单词 | Rina | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
FoodScan肉制品分析仪和其他基于近红外技术的仪器都可以通过RINA网络控制软件得到支持。 foss.cn | The FoodScan Meat Analyser and other NIR technology-based instruments are [...] supported by the RINA softwaresuite. foss.nl |
在 2011 年 9 月 29 日的第 1082 [...] 次(闭幕)全体会议上,第二会期委员会副主席RinaSoemarno 女士(印度尼西亚)向理事会提出了报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 1082nd (closing) plenary meeting, on 29 [...] September 2011, the ViceChair of Sessional [...] Committee II, Ms. Rina Soemarno (Indonesia), [...]presented her report to the Board. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于那些想集中管理或外包近红外支持的公司来说,RINA是一个理想选择,其可以大大节省费用和保证无故障运行。 foss.cn | RINA is idealfor companies that [...] want to centralize or outsource their NIR support, leading to considerable cost savings and trouble free operation. foss.us |
宾夕法尼亚州的Devault食品利用新的RINA软件的优势,可以从台式电脑上检查肉的分析。 foss.cn | Devault Foods in Pennsylvania took [...] advantage ofthe newRINA softwaresuite and [...]now they are able to check their meat analysis from their desktop. foss.dk |
RINA网络 控制软件用于准确和方便的对近红外设备进行远程配置、管理和监控。 foss.cn | RINAnetworking software [...] is designed to precisely and easily configure, manage and monitor NIR instruments remotely. foss.nl |
InfraXact™和其他基于近红外技术的仪器都可以用RINA网络软件来支持。 foss.cn | The InfraXact™ and other NIR technology-based instruments are [...] supportedby the RINAsoftware suite. foss.nl |
RINA是一 个网络解决方案,能够远程配置、管理和监控近红外设备。 foss.cn | RINA is anetworking solution [...] that makes it easy to precisely configure, manage and monitor near infrared (NIR) instruments from a remote location. foss.us |
RINA软件 的用户可以无故障运行、提高性能并减少费用。 foss.cn | Users of RINA software enjoy trouble-free [...] operation, improved performance and reduced costs. foss.us |
RINA网络控制软件可以远程配置、管理和监控近红外设备。 foss.cn | RINA networking software [...] is designed to precisely and easily configure, manage and monitor NIR instruments remotely. foss.us |
Will 涉猎广泛的营销背景与Rina28年的手表设计经验推动公司发展至如今业界领先的崇高地位。 hk.ashford.com | Will’s extensive marketing [...] background coupledwith Rina’s 28 years of watch [...]designing experience propelled the company’s [...]rise to the iconic status it enjoys today. ashford.com |
RINA网络控制软件支持ProFoss饲料分析仪和其它的FOSS近红外设备。 foss.cn | The RINA softwaresuite supports [...] ProFoss Feed and other FOSS NIR instruments. foss.us |
自 Will和RinaStein 二人携手创立这家独具慧眼的钟表公司后,Philip [...] Stein 手表便开始其光辉历程。 hk.ashford.com | The Philip Stein Watches story [...] began with Will andRina Stein the founding [...]duo of this unique forward looking company. ashford.com |
Mosaic的功能和RINA软件相同,但RINA是专为运行ISIScan的近红外分析仪器设计的: InfraXact™、NIRSystems™ [...] II、FoodScan™和XDS™。 foss.cn | The functionality of Mosaic is the [...] same aswithRINA software except that RINAis dedicated [...]to near infrared (NIR) instruments [...]running ISIScan software: InfraXact™, NIRSystems™ II, FoodScan™ and XDS™. foss.us |