

单词 莱芜市

See also:


Laiwu prefecture level city in Shandong
field with dense growth of wild weeds

name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc)
Chenopodium album

overgrown with weeds


city n
market n


External sources (not reviewed)

访问行程包括在北京参加会议以及对通 州区、昌平区和山东省的济南莱芜 地 区进行实地考察。
The mission included meetings in Beijing, as well as
field trips to the districts of Tongzhou and Changping, and to the
[...] areas of Jinan and Laiwu in the province [...]
of Shandong.
1952年10月22日出生于中国安徽芜湖 市 , 19 96年于德国海德堡大学艺术史学院获得博士学位,现居德国杜塞尔多夫。
D at institute of Art History of University Heidelberg, Germany.
The City of Belgrade is a separate [...]
territorial unit.
The city is grey and deserted, and [...]
there is garbage everywhere.
我们位于一个不错的家庭的房子在下面叫Straža山宁静和阳光充足的地点只有几步之遥 市 中 心 ,和 莱 德 湖 ,在那里你可以在炎热的夏天凉爽自己。
We are located in a nice family house on a quiet and sunny location underneath the
hill called Straža, only a few
[...] steps away from the town centre and Bled lake, where [...]
you can cool yourself on hot summer days.
除了与墨西哥三大城市相距甚近之外,阿瓜斯卡连特斯也位于与其它中型 市 ( 莱 昂、 瓜纳华托、萨卡特卡斯)邻近的战略性商业/行业通道上。
In addition to its proximity to those—the three largest cities in
Mexico—Aguascalientes is strategically located in a business/industry corridor close to
[...] other mid-size cities (Leon, Guanajuato, [...]
[...] 象已经到了致使科霍戈地区的地方政府行政官员企图禁止手工开采黄金的地步, 因为黄金开采已导致当地劳动市场 枯 竭、农田 芜 和 环 境遭到破坏。
This phenomenon has reached such a level that local Government administrators in the Korhogo area have attempted to ban
artisanal gold mining because of its
[...] drain on the local labour market and the detrimental environmental [...]
impact it is having owing
to the neglect of agricultural land.
这些神之一,是在暴风雨中闪电的古风暴神楼陀罗,破坏性,延长在雨中淋浴生活,过山和 芜 的 寂寞孤独清扫垃圾。
One of these gods was the ancient storm-god Rudra, destructive in tempest and lightning, renewing life in the showers of rain, sweeping in lonely solitude over mountain and barren waste.
叙利亚杰莱市加入了“小型历史沿海城市”跨部门网,作为新的试点研究个案,为此,日 本信托基金为即将举办的城市管理和地区发展讲习班提供了赞助。
The intersectoral network “Small
[...] Historic Coastal Cities” welcomed the City of Jableh in [...]
the Syrian Arab Republic as the new
pilot study case for which the Japanese funds-in-trust helped to prepare the forthcoming workshop on urban management and regional development.
已鼓励私人企 业家和私营公司开垦芜地、处女地和湿地,以促进 农业生产。
Private entrepreneurs and companies had been encouraged to reclaim fallow lands, virgin lands and wetlands for agricultural production.
坐落在中芜湖市中心 区,厨房制造II是最新高端当代中国美食餐饮品牌。
Located within
[...] the down town area in the city of Wuhu, China, Made [...]
In Kitchen II is the newest roll-out of this high-end
F&B brand serving contemporary Chinese cuisine.
塞尔维亚共和国的行政和领土划分包括市、镇及作为领土单位的贝尔 莱德 市和作为领土自治形式的自治省。
The administrative and territorial
division of the Republic of Serbia
[...] comprises municipalities, towns and the City of Belgrade as territorial [...]
units and autonomous
provinces as a form of territorial autonomy.
2011 年上半年,出台了海地 南部全国主要河流之一的管理改善措施,这条河流每年对大 市莱 凯 构 成威胁。
In early 2011, a key initiative for the south of Haiti aimed to improve the
management of one of the country’s most important rivers, which every year
[...] threatens Les Cayes, one of the largest cities.
如维护外国工人权利的协会“支持移民与提供信息组织” (GISTI)报告:2007 年 9 月 26 日、10 月 10 日和
[...] 24 日,警方分别在邦迪、圣但 尼、巴尼莱和其他城市,于 清晨查抄原籍为保加利亚和罗马尼亚侨民的罗姆人 [...]
GISTI, an association that defends the rights of foreign workers, points out, for example, that at Bondi on 26 September, at SaintDenis on 10
October, and at Bagnolet on 24
[...] October 2007 and in other cities, the police carried [...]
out down raids on sites occupied by
Roma (Bulgarian and Romanian nationals), loaded the occupants onto specially chartered buses, and gave them the choice between “prison” and immediate departure to their countries of origin “with return assistance”.
[...] Dolio,东距圣多明各约40英里,该厂计划经营影视与其他相关媒体内容的一切业务,并提供国际水平的生产设施,服务对象定为成长中的加勒比、南美洲和中美 市 场 以及 好 莱 坞 和世界其他地区。
Located in the beach town of Juan Dolio on the Dominican Republic's southern coast, about 40 miles east of Santo Domingo, "Pinewood Indomina Studios" will be a full-service, world-class production facility for film, TV, and other related media
content, servicing the growing Caribbean, Southern and
[...] Central American markets as well as Hollywood [...]
and the rest of the world.
叙利亚杰莱市加 入 了“小型历史沿海城市”网,该网有可能在阿拉伯教育、文化及科学组织(ALECSO)和 日本信托基金共同赞助下分阶段发展。
The city of Jableh, Syria, applied to the network of the “Small Historical Coastal Cities”, which is about [...]
to be rephased with
the possible co-sponsorship of ALECSO and the Japanese funds-in-trust.
正如有人在提到拉马特什 洛莫时指出,“……我们所谈论的地区在和平进程伊始 [1993 年]只是一片芜的 土地(属于巴勒斯坦Shuafat村的一个无人居住的山丘),没有以色列人,主要属 于巴勒斯坦人,完全与巴勒斯坦地区毗连,任何人如划出一条合乎逻辑的边界, 都会将这片土地置于巴勒斯坦一侧”。
As has been noted with reference to Ramat Shlomo, “We are talking about an area that at the outset of the peace process [in 1993] was empty land (an uninhabited hill belonging to the Palestinian village of Shuafat) — devoid of Israelis, belonging mainly to Palestinians, and contiguous entirely with Palestinian areas — that anybody drawing a logical border would have placed on the Palestinian side”.56 The Ramat Shlomo area became Jewish and Israeli only as a result of expropriation in 1973, with the land being zoned for construction and a new settlement only in 1993, ironically coinciding with the start of the Oslo peace process.
自 2011 年底以来,一群示威者占领了尼科西 市 中 心 的 莱 德 拉 街/Lokmaçı 过境点。
Beginning in late 2011, a group of protesters had occupied the Ledra Street/ Lokmaçı crossing in downtown Nicosia.
该项目将促进雅克梅勒莱奥甘市区 及 近郊区微型企业和小型 企业的发展,创造大约 3 [...]
250 个就业机会。
The project will promote micro and small
[...] enterprises in the urban and peri-urban zones of Jacmel [...]
and Leogane, creating some 3,250 jobs.
玛缇赛特索今年 75 岁,已经干不动农田里的活了,只能从最近的“肖 莱 特 ” 超 市 购 买 现成的食品。
At the age of 75, Matiisetso is too old to work in the fields and buys her
[...] food from the nearest ‘Shoprite’ supermarket.
查访期间,代表团在墨西哥城与瓜纳华托 莱 昂 市 当 局 举行了会谈,以便 获得关于警察培训方案和课程方面的第一手资料,因为它们是网上广泛传播的视 [...]
频的主题,其中显示该市的警员正经受不人道和有辱人格的待遇,作为其“培训” 的一部分。
During the visit, the delegation
held a meeting in Mexico City with
[...] authorities from the municipality of León, Guanajuato, [...]
in order to receive direct information
about the police training programmes and courses that have been the subject of videos widely circulated on the Internet, in which police officers from this municipality are shown being subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment as part of their “training”.
在微博上举办的这次全球性投票活动异常激烈,共收到了 135,000 张投票和
[...] 1,100 多条评论,来自美国密苏里莱巴嫩 市 、 泰 国罗勇府及美国俄亥俄州悉尼市工厂的绘画压缩机获得了最多选票。
Painted compressors from
[...] manufacturing facilities in Lebanon, Missouri; [...]
Rayong, Thailand and Sidney, Ohio were the top vote-getters
in a hotly contested global Facebook promotion that saw nearly 135,000 total votes and more than 1,100 comments.
奥波莱发电厂,位于Brzezie,靠近奥莱 市,在奥德河畔,输出功率为1500兆 瓦。
Opole, at the Oder river, with an output of 1,500 MW.
对采芜湖市莲塘 湖水体中的萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)夏季种群中的30个克隆(S1-S30)和秋季种群中的20个克隆(A1-A20)的rDNA ITS序列进行了分析;以十指臂尾轮虫为外群,构建了50个克隆的NJ、MP和ME系统发生树。
The ITS sequences of 30 (S1-S30) and 20 (A1-A20) Brachionus calyciflorus clones collected respectively in summer and autumn from Lake Liantang were analyzed; and using B.patulus as outgroup, the phylogenetic trees of Maximum-parsimony (MP), Neighbor- joining (NJ) and Minimum Evolution (ME) were constructured.
研讨会还是启动“巴比伦研究计划” (2007--2010 年)的重要环节,该计划旨在让伊拉克振兴其文化传统,并解决过去二十年文 化和科学事业芜的问题。
The Seminar also represented a key phase in the launch of the “Babylon Research Programme” (2007-2010) which aims at allowing Iraq to renew its links with its cultural past, and address the cultural and scientific collapse of the last 20 years.
日在贝尔格莱德举行,与会者包括来自六个地方自治政府( 即克拉古耶瓦 茨、克拉列沃、尼什、弗拉涅、莱斯科瓦茨和诺维萨德) 的代表,不同国家机构
[...] 的代表,如各职能部委、监察员办公室、塞尔维亚公路上市公司、国家减贫战略 小组以及贝尔莱德市的代表。
The workshops were held in Belgrade on 19 and 20 May 2010, and participants included representatives of six local self-governments, namely Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Nis, Vranje, Leskovac and Novi Sad, representatives of various national institutions, such as line ministries, Office of the Ombudsman, Serbian
Roads public company, national Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) team, as well as
[...] representatives of the City of Belgrade.
应用刑事和情报方法”(布尔奇科,2008 年),“犯罪组织的主要模式”(贝尔莱 德,2008 年),“犯市场的 组织与职能”(贝尔 莱 德 , 2008 年),“在没收有组 织犯罪非法所得方面的国际合作”(贝尔格莱德,2009 年);在采用当代方法打击 有组织犯罪和其他形式犯罪领域,发表了 30 多份学术论文。
Organized crime and legal
[...] economy” (Belgrade, 2005); “Application of criminalist and intelligence methods in organized crime suppression” (Brčko, 2008); “The dominant models of criminal organizing” (Belgrade, 2008); “Organization and functions of criminal market” (Belgrade, 2008); [...]
“International cooperation
in confiscation of illegal gain from organized crime” (Belgrade, 2009); and more than 30 scientific papers on the implementation of contemporary methods in combating organized and other forms of crime.
为促进可持续回收,而不是单纯的拆除和倾倒,联合国开发计划署 (开发署)与莱奥甘市长办 公室和人道主义界合作启动了一个瓦砾回收试验场,展 [...]
In an effort to promote sustainable recycling, rather than just demolition and dumping, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
in partnership with the
[...] Office of the Mayor of Léogâne and the humanitarian [...]
community, launched a pilot recycling site for
debris and showcased best practices that could serve as a neighbourhood-based recovery model for other programmes throughout the country.
以下发言者作了发言:佩特科·德拉加诺夫先生,贸发会议副秘书长;古 巴代表,代表 77 国集团和中国发言;尼泊尔代表,代表最不发达国家发言;孟
加拉国代表,代表亚洲集团发言;埃及代表,代表非洲集团发言;比利时代表, 代表欧洲联盟发言;多米尼加共和国代表,代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团发
[...] 言;美利坚合众国代表;中国代表;土耳其代表 莱 索 托 代表;法国代表;埃 塞俄比亚代表;泰国代表;委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表;也门代表;以及安 [...]
The following speakers made statements: Mr. Petko Draganov, Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD; the representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 and China; the representative of Nepal, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs); the representative of Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the Asian Group; the representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the African Group; the representative of Belgium, speaking on behalf of the European Union; the representative of the Dominican Republic, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC); the representative of the United States of America; the representative of
China; the representative of Turkey; the
[...] representative of Lesotho; the representative [...]
of France; the representative of Ethiopia;
the representative of Thailand; the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; the representative of Yemen; and the representative of Angola.
阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、不丹、波 斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、博茨瓦纳、 莱 达 鲁 萨兰国、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中非 [...]
共和国、乍得、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、加蓬、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、危地 马拉、几内亚比绍、海地、洪都拉斯、印度尼西亚、伊拉克、哈萨克斯坦、科威
特、拉脱维亚、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、毛里塔尼 亚、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、阿曼、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、 沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯里兰卡、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、乌克兰、乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
[...] Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina [...]
Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic,
Chad, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.




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