品质葡萄酒市场正日趋成熟? dittonwinetraders.co.uk | 14/12 Wine investment ends 2011 on a high • 14/12 Burgundy demand to 'inevitably increase' • 13/12 Sotheby's records record year for fine wine sales • 12/12 Winemakers become more tech savvy with new app • 12/12 Dom Perignon launches 2003 vintage via hologram • 09/12 Anish Kapoor designs Mouton Rothschild label • 09/12 Liv-ex Fine Wine 100 'remains bullish' • 08/12 Harrods puts Moet&Chandon Grand Vintage 1911 on display • 08/12 Bordeaux properties being snapped up by Chinese buyers • 07/12 Is the Chinese fine wine market maturing? dittonwinetraders.co.uk |
它的命名源自手工收割并将甘蔗茎以每组10根进行捆扎的传统。10 [...] Cane代表了特立尼达岛(Trinidad)轻松惬意的环境以及酩悦轩尼诗(Moët Hennessy)数百年的尊贵酿酒经验。 lvmh.cn | Named after the tradition of hand-harvesting and bundling sugar cane stalks in groups of ten, 10 Cane [...] represents the relaxed environment of Trinidad juxtaposed with the luxury and [...] centuries-old expertise of Moët Hennessy. lvmh.com |
这次没有按照惯例赠送斯沃琪手表,来宾们带回家的仅是一双工地胶鞋!如果有人觉得这一信息还不够明确,那尼克•海耶克很乐意让他们意识到,路威酩轩(LVMH)是不会邀请他们到一家在建工厂去的。 wthejournal.com | And just in case someone hadn’t gotten the message, Nick Hayek took great pleasure in commenting that he didn’t think LVMH was likely to invite them to a factory construction site. wthejournal.com |