

单词 说时迟,那时快

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不过,委员会还了解到,急需上 文第四.99 段提到的两个新员额,其设立不大容易 迟 到 那 个 时 候。
The Committee was also informed, however, that the two new posts
referred to in paragraph IV.99 above were urgently needed and their establishment could not
[...] easily be deferred until that time.
尽管如此,一国或一国际组织在认为保留无 时 , 应当 尽 快 提 出 反对 说明 理由。
Nevertheless, a State or an international organization which considers that a reservation is
[...] invalid should formulate a reasoned objection as soon as possible.
在紧急情况下,难民营也许是不可避 免的,但它们随后会快在无意中 迟 恢 复 自力更生 时 间。
While camps may be unavoidable in
[...] emergency situations, quickly thereafter they may inadvertently serve to delay the [...]
resumption of self-reliance.
在实际中,这就说,往 往是在冲突后采取 措施,因为只有那时冲突各方才有可能履行其义务。
In practice, this means that the measures are often
carried out
[...] after the conflict, because it is only at that time that parties are in a position to fulfil their [...]
在出迟交情况时,秘书处应当尽 最大可能提供信息说明迟交文 件公开发行的预期之日。
In the event of delay, the Secretariat should, to the greatest extent possible, provide information on the expected date of public release of delayed documents.
在回答一个成员关于为什么有些员额已从 P4 升为 P5 而其他员额没有提升的询时,环境规划署代表解说,那些决 定是根据某些员额责任增加、必须遵守联合国工作人 [...]
In response to the question from a Member as to why some posts had been upgraded from P4 to P5 while others had
not, the representative
[...] of UNEP explained that those decisions had been made in light of the increased [...]
responsibilities that
had been assigned to certain positions, as well as the need to comply with UN staff rules and to stay within the CAP budget.
项目小组为尽量避免再次迟时间 表,已制定各种措施,包括:快生 产和进口关键的机电物品;安排分期交付大 楼以加快内部装修工作(从而使启用时间尽可能接近原定时间表);在可能情况下 [...]
The project team has developed measures
[...] to minimize further schedule delays, including expediting the manufacture and importation [...]
of critical electromechanical
items, scheduling a phased handover of the building to accelerate interior fit-out activities (so that occupancy remains as close to the previous schedule as possible) and facilitating phased move-in where possible.
海军健康研究中心主任、医学博士Dennis Faix评说:“这个新快速检 测将不仅为普通的美国民众提供额外的保护,而且还将为我们 那 些 禽流感活跃地区部署的前沿部队提供额外的保护。
This new rapid test will provide an extra level of protection for not only the general U.S. population, but for our forward-deployed troops in areas with avian influenza activity," commented Dennis Faix, M.D., Commander, NHRC.
特派团解说,迟交的原因 是,一些应签署核查报告的当事方 时 不 在,因此,核查报告无法提交给外勤 支助部。
The Mission explained that delays arose when some of the parties who should sign the verification report [...]
were not always available
and, as a result, the verification reports could not be submitted to the Department of Field Support.
经讨论后,食典委在步骤 8 或步骤 5/8 通过了食品添加剂通用标准的食品添加剂 规定草案和拟议草案(ALINORM 06/29/12 附录 VII 和附录 XI),但这两个附录中食品 类别编号、13.1.1、13.1.2 例外,决定迟审议那些食 品类别的食品添加剂规 定,直到油脂膏和混合膏标准草案及婴儿配方标准草案最后审定以及这些标准的添加 剂部分提交食品添加剂和污染物法典委员会通 时 为 止
After some discussion, the Commission adopted the draft and proposed draft food additive provisions of the GSFA (ALINORM 06/29/12 Appendix VII and XI) at Step 8 or Step 5/8 with the exception of Food
Categories Nos.,
[...] 13.1.1, 13.1.2 in those two Appendices and decided to defer the consideration of food additive provisions of those food categories, pending finalization of the Draft Standard for Fat Spreads and Blended Spreads, and the Draft Standard for Infant Formula and submission of the additives [...]
sections of these
standards for endorsement by CCFA.
因此,说明, 推迟可能 会在未来给联合国带来显著的成本效益。
As such, it was
[...] stated that the deferral could result in [...]
substantial costs efficiencies for the Organization in the future.
为什么国际社迟迟没能说服那些不 愿意坐下来谈判的人,从而导致联合国本 可用于其他地方的数十亿紧缺美元遭到浪费?
Why does the
[...] international community delay in prevailing upon those who are reluctant [...]
to come to the negotiating table,
thereby squandering billions of sorely needed dollars that the United Nations could direct elsewhere?
53/208 B 号决议中,(a) 再次请秘书长
[...] 确保按照以大会六种正式语文同时分发文件的六星期规则提供文件;(b) 重申其 决定,如延迟印发报告,应在提交报 时说 明 迟 交 的 原因;(c) 决定在报告迟交 给会议事务部门时,应在文件脚注中说明迟交的原因。
In its resolution 53/208 B on the pattern of conferences, the General Assembly: (a) reiterated its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that documents were available in accordance with the six-week rule for their distribution simultaneously in the six official languages; (b) reaffirmed its decision that, if a
report was issued late, the reason
[...] for the delay should be indicated when the report was [...]
introduced; and (c) decided that,
if a report was submitted late to conference services, the reasons for the delay should be included in a footnote to the document.
加拿大已采取 的其他措施包括取消对粮食援助附加的条件,以帮那些想尽快得到 援助的群体并降低费用, 时 支 持 当 地的农业发展;同世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)一起 采购和管理粮食库存,以便能更好地应对紧急事态; [...]
究磋商组织继续保持农业研究和创新的强大传统,以 增加主食的微营养价值,并探讨能帮助农村脆弱社区 适应气候变化影响的新方法。
Other measures that Canada had taken included
untying its food aid
[...] in order to reach those who needed it faster and at a lower cost while supporting local [...]
agricultural development,
working with the World Food Programme (WFP) to procure and manage food stocks to enable better response to emergencies, stepping up promotion of nutrient supplement and food fortification and continuing its strong tradition of research and innovation in agriculture by supporting the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research with a view to increasing the micronutrient values of staple foods and exploring new ways to help vulnerable rural communities adjust to the impacts of climate change.
但我们还知道,明天可能有另外某个国家面临类 似局面,世那时候将很快发现 ,科索沃片面宣布独 立所引发的急流已经失控,变为在世界各地泛滥的分 [...]
But we also know that, tomorrow, some other country might find
itself in a similar situation, and that
[...] the world would then rapidly discover that the rushing [...]
river let loose by Kosovo’s UDI
had become an uncontrolled cascade of secession across the world.
这项 工作应当快完成,至迟在项目结束之后的十年内完成,因为这符合保存有关水下文化 遗产的精神。
This should be done as rapidly as possible and in [...]
any case not later than ten years from the completion of the project,
in so far as may be compatible with conservation of the underwater cultural heritage.
该计划应基于风险,重点是先编制最重要办事处的期初余额,并且留出足时间, 以便审计委员会在实际可能情况下 快 、 但 最 迟 在 采 用《公共部门会计准 则》的第一个实年结束前 3 个月审计期初资产负债表。
The plan should be risk based, focusing on the preparation of opening balances by the most material
offices first, and
[...] factor in sufficient time for the Board to conduct an audit of the opening balance sheet as soon as is practicably [...]
possible and certainly
no later than three months before the end of the first live year of IPSAS adoption.
对于消费类产品公司说,加快新产 品上 时 间 是 一个势在必行的策略。
For consumer goods
[...] product companies, accelerating the time to market for new products [...]
is a strategic imperative.
基督本人解释了为什么摩西准许离婚(“由你的心硬的原因”,马 修 1 9 时 0 8 分 ) ;启示和立法都得到锻炼到一个奇实际和缺乏想像力的人,谁得到了更为有效的确认身份神的崇拜和服务由他报复性普罗维登斯比在地球上,他们将被而是一个更高,更全面的未来不朽与道德回报 迟 学 说 生 动 的感觉。
Christ himself explains why Moses permitted divorce ("by reason of the hardness of your heart", Matthew 19:8); revelation and legislation had to
be tempered to the
[...] capacity of a singularly practical and unimaginative people, who were more effectively confirmed in the worship and service of God by a vivid sense of His retributive providence here on earth than they would have been but a higher and fuller doctrine of future immortality with its postponement of moral rewards.
举例说,当提交一条 HTTP 请求以访问 Web 服务,而服务器被配置为需要 HTTP Basic 认时,那么容器就必须获取用户标识和密码,并将 HTTP 授权(Authorization)头添加到 HTTP 请求。
For example, when submitting a HTTP request to access a Web service and the server is configured to require HTTP Basic authentication, the [...]
container must obtain
a userid and password and add a HTTP Authorization header to the HTTP request.
儿童会在不同的成长阶段重新思考丧失亲人 的感觉那时丧亲的意义对于他们 说 会有 不同。
Children will reprocess
[...] the bereavement at different developmental stages, when the meaning of [...]
the loss may change for them.
经合组织法治和人权部主任112 认为设立信息中心是一个长期项目; 她认为,如果能抓获姆拉迪奇那么 最 好应 迟 该 项 目的起 时 间。
The Head of OSCE Rule of Law and Human Rights Department112 saw the project of establishing Information
Centres as a long term one; she considered that if Mladić were
[...] to be arrested, it would be best to defer its starting point.
安全理事会在第 1966(2010)号决议中,请法庭采取一切可能的措施, 迟于 2014 年 12 月 31 日快速完 成全部剩余工作,包括完成对被捕 12 个月以上的逃犯 [...]
的审判,并完成所有对判决或判刑提出的上诉通知是在 2013 年 7 月 1
日(法庭的 余留事项处理机制开始运作的起始日)前提交的上诉程序。
In Security Council resolution 1966 (2010), the Tribunal is requested
to take all possible
[...] measures to expeditiously complete all its remaining work no later than 31 December [...]
2014, including the
trials for the fugitives who have been arrested for longer than 12 months, and all appellate proceedings for which the notice of appeal against the judgement or sentence is filed before 1 July 2013 (the commencement date of the branch of the Residual Mechanism for the Tribunal).
说那里的 状况是空前的,而且令人痛心,现在是国 际社会迅速响应他的呼吁,帮助洪灾地区人民 时候 了
He has called the situation there unprecedented and heart-wrenching, and now is the time for the international community to respond swiftly to his [...] [...]
pleas to help the people in the flood-stricken areas.
长期以来,高技术行业占国际贸易的份额持续增加,比起其 他产业类别――如初级产品和中低级技术产品――增长更迅速。6 尽管技术成熟水
[...] 平较低的行业扩大出口份额没有高科技产 那 样 快 , 但采用更先进的工艺技术, 尤其是在使用信通技术作为通用技术的情况下,也为提高生产率和质量创造机 会。
High-technology industries have enjoyed a sustained increase in the share of international trade for a prolonged period, growing more rapidly than other industrial classes such as primary products and low- and medium-technology products.6 Even though industries at lower levels of technological
sophistication have expanded their share
[...] of exports less rapidly than high-technology [...]
industries, the deployment of more
advanced process technologies, particularly when they involve the use of ICTs as general-purpose technologies, also creates opportunities for improving productivity and quality.
条生效时,或如协定已经生效,则在特定日期,暂时适用 本协定。发出这种通知的政府应在发生此种通知 时 或 其后 尽 快 告 知 秘书长说 明它是出口成员还是进口成员。
Each Government giving such notification shall inform the Secretary-General whether it
is an exporting Member or an importing
[...] Member at the time of giving such notification or as soon as possible thereafter.
控制系统(CSD) 就在一个电力分析系统里无缝隙的整合电力分析和电路控制,CSD可以模拟控制设备的运行序列,例如:电磁阀、继电器、控制触头、多序列控制、涌流控制器等,CSD可以收集决定返回电压、损耗、全部临界点的任意时间的电流通过的情况和关键报警能量,非常全面的设备库可以为工程师在给定 时 间 延 迟 情 况 下提 快 速 的建模和模拟继电器联锁控制动作。
CSD has the capability of determining pickup and dropout voltages, losses, and current flows at any time instance as well as overall marginal and critical alerts.
因此,当戈达德先说那位美 国公民和美援署承 包商因向犹太社区提供因特网接入而在古巴受到法 律制裁时候, 他非常清楚地知道,格罗斯先生是在 进行秘密活动,因为他是该领域的专家;他也知道, 根据美国法律,格罗斯犯下的罪行也要受到惩罚。
So when Mr. Goddard says that the American citizen and USAID contractor was brought to justice in Cuba for having provided Internet access to the Jewish [...]
community, he knows perfectly
well, being a specialist in that area, that Mr. Gross was carrying out a covert operation and that he had committed crimes that are also punishable under United States law.




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