单词 | 送去 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 送去—send to(often used)less common: deliver to give sb.a lift (e.g. in a car) Examples:送出去v—reach outv
在肯尼亚图尔卡纳的众多村庄,一项为社区送去清洁水的活动改变了人们的生活 unicef.org | For villages in Turkana, Kenya, a new [...] initiative that brings clean water to the community [...]is life-changing unicef.org |
据报告称,即使那些被送去劳教的人也在其短 期拘留期间目睹了一些可怕的虐待事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even those who aresent forlabour training [...] are reported as witnessing some terrible abuses during their short period of detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
在过去的两年中,该中心向有关国际组织送去了大约 10 名 核不扩散和裁军专业的学生。 daccess-ods.un.org | In thepast twoyears, it sentapproximately 10 [...] students specializing in non-proliferation and disarmament to relevant international organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年生产的氟氯化碳期末存货为 24.4 [...] 公吨,属于非计量吸入器等级,其生 产企业正在寻找适当的当事人以便将这些材料送去销毁。 multilateralfund.org | The closing stock from 2010 production of 24.4 mt is of non-MDI [...] grade, for which the producer was in the process of identifying [...] suitable partiesforsending the material for [...]destruction. multilateralfund.org |
采集的骨头样本已送去进行DNA 分析,以还原相貌特征;已 收到 164 份 DNA [...] 结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bone samples were sent for DNA analysis [...] for profiling; 164 DNA results were received. daccess-ods.un.org |
士兵 Muhammad Ahmad al-Abd 和 Manar Ahmad Amari 的尸体被送往部队医院, 一同送去的还有 24 名军人,其中包括一名军官,他们是在城内不同地点和附近 乡村被弹片和枪弹打伤的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The bodies of conscripts Muhammad Ahmad al-Abd and Manar Ahmad Amari were taken to the military hospital, together with 24 military personnel, including an officer, who had been injured by shrapnel and gunfire in various parts of the city and surrounding countryside. daccess-ods.un.org |
C.4.16 兴奋剂检查官应确保不用送去分析的任何残余尿液在运动员完全看清的 情况下丢弃。 unesdoc.unesco.org | C.4.16 The DCO shall ensure any residual urine [...] thatwill not be sentfor analysisis discarded [...]in full view of the Athlete. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据《废 品法》,在城市废物中送去填埋的可用生物降解的废物比例,不得超过 daccess-ods.un.org | Pursuant to the Waste Act the proportion of biodegradable waste among municipal waste taken tolandfill may not exceed daccess-ods.un.org |
世界银行重申了核查 [...] 报告上所说明的内容,并且在第六十五次会议上重申,有两个参与公司向审计人员指出它 们“正在寻找适当当事人以便将这一材料送去焚烧”,而且“生产国同意尽可能限制非药 [...]用规格等级氟氯化碳的产量,并且同意支付其销毁费用”。 multilateralfund.org | The Bank reiterated what was indicated in the verification report and at the 65th meeting, namely, that the two companies involved indicated to the auditors that they were [...] “in the process of identifying [...] suitable parties forsending this materialfor [...]incineration” and that “the producing country [...]agreed to limit the production of non-pharmaceutical specification grade CFCs to the extent possible and pay for their destruction”. multilateralfund.org |
他们要求受害人家人支付赎金,并送去第一位提交人 母亲的指尖,同时威胁说,如不支付赎金将杀死提交人的母亲。 daccess-ods.un.org | They demanded ransom and sentthe first author’s [...] mother’s fingertips to the family as a warning that they would kill her if ransom was not paid. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们为能在这一重大任务中用我们在物流方面的核心竞争力支持联合国而自豪,我们将为世界上任何需要帮助的地方送去我们的爱心。 business.un.org | We are proud to support the United Nations in this important mission with our core competence in logistics and we will deliver help to wherever in the world it is needed. business.un.org |
Akbarov 先生未获得医疗服务的指控,缔约国解释称, 2010年12月12日和25日,Akbarov 先生在抱怨心脏问题和呼吸困难之后被送 去医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to an allegation of denial of medical care for Mr. Akbarov, the State party explains that on 12 and 25 December 2010, he was taken toamedical facility following hiscomplaint about heart problems and respiratory difficulties. daccess-ods.un.org |
如诱捕结束的时 间较晚,已经不方便在当天完成手术,可与医院协商是先将猫咪送过去,第二天再 实施绝育手术,还是暂时先另行安置猫咪,次日再送去医院完成绝育手术。 animalsasia.org | If it is too late for the surgery, discuss [...] with the hospital whether [...] the catsshall be sent first andwait till the next day for the surgery, or be placed in some otherlocation and sent thenext day. animalsasia.org |
16岁的穆罕默德*(Mohammed)在14岁时被送去地道里工作。 unicef.org | Sixteen-year-oldMohammed* wassent to work in tunnels [...] when he turned 14. unicef.org |
将照相机送去维修前,请检查电池并再次阅读数码照相机使⽤说明书以确 [...] 保操作正确。 ricoh.com | Beforesending thecamerain for [...] repair, check the battery and read the instruction manual again to ensure proper operation. ricoh.com |
2012年伊始,他带领罗兰贝格参与了上海非政府组织“米饭妈妈”的“爱之盒”计划("Boxes of [...] Love"),召集全公司一起为中国偏远地区孤儿募集善款,并美化、装点了100个充满爱意的盒子,为其送去吃、穿、用等生活用品。 rolandberger.com.cn | At the beginning of this year, Mr. Bouée encouraged all employees to participate in the "Boxes of Love" fundraising initiative by NGO Mifan Mama. A [...] total of 100 boxes of food, clothing, and other [...] daily necessitieswere senttoorphaned children [...]in remote areas of China. rolandberger.com.cn |
此外,Gartner声明有十分之一被送去打印的文档是无人认领的,这表示公司可以降低高达10%的打印成本。 jetmobile.com | Furthermore Gartner states that [...] one in tendocuments senttoa printerare uncollected, [...]which means that businesses can [...]reduce printing costs by up to 10%. jetmobile.com |
直升机急救服务是市区与郊区堵塞的极有效的 工具。31 将病人从遥远的生病或受伤地点送回家或送去更复杂的医疗场所是固定翼空中医疗服务的一项主要用 途。 medevacfoundation.org | Helicopter EMS is also a powerful tool in urban/suburban congestion.31 Bringing patients home and/or to more sophisticated medical care from distant sites of illness or injury (called “repatriation”) is one major use of fixed-wing (airplane) air medical service. medevacfoundation.org |
Moharebeh( [...] 仇恨真主) ,其死刑判决被最高法院于2011年第 二次维持原判,并且他们的案卷随后被送去执行判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both individuals were accused of Moharebeh (fighting against God), had their death sentences upheld by [...] the Supreme Court for the second time in 2011 and their [...] files were subsequently sent for implementation of [...]the sentence. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果有海水进入表内,则宜将手表用盒子或塑料袋包好立刻送去修理。 citizen.com.hk | If seawater enters the watch, place the watch in a box or plastic bag and [...] immediately take itin forrepair. citizen.com.hk |
短短半小时的时间里,Labthink兰光全体员工为汶川地震灾区同胞倾情捐款31900元,这笔爱心捐款将和公司奉献的30000元,共计61900元,以最快的速度汇入全国妇联中国儿童少年基金会设立的“汶川大地震孤儿救助专项基金”,为在地震灾害中急需帮助的孩子们送去一份温暖和关怀。 labthink.cn | Within half an hour, all the staffs of Labthink donated 31,900 Yuan, This donation together with 30,000 Yuan donation from the company which add up to 61,900 Yuan will be sent to the special account set up for the Rescue and Assistance of Wenchuan-quake Orphans by China Children and Teenagers’Fund(CCTF) to extend our care and consideration for the quake-stricken children who are in urgent need of help. labthink.cn |
我谨代表欧巴马总统和美国人民,向那些受到最近中国西南部悲剧影响的人们送去我们最深切的慰问。 embassyusa.cn | On behalf of President Obama and the people of the [...] United States, I send our deepestcondolences [...]to those affected by the recent tragedy in southwestern China. eng.embassyusa.cn |
例如在意大利,填地税促进执行 3R废物政策,使 减少将生物能降解的废物送去填埋在经济上更具吸引力。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example in Italy, a landfill [...] tax is promoting 3R waste policies, making economically attractive a reduction in [...] biodegradable waste senttolandfills. daccess-ods.un.org |
曝光的胶片更易受到湿度和温度变化的影响,所以建议尽快把曝光的胶片送去冲洗,避免 所谓的潜影衰退而影响胶片速度和反差。 motion.kodak.com | It is recommended that it be processed promptly after exposure, to avoid changes known as “latent image regression”, which include loss of speed and contrast. motion.kodak.com |
所有这些被装进一个日本国旗一样的红白两色的特别包装里的珠宝的销售收益,将会被捐给日本机构JOICFP(日本家庭计划国际协会)然后送去相关的妇女援助项目,符合Damiani一贯对女性特有的奉献精神。 damiani.com | All profits raised in the jewelry sale, with special packaging in the colours of the Japanese flag - white and red - will be donated to the Japanese association JOICFP (Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning) and for support for the female population, consistent with the particular sensitivity and commitment expressed by Damiani in favour of women. damiani.com |