

单词 苦待

See also:


bitter adj

bring suffering to


wait v
need v
treat v
stay v

about to
deal with
intending to

External sources (not reviewed)

另外㆒些㆝台屋居民,是公屋輪候冊㆖的家庭, 在㆝台苦苦等待㆖樓的日子。
Some rooftop dwellers are families on the Waiting
[...] List, anxiously waiting for the day when they can move to public housing units.
所 以 , 在民生苦 、 有 待 政 府 扶貧的 時 刻 , 實應 凍 結 加 費。
Therefore, when life is still hard and the poor
[...] people are still waiting for assistance by [...]
the Government, such fees and
charges should be further frozen.
但是,会员国不缴纳摊款是对全额和及时 缴纳摊款的会员国的惩罚,结果使部队派遣 苦苦等 待偿还它们已支付的各种费用。
Nevertheless, the failure of Member States to pay their assessments penalized those that
had paid in full and on time and left
[...] troopcontributing countries waiting for reimbursement [...]
of costs they had incurred.
然 而 ,
[...] 正 當 這些有 需 要 的 學苦苦等 待 政 府 盡 快 為 它 們 提 供 改善工程的時 [...]
候 , 政 府於去 年 10 月 發 信 給 其 中 109 所 學 校 , 以“成 本效益”這個 似 是 而非的 理 由 , 剔
除 這些已納入 改善工程計劃的 學 校 , 此舉不但令 這 109 所 學 校 及 仍 未 納 入 改善工程名 單的 390 所 學 校 的 校 舍 的 改善工程變 得 遙遙無期, 也 令 這 些 學 校 的 校 長 、 教 師、學生及家長的殷 切 期 待 變 成 極 度 失 望 。
However, while
[...] these schools in need were waiting eagerly for [...]
the Government to expeditiously carry out the improvement
works for them, the Government sent a letter to 109 of them last October, informing these schools which were included in the improvement programme that they would be excluded, with the dubious excuse of "cost-effectiveness".
2006年,特首曾蔭權終於在施政報告中,承諾每年增撥20億元學券 資助幼兒教育,讓一羣默默耕耘的幼師 苦苦 等 待 的 家長以為看到一線 曙光。
At long last, Chief Executive Donald TSANG undertook in the 2006 policy address to allocate an additional provision of $2 billion annually in the form of a voucher to subsidize early childhood education.
(a) 有關個案是否符合《禁止酷刑公約》" 酷刑" 的定義 ⎯⎯ 例如有關個案是否涉及公職人員或以官方身分行
[...] 使職權的其他人、不涉及劇烈疼痛或 苦 的 對 待 ,及 行為不涉及《禁止酷刑公約》中列明的目的、理由(例 [...]
(a) whether the case falls within the definition of "torture" in CAT - for example, whether the case involves public officials or other persons acting in an
official capacity, treatment inflicting
[...] severe pain or suffering, and acts not committed [...]
for purposes or reasons set out
in the definition (such as obtaining a confession, discrimination of any kind, etc.)
是的,上周雷丁的对手女王公园巡游者的教练马克休斯正 苦苦 等 待 他 的第一场联赛胜利。
Or QPR manager Mark Hughes who’s
[...] Reading side is still awaiting their first League [...]
win of the season.
[...] 分銷商亦應盡快就不當的銷售行為向客戶提出賠償的方案,無 苦 主等 待個別調查的結果,反應主動提出一些賠償的方案。
Instead of waiting for the findings of individual [...]
cases, they should take the initiative to make some compensation proposals.
因此, 我 今天必須站 出 來 為 中
[...] 產市民 說 話 , 讓 政 府知道 中 產 人士現 在所承 受的苦和不平 等待 遇 。
So, today, I must stand out and say something for the
middle class, in order to draw the Government's
[...] attention to their sufferings and the unequal treatment [...]
they have been given.
我不反對教育,但是我要問,我要代那些日夕在病床㆖面對 苦 、 沉 默㆞待 器官移植的㆟以及他們焦慮、悲哀的家㆟問問,還要等待多少時間?
I do not disagree that the public should be educated. However, I would
like to ask: There are
[...] those who are suffering in their sick beds and who are waiting quietly for [...]
organ transplants; how much longer must they wait?
官 員 應 考 慮 做 的 是 雪 中 送 炭 , 香港有不少苦 大 眾待協助的。
We need officials who can send in charcoal in snowy weather because there are so many distressed
[...] people in Hong Kong who are waiting for timely help.
現時,迷你債券(“迷債”)一事仍處於一個動態發展的階段,依然有 很苦主等待如何 盡快取回最大可能的款額,就如在手術室等待急救的 人士一樣,我們要做的是救人,而不是驗屍。
As present, the minibonds saga is still in a state of dynamic development and many victims are still waiting to see how they can recover the largest amount of money possible and as fast as possible.
全世界都在关注这场危 机,特别是巴勒斯坦人民的苦,并 等 待 采 取认真行动,包括由安全理事会采取 认真行动,对付这场危机。
The world is watching, in particular the suffering Palestinian people, and awaiting serious action to address this crisis, including by the Security Council, which has the primary responsibility to act for the maintenance of international peace and security, which is being gravely threatened by Israel’s war against the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.
我并不因为患上自闭症而苦,但我确实因为你的 待 方 式 感到 苦。
I do not suffer from Autism, but I do suffer from the way you treat me.
认为基督降临的人们苦于期待大地 真 正燃烧的困境,试图把所有预言的时期强加 给一个共同的终止之日——由二十四小时构 成的一天,因此,为了使一些预言在时间上 和其它预言符合并同时结束,他们歪曲了这 些预言。但是,现在对神圣计划更加清晰 的观念,揭示出各种日期预言之间完美的 和谐,因此,完全没有必要为了适应其它预 言而扭曲或粗暴地对待任何别的预言。
Let none, then, of the truly consecrated undervalue these prophetic time-evidences, which were designed to guide our words and deeds in the early Dawn of the Millennial Day, before sunrise, while the world and the nominal church are yet asleep, ignorant and heedless of the dispensational changes now occurring.
现有证据表明,蓄意待及由占领带 来的持续苦所造成的待在不 断增加。
The available evidence suggested a pattern of
[...] increasing abuse, both deliberate and resulting from the continued hardship of occupation.
透過這些夥伴關係,香港迪士尼樂園已 待 數 以 千計苦兒童 ,尤其是有特殊醫療或發展需要的兒童。
Through these partnerships, HKITP has hosted thousands of underprivileged children and in particular those with special medical and/or development needs.
根据新的《刑事诉讼法》,初步调查和预审拘留期间使用武力、胁迫、制造苦、不人道待遇或 其它非法手段提取的证据被视为无效,且不可作为指控的依 据。
Under the new Code of Criminal Procedure, evidence obtained during initial inquiries and pretrial
investigations through the use of force,
[...] coercion, infliction of suffering, inhuman treatment [...]
or other illegal means is considered invalid
and may not serve as a basis for a charge.
為甚麼政府待貧苦大眾和弱勢社 儼如一個守財奴?
What has made the Government behave like a miser towards the poor and the socially disadvantaged?
2.5.23 蘇格蘭公共服務申訴專員可調查公眾聲稱受到不公待遇或困苦22 的申訴,而有關不公待遇或困苦是 源 於公共機 構行政失當23 、未能提供服務或所提供的服務欠缺妥善。
2.5.23 SPSO may look into complaints where a member of the public claims to have suffered injustice or hardship22 as [...]
a result of maladministration
of a public body23 , its failure to provide a service or its failure in that service.
[...] 長者的情況,我認為最近那宗個案已經是一宗能讓我們看到的情況,有 些更是我們看不到的,例如是用言語來辱罵長者等,這充分表示出院舍 同事是做得很苦,又或是薪待遇 方面不很好,以致他們把憤怒發泄 在服務使用者身上。
I think the incident revealed recently is already a case which allows us to identify such situation.
當 時 抵 抗 日 軍 侵 略 的 一 些 英 軍部隊 的 指 戰 員,大約有 8 000 名 英 軍指戰
[...] 員成為日軍 的 階 下 囚 , 在 集 中 營苦役, 慘 遭待 , 有 些 更 死 在 集 中 營 裏 。
At that time, some officers and privates of the British forces defending Hong Kong against Japanese invasion, numbering about 8 000,
became prisoners of war, and they were thrown into concentration camps, made to perform hard
[...] labour and tortured and abused; some even died in these [...]
concentration camps as a result.
公平地说,这个项目还未遇到挑战,但我们 待 近 三 年的 苦 努 力 和奉献能得到回报。
It is fair to say that this project has not been
without its challenges, but we are looking forward
[...] to unveiling the results of nearly three years of hard [...]
work and dedication.
不知道政府是否又要待雷曼兄弟苦 主 感 到絕路時,真的出現悲劇 時,才會加速處理這個問題。
I wonder if the
[...] Government would like to wait until the Lehman incident [...]
victims have gone into a blind alley and tragedies
have occurred to expedite tackling this problem.
在香港,各樣事物都是這麼先進,港㆟均正享用各種高科技設施,在此繁華景象 背後,我們的政府醫院卻擺滿帆布床,門診部和診療所則充滿排 待 診 的 病㆟,而苦大眾要看專科則往往要等候九個月至㆒年才有診期。
Hong Kong, being so advanced in everything and our inhabitants enjoying numerous sophisticated facilities, it is ironic, yet behind all the glamour, our public hospitals are overflowing with camp-beds, our outpatient clinics are
swarming with patients
[...] queuing up to be treated and our needy patients may have to wait some nine [...]
months to a year for an appointment to attend specialist clinics.
[...] 法例未能與時並進的話,將不能配合社會發展的需要,致使動物受到 不必要的殘酷待和痛苦,香港又怎能夠與國際社會看齊,又怎能稱 得上是國際大都會呢?
President, a majority of Hong Kong people are civilized and considerate, but if the laws of Hong Kong do not advance with the times, they cannot cope with the developing
needs of society, exposing animals to
[...] unnecessary cruelty and pain, how can Hong Kong [...]
be abreast of the international community?
大约有二十人发言:来自世界不同地区的哲学家、社会学家、精神病学家、心理学家、 记者、语言学家都提供了有助于就下述问题进行讨论的论文:如何 待 痛 苦 的 回忆,应采取 的伦理和政治应对措施,以及应如何牢记和防止的问题(欲了解更多情况,请查看国际年网 站)。
Around 20 philosophers, sociologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, journalists and linguists attended from the various regions of the world, presenting papers that contributed to the debate on how to handle painful memories, on possible ethical and political responses and on the strategies to be implemented for remembrance and improved prevention (for more information see the Year website).
如果銀行再用這種冷漠、冷血的態度來 待 這 羣 苦 主 的 話,只會令 更多人支持他們,而銀行業界的聲望除了在中下階層會一落千丈之外, 我相信對於國際社會、對於甚至是身為專業人士的我們,會覺得銀行現 時的表現絕對是令人失望的。
I believe the international community and professionals like us would consider the current performance of banks disappointing.




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