单词 | 腊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 腊—dried meatless common: 12th lunar month preserved (meat, fish etc) Examples:希腊语n—Greekn 希腊文n—Greekn 腊肠—sausage
虽然我知道在博彩界永远不要咨意妄爲,但我还是不禁想到希腊在2012年欧洲杯中的积极表现,另壹方面是对其对手的了解。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | While I know the heart should never rule the head in the betting world I can’t help but think but view the positivesGreece showed in Euro 2012, the side is well established and know each other. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
很容易理解:从它的名字来自希腊文的“CHRONOS”和“graphein”写的计时并发症是非常密切,紧密联系在一起的灵魂和万宝龙的历史根源。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Easy to understand: From its [...] name from the Greek "chronos" for [...]time and "graphein" to write the chronograph complication [...]is very close and strongly associated with the soul and the historical roots of Montblanc. en.horloger-paris.com |
短期内,有多个事件或会进一步加剧欧债危机,包括 对塞浦路斯的援助方案、希腊或未能取得援助资金, 以及意大利可能进行新一轮大选等。 citibank.com.hk | There are multiple possible triggers that could cause the euro crisis to escalate near-term, [...] including the Cyprus bailout, possible loss of [...] support for theGreek government, and [...]the possibility of fresh elections in Italy. citibank.com.hk |
命名之初,因太阳神(Apollo)为希腊奥林柏斯十二主神之一,表示光辉灿烂,在其身上亦找不到黑暗。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Apollo was one of the 12 Olympians, expressing radiance and glory, and there is not a trace of darkness in him. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
英文、希伯莱文、俄罗斯文、简体中文、繁体中文、土耳其文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文、匈牙利文、 法文、芬兰文、希腊文、马来文、阿拉伯文、德文、日文、韩文、波兰文、丹麦文。 naturally-plus.com | English, Hebrew, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, [...] Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian, [...] French, Finnish, Greek, Malay, Arabic, [...]German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, and Danish. naturally-plus.com |
今天雅典还散发着2004年奥运会的余庆,向世界展示着骄人的历史景点,而在此同时希腊人悠闲的生活态度,使雅典别具韵味。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Still basking in the excitement of hosting the Olympics in 2004, Athens showcases some remarkable historic sites, together with a laid-back approach to life that make every visit a distinct pleasure. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
溢 利 增 长 主 要 是 由 於 (i) 相 应 於 市 场 通 用 之 估 值 折 现率减 少 , 导 致 可 供 出 售 金 融 资 产 公 [...] 平 值 减 值 亏 损 产生拨 回 ; 及 (ii) 於 二 零 一 零 年 八 [...] 月 , 集 团 投 资 澳 门希腊神话娱 乐 场 经 营 权 49.9 [...]% 权 益 在 高 档 客 户 之 新 博 彩 区 完 成 工 程 令 博 彩 [...]净 收 益 有 所 改 善 , 导 致 无 形 资 产 减 值 亏 损拨回 ; 及 (iii) 为 抵 销 承 兑 票 据 而 应 收 贷 款 之 公 平 价值收 益 所 致 。 cre8ir.com | The profit was mainly attributed to (i) the reversal of impairment loss on the fair value of an Available-for-Sales Financial Asset due to the reduction of discount rate used in its valuation according to the current market rate; and (ii) the reversal of impairment loss on an intangible asset [...] representing the 49.9% interest in the [...] operatingright of GreekMythologyCasino [...]in Macau as a result of the net win being [...]improved from a new gaming area targeting at high-end customers newly opened in the Casino in August 2010; and (iii) the gain on fair value upon loan receivables offset against the promissory notes. cre8ir.com |
希腊及欧元区 情况未明,加上财政及货币政策不清晰的背景,均为促成以上情况的因素。 glencore.com | Uncertaintyover Greece andthe Eurozone, [...] combined with unclear fiscal and monetary policy backdrops were all contributory factors. glencore.com |
另一方面,它不会做暴力高监於灵感承认上帝可以使用拜火教的一种手段刺激犹太人铭记想就这些问题,即使他用希腊准备犹太人铭记基督教启示(证人扫罗的塔尔苏斯) 。 mb-soft.com | On the other hand, it would not do violence to a high view of inspiration to admit that God could have used Zoroastrianism as a means of stimulating the Jewish mind to think on these subjects even as he used hellenism toprepare the Jewish mind for the Christian revelation (witness Saul of Tarsus). mb-soft.com |
该名男子Zoroaster在原来的文本显示为Zarathushtra [...] ,其中Zoroaster ,我们目前的形式先知的名字,是根据通过希腊文和拉丁文。 mb-soft.com | The man Zoroaster in the original texts [...] appears as Zarathushtra, from which Zoroaster, our present form of the prophet's name, is [...] derived through the Greek and Latin. mb-soft.com |
西欧」(Western Europe) [...] 包括下列国家:奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、摩纳哥、荷兰、挪威、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、英国及梵蒂冈。 aia.com.hk | Western Europe' means Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, [...] France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, [...]Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, [...]Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Vatican City. aia.com.hk |
本周末我看到希腊主场迎战波黑,双方都在G组中赛过两场并赢了两场。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | This weekend I see Greece host Bosnia [...] & Herzegovina, both sides have played twice in Group G and won twice. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
他还称﹐如果希腊的政治体系无法掌控局面﹐就会失去成员国身份。 htisec.com | He said "the break would be if the political system" in Greece "finds the situation too difficult to handle. htisec.com |
CE 认 证 " 只 适 用 於 欧 洲 联 盟 (EU) 25 个 成 员 国 , 包 括 奥 地 利 [...] 、 比 利 时 、 塞 浦 路 斯 、 捷克 、 丹 麦 、 爱 沙 尼 亚 、 芬 兰 [...] 、 法 国 、 德 国 、希腊、匈牙利 、 爱 尔 兰 、 [...]意 大 利 、 拉脱维亚 、 立陶宛 、 卢 森 堡 、马 耳 他、 荷 兰 、 [...]波兰 、 葡 萄 牙 、 斯 洛 伐 克 、 斯 洛 文 尼 亚 、 西 班 牙 、 瑞 典 、 英 国 以 及 欧 洲 自 由 贸 易 联 盟 (EFTA) 的 冰 岛 、 挪 威 和 瑞 士 , 但 并 不 适 用 於 香 港 。 itc.gov.hk | CE certification" is only applicable to the 25 member states of the European Union (EU) including Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, [...] Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, [...] France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, [...]Italy, Lativa, Lithuania, Luxembourg, [...]Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and 3 European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member countries of Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. itc.gov.hk |
马尔他的天气受着海的影响,和意大利南部或希腊南部的天气很相似,充满地中海风情。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Malta's climate is strongly influenced by the sea and has a strong Mediterranean flavour, similar to the weather found in southern Italy or southern Greece. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
汇率的负面影响因素包括:全球风险偏好降温,因美国预算谈判遇到障碍;希腊财长在接受《金融时报》采访时告诫称,由於可能爆发反对财政紧缩措施的社会动乱,希腊仍有退出欧元区的可能。 htisec.com | Undermined by negative global risk sentiment as U.S. budget talks soured; Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras in interview with the Financial Times [...] warning that Athens still faces "the [...]possible risk" of crashing out of the currency bloc due to danger of social unrest against austerity. htisec.com |
本集团的其他非流动资产主要指预付经营租赁的款项,包括与希腊比雷埃夫斯港港务局 (Piraeus Port Authority S.A.) 就希腊比雷埃夫斯港 2 号及 3 号码头为期 35 年的特许经营权 (「特 许权」) 而订立的特许经营权协议有关的未摊销首笔特许权费。 coscopac.com.hk | Other non-current assets of the Group mainly represent prepaid operating lease payments, which included the unamortised upfront concession fee incurred in respect of the concession agreement with Piraeus Port Authority S.A. for the concession of Piers 2 and 3 of the Piraeus Port in Greece for a term of 35 years (the “Concession”). coscopac.com.hk |
本 公 司 之 全 资 附 属 公 司 Jadepower Limited 从 事 投 资 於希腊神话娱 乐 场 内 90( 二 零零九 年 : 90 )部 角 子 机 之 业 务 , 有 权 收 取 来 自希腊神话娱 乐 场 内 90( 二 零零九 年 : 90 )部 角 子 机 业 [...] 务 所 得 博 彩 收 益 净 额 之份额 。 cre8ir.com | Jadepower Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, [...] is engaged in the [...] investment in the operation of 90 (2009: 90) electronic slot machines inthe Greek Mythology Casino and is entitled to a certain percentage of the net gaming [...]wins from the operation [...]of 90 (2009: 90) electronic slot machines in the Greek Mythology Casino. cre8ir.com |
一方面 德国 荷兰和法国等经济体强烈 希望负债的会员体 ( 主要是希腊爱尔兰 葡 萄牙和西班牙 ) 持续采取全国性策略快速减轻 赤字与负债 因此这些经济体不同意让负债的 会员体出现任何严重呆帐和违约的情况 apecscmc.org | On the one hand, economies like Germany, Holland, and France wanted highly indebted economies (mainlyGreece,Ireland, Portugal, and Spain) to continue with governmental measures to rapidly reduce their deficits and debt levels, and so refused to agree to any substantive write-off or reduction in debt levels. apecscmc.org |
1814 年 , 一 个 秘 密 组 织 朋 友 会 在 奥 德 萨 (Odessa)成 立 , 该 组 织 的 目 的 是 透 过 传 播 古希腊文化以 唤 醒希腊人的民 族 意 识 , 为 对 抗 土 耳 其 人 作 好 准 备 , 最 终 的 目 标 是 解 放 整 个 巴 尔 干 并 建 立 一 个 由希腊控制的 国 家。 hkahe.com | In 1814 a secret society known as the Association of Friends (Hetairia Philike) was set [...] up in Odessa, with the [...] purpose of spreading this interest in Greek culture and of arousing the national consciousness and preparing for action against the Turks, of liberation the whole of the Balkans and of building a large Greek-dominatedstate. hkahe.com |
目前的措施包括扩大欧洲金融稳定基金 EFSF 至 1 兆欧元的规模 为新发行的主权 债务提供部分保证 可能以附加保单的形式 针对私人希腊债务持有人之债务面值减值 50% 的 郑自愿 债务交换计画 以及要求欧洲的 银行於 2012 年 6 月底以前提高核心第一级资本 普通股权益 水准 自目前要求的 4.5% 至 风险权重资产之 9% 而希腊与义大利则必须 推出其他措施 作为获得支援的代价 惟这些 举措随後在此二经济体皆造成政治上的动荡 apecscmc.org | The current measures include leveraging the European [...] Financial Stability [...] Facility (EFSF) to above EUR 1 trillion to provide partial guarantees (possibly in the form of optional insurance policies) for newly issued sovereign debt, a “voluntary” bond exchange program for private Greek debt holders with a 50% cut on face value of debt, and requiring European [...]banks to raise [...]core tier one capital (common share equity) levels to 9% of risk weighted assets by the end of June 2012 (from current requirements of 4.5%). apecscmc.org |
足球俱乐部: FC krylia 索韦托夫-英超,融合土星,作文中央陆军俱乐部足球队,团队第一联赛: KAMAZ,volgar-俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司 astrahan-黑海舰队海员新罗西斯克 [...] ;复制组合: 土星、 中央陆军俱乐部足球队 ;第二部团队:"土星"、"部猎豹、"Neftekhimik [...] 下卡缅卡,"-克拉斯诺达尔-2000 年、"转子伏尔加格勒伏尔加"、 下诺夫哥罗德、"-P′ûnik"、"Kilikia"分支"停在阿拉腊"。vesna-pansionat.g-sochi.ru | Football clubs: FC krylia Sovetov-Premier League, fusing compositions CSKA, Saturn, team first League: KAMAZ, volgar-Gazprom astrahan-Chernomorets Novorossiysk; duplicate combinations: Saturn, CSKA; [...] second division teams: "Saturn", [...] "the Ministry" Cheetah, "Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk,"-"Krasnodar-2000", [...]"Rotor-Volgograd Volga", [...]Nizhny Novgorod, "-P′ûnik", "Kilikia" branch of "Ararat". g-sochi.ru |
希腊总理萨马拉斯先生率发展部部长、海运部部长、劳工部部长及财政部副部长和部分部门秘书长一行,中国驻希腊大使杜起文先生,美国驻希腊大使Daniel Bennett Smith先生携夫人,希腊国会议员,当地政府市长等60余人,惠普代表团一行及中远太平洋财务总监吕世杰先生等出席了仪式。 coscopac.com.hk | Over 60 people attended the [...] ceremony who are theGreek PrimeMinister Mr.Samaras the Minister of Development, the Minister of Shipping, the Minister of Labour Affairs, the deputy Minister of Finance and Secretary-Generals of other sections, the Chinese Ambassador Mr. DuQiwen, the USA Ambassador Mr. Daniel Bennett Smith with his spouse, membersof the GreekParliament, the [...]local Mayors, HP delegation [...]and the CFO of CPL Mr. Eddie Liu. coscopac.com.hk |