

单词 裸眼

See also:



small hole
crux (of a matter)

classifier for natural springs and hollow objects e.g. wells, stoves etc.


External sources (not reviewed)

SMT参加上海双年展就是希望表达在那个具有决定性的日子之后,我们用 裸眼计未来的决心。
The smt’s participation in the Shanghai
Biennale is an attempt to express our determination to project the future from that
[...] defining date with ourown “naked eyes.
瑞士天梭表全新Racing-Touch系列的独特设计和精湛工艺,已可於首个安装於港铁尖沙咀站的 42 裸眼电视观赏。
The unique design features and exquisite craftsmanship of TISSOT’s new Racing-Touch Collection can be viewed with the unique 42?
It can produce a brightness that is close to what you see
[...] with the naked eyeineverything [...]
from light areas to dark areas, even for backlit
scenes where the range between light and dark is considerable.
该腕表拥有时尚的外观和精密的制作工艺,独特的轮辐式设计和特别研发的机芯赋予了该产品无与伦比的立体视觉效果,您无需佩戴任何眼镜,便能切身体 裸眼3D果。
Modernity meets meticulous craftsmanship via a wheel-inspired
design and specially developed movement, presenting a fascinating 3D experience without
[...] the need for any special eyewear.
该公司推出裸眼3D、包含2D/3D内容转换的无需佩戴眼镜的小屏幕液晶电视套件以及ROKU 3D频道的试映。
They debuted their Auto Stereoscopic 3DTV,glasses free small screen LCD television package which included 2D/3D content conversion and a Sneak preview of their ROKU 3D Channel.
准分子激光角膜屈光手术,即我们俗称的“近视手术”,能够使近视患者获得良好 裸眼、摆脱框架眼镜和隐形眼镜带来的不便,近年来受到越来越多的近视患者青睐。
Excimer laser corneal refractive surgery, commonly
[...] called “corrective eye surgery,” helps [...]
near-sighted patients improve their vision.
有别於市场上其他立体电视裸眼电视利用其最外层的贴膜,直接制造出逼真的3D影像,让观众无需配戴3D眼镜及站於固定位置, [...]
从高达100°的观赏角度及较短的距离(1.5 - 3米),观赏到瑞士天梭表的创意3D动画电视广告。
Unlike other 3D TVs in
[...] the market, the Glasses-free 3DTV, which [...]
produces realistic 3D images directly from the outermost
film layer of the TV, allows viewers to enjoy the creative 3D animations of TISSOT’s TV commercial without the hassle of wearing 3D glasses, to view from an angle as wide as 100?
[...] 3D电视,将其插入有线电视机顶盒 裸眼观看3D ESPN频道,或者他们也可以登录我们的Roku网站观看与'真正'电视一样的3D内容。
This means that a Consumer can purchase a DaVinci 3D TV NOW, plug
it into their Cable Box and watch 3D ESPN
[...] live, without glasses, or they can [...]
log onto our Roku site and watch all of our
3D content just like “REAL” TV.
如今,自动立体技术的出现消除了这些限制,使观众可以以一个全新的、不受眼镜束缚的方式享受3D娱乐成为现实,同时,自动立体显示技术使3D的应用场所更加广泛,那些以前只能使用2D影像的场所现在完全可以应 裸眼3D,例如专门设计和定制的3D数字标牌可应用于商场,机场,及体育赛事的播放等。
Today, those restrictions are disappearing as autosteroscopic technologies are now making it possible not only for today’s audiences to enjoy their favorite traditional entertainments in a new, glasses-free way, but this autostereoscopic approach now also allows the mass application of 3D in places where formerly only 2D was possible, for example the technology can be designed and customized for specific digital signage in malls, airports, playback at sporting events, and so on.
随着3D影像市场快速成长,友达开发多项领先3D显示技术,包括全球最大的71寸21:9家庭剧院格式 3D液晶电视面板、65裸眼QFHD 4K2K固定式柱状透镜式(Lenticular Lens) 超高解析度3D面板、结合游戏应用的65寸3D偏光式液晶电视面板、运用於平板电脑及笔记型电脑的15.6寸与10.1寸全视 裸眼3D,以及运用在智慧型手机中结合触控功能的4寸3D互动显示器。
In response to the rapid growth of the 3D content market, AUO has developed numerous advanced 3D display technologies, including: the world's largest(*)
71” 21:9 CSHD 3D TV LCD panel; a 65” QFHD
[...] 4K2K lenticular lens 3D panel; a 65” pattern retarder 3D LCD TV panel with video game applications; deadzone-free 15.6" notebook panels and deadzone-free 10.1" tablet PCnakedeye 3D panels; and a 4” 3D interactive touch panel for smartphones.
率先隆重登场的是港铁首个运裸眼 电视设备的港鐡创意广告,於港鐡尖沙咀站为世界着名钟表品牌瑞士天梭表展示其全新Racing-Touch系列的设计特色。
To kick-off this year’s campaign is the debut of MTR
[...] Advertising’s first-ever Glasses-free 3D TV for [...]
world-renowned watchmaker TISSOT to introduce
its new Racing-Touch Collection at MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station.
如友达显示技术开发中心协理廖唯伦在6月4日举办的SID商务研讨会(SID Business Conference),以「友裸眼3D发展进程」为题做专题演讲,介绍友达在3D解决方案的重大进程,藉由不断的技术升级增加观赏的舒适度。
For the SID Business Conference that took place on June 4th, Mr. Wei-Lung Liau, Associate
Vice President of
[...] AUO’s Display Technology Development Center, was invited to speak onAUOGlasses-free 3DTechnology [...]
Evolution,” which
illustrated the great strides AUO made to offer constantly enhanced 3D solutions and more pleasant viewing experience.
第三,由于美利坚合众国裸裸 对行为违反了 2 月 29 日朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国-美利坚合众国协议,我们将不再受其约束。
Thirdly, as the United States violated the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United States agreement of 29 February through its undisguised hostile acts, we will no longer be bound by it.
在被美国关押期间,工作人员用剪刀剪烂了他的衣服,使他赤,照 才给他阿富汗的衣服穿上。
During US custody, officials cut his clothes with scissors, left him naked and took photos of him before giving him Afghan clothes to wear.
如果需要 3 个柱塞杆订购配件包 16H925 用于 3.5 [...]
英寸空气马达,或配件包 16G384 用于 6.0 英寸或 7.5 英寸空气马达。
For qty. 3 of
[...] the pistonrod grommet, orderKit 16H925 [...]
for the 3.5 in. air motor or Kit 16G384 for the 6.0 in. or 7.5 in. air motor.
如果回顾一下科索沃人道主义危机的原因和附带现象(本咨询意见只简要地 提及导致这一危机的有关事实,而完全避免对此加以审查),可以看到 1989 年剥 夺科索沃的自治权(原先得到 1974 年宪法的保障)为十年期间(1989-1999)致使科 索沃大批民众沦为受害者的蓄意歧视、 裸裸 力和暴行铺平了道路,促致联 合国的主要政治机关通过一系列决议,最终安全理事会通过第 1244(1999)号决 议。
Looking back to the causes and epiphenomena of Kosovo’s humanitarian crisis (which the present Advisory Opinion of the Court just briefly refers to, while avoiding any examination whatsoever of the relevant facts which led to it), the deprivation of Kosovo’s autonomy (previously secured by the Constitution of 1974) in 1989, paved the way for the cycle of systematic discrimination, utmost violence and atrocities which victimized large segments of the population of Kosovo, along one decade (1989-1999), leading to the adoption of a series of resolutions by the main political organs of the United Nations, and culminating in the adoption of Security Council resolution 1244(1999).
他结合此次磋商谈到 了本组织正在进行的各项改革,尤其是计划编制方法方面的改革,并强调最近对计划管理周 期所进行的修订,是为了更具有战更有助于决策,而且有助于在总部和总部外之 间,以及各地区和多国办事处之间更合理地分配计划资源。
He put the Consultation also in the context of the ongoing reform process of the Organization, in particular with regard to programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme management cycle designed to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach and to facilitate a more rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various regions and clusters.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年开始并持续终身的正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
执 行秘书向经社会通报了为加强技术合作工作际成果的关注重心秘 书处所启动的步骤,其中包括:(a) [...]
更大、更长和更协调一致的能力开发项 目,把重点放在通过加强基于成果的管理来改进绩效;(b) 资源动员战略为 对伙伴关系和捐助方关系采取更加积极主动的做法提供一个框架,并设立一
个伙伴关系和资源调集科;(c) 通过与一些成员国和捐助机构的会议继续努 力加强与合作伙伴的关系;(d) 加强与作为促进和交付能力开发合作伙伴的 一些私营部门对口单位的接触。
The Executive Secretary informed the Commission about the steps the
secretariat had initiated to strengthen the
[...] resultsoriented focus of its technical [...]
cooperation work, which included: (a) larger,
longerterm and better aligned capacity development projects, with emphasis on improved performance through strengthened results-based management; (b) a resource mobilization strategy that provides a framework for a more proactive approach to partnerships and donor relations, and the establishment of a Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Section; (c) continued efforts to strengthen relations with partners through meetings with a number of member States and donor agencies; and (d) enhanced engagement with some private sector counterparts as partners in promoting and delivering capacity development.




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