

单词 15-24-year-olds




traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old)


用新流体冲掉旧流体,或者用兼容溶剂冲掉旧流体, 然后引入新流体。
Flush out old fluid with new fluid, or flush out old fluid with a compatible solvent before introducing new fluid.
(c) 条例草案不应该不公平地以中小企为打击 对象,因为现行法例已能够打击中小企或 会采用的不当营商手法,例如与新建租住 公屋装修工程有关的不良营商手法或竞投 旧楼修葺工程时所采用的围标手法,而中 小企在市场上亦非处於可让他们从事掠夺 式定价行为的优势。
(c) SMEs should not be unfairly targeted by the Bill because illegal trade practices which they might commit, such as those related to decoration works at new public rental housing (PRH), or bid-rigging for repair works for old buildings, could already be tackled by existing laws, and SMEs were not in a dominant position in the market to enable them to engage in predatory pricing.
论坛将着重探讨该地区这一作为古老文化和经济联系轴心的独特文化走 廊,这其中包含了该地区各个国家和人民的物质与非物质文化及历史遗产,可以作为地区协 议和合作的框架。
The forum will focus attention on the unique cultural corridors in the region, which are axes of age-old cultural and economic links that include the tangible and intangible cultural and historical heritage of the countries and peoples and may serve as a framework for regional accords and cooperation.
应委员要求, 政府当局已提供文件(立法会CB(1)1443/09-10(06)号文件),载述 当局对团体代表所提出意见的回应,并提供补充资料,阐述关於 选定海外司法管辖区的经验(谘询文件附件B)、预计在该计划下 收集到的徵费、在香港设置商业上可行的废电器及电子产品处理 设施是否可行和政府在这方面的角色,以及是否需要制订计划以 鼓励尽早更换旧电器及电子产品来加强能源效益等。
At members' request, the Administration had set out its response to deputations' views together with supplementary information on overseas experience in selected jurisdictions (Annex B to the Consultation Document), the anticipated levy to be collected under the scheme, the feasibility of setting up a commercially viable WEEE treatment plant in Hong Kong and the role of the Government in this respect, as well as the need for a plan to encourage early replacement of old electrical and electronic equipment to enhance energy efficiency etc in LC Paper No. CB(1) 1443/09-10(06).
就不能被遣返阿富汗他们提出了与原 先截然不同的新根据:第一,他们曾在瑞典寻求庇护,这在阿富汗被视为严重罪 行;第二,第一申诉人曾为在瑞典的寻求庇护者担任过口译员因而被阿富汗秘密 警察记录在案;第三,他们父亲的一些宿敌是现政府官员,他们会因暴露姓名而 被杀。
They invoke entirely new grounds against their expulsion to Afghanistan: first, that they sought asylum in Sweden, which is considered to be a serious crime in Afghanistan; second, that the first complainant is registered with the Afghan secret police because of having worked as an interpreter for asylum-seekers in Sweden; third, that some of their father’s old enemies are officials in the present Government and they will be killed because their name is known.
然而,与以色列和美国试图通过跨国媒体蒙蔽世界的相背是,如赛义德所说, 巴勒斯坦的情形不是宗教冲突,而是有着殖民和帝国主义印记的政治冲突;这不 是一个由来已久而是近代才有的冲突;这一冲突不是源于中东,而是源于欧洲。
Now then: contrary to what Israel and the United States are trying to make the world believe through transnational media outlets, what happened and is still happening in Palestine — in Said’s words — is not a religious conflict but a political one, with a colonial and imperialist stamp; it is not an age-old conflict, but a contemporary one; this conflict did not begin in the Middle East but in Europe.
该阿维斯塔文语言是印度支那日耳曼舌,属於更具体伊朗集团的其他成员被老波斯的楔形文字铭文的巴列维,并Pazend (或中东伊朗) ,以及後来的方言,新波斯语,库尔德语,阿富汗等阿维斯塔文讲话,是非常密切相关的梵文,事实上,我们能够移调任何词从一种语言到其他的应用特别拼音法。
The Avestan language is an Indo-Germanic tongue and belongs more specifically to the Iranian group, the other members being the Old Persian of the cuneiform inscriptions, the Pahlavi, and Pazend (or Middle Iranian), and the later dialects, New Persian, Kurdish, Afghan, etc. The Avestan speech is very closely related to Sanskrit; in fact, we are able to transpose any word from one language into the other by the application of special phonetic laws.
顺便提一下,您也可将硬盘驱动器中的所有信息传输至另一个硬盘驱动器,方法是:备份整个 旧硬盘后,将备份恢复至新硬盘。
By the way, you can also transfer all the information from your hard disc drive to another one by backing up the entire old hard disc and then recovering the backup to the new disc.
国际劳工组织关于社会安全(最低限度标准)的第 102 号公约在这一排除适用整章的可能性外, 同时规定实际必须适用的最低限度数目章节(第 2 条)(同时参看国际劳工组织关于残疾、老年 和幸存者补助的第 128 号公约第 2 条,欧洲社会宪章第 20 条或 1964 年欧洲社会安全法第 2 条)。
The Convention concerning Minimum Standards of Social Security, No. 102, of the International Labour Organization (ILO) combines, moreover, this possibility of rejecting the application of entire chapters with a minimum number of chapters that must actually be applied (art. 2) (see also article 2 of ILO Convention No. 128 concerning Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors’ Benefits, article 20 of the European Social Charter or article 2 of the European Code of Social Security of 1964).
土着语言和文化 的当代表现形式和形态是土着人民古老传统的重要现代延伸,也是他们文化健康 良好的指标。
Contemporary expressions and forms of indigenous languages and cultures are important modern extensions of their age-old traditions and an indicator of the good health of their cultures.
同第一项《国家养恤金保险法》相比,现在养恤金已经指数化,养老金实 行推迟发放,遗属养恤金比率已经修订,有资格享受遗属养恤金的人员的范 围已经扩大,国家养恤金和提前退休养老金在养恤金领取人继续工作时,也 发给他们。
As compared to the first State Pension Insurance Act, pensions are now indexed, a deferred old-age pension has been introduced, the rate of the survivor’s pension has been revised and the range of persons entitled to the survivor’s pension has been extended, and the national pension and the early-retirement pension is paid to pensioners also when they continue to work.
在这方面,必须强调,被占领的东耶路撒冷继续广泛遭受占领国及其定 居者的极端行为和挑衅之害,以色列政府右翼官员不断威胁和煽动,就 被占领城市的圣地,特别是耶路撒冷旧城“尊贵禁地”接二连三地提出 挑衅性和不顾后果的公告和要求。
In this connection, it must be stressed that Occupied East Jerusalem continues to suffer extensively from the extremism and the provocations of the occupying Power and its settlers, as well as the constant threats and incitement by right-wing Israeli Government officials, who continue to make provocative and reckless declarations and claims regarding holy sites in the occupied city, particularly with regard to Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) in the Old City.
在过 渡期间,当局容许食物业界遵守有关准许防腐剂和抗氧化 剂的现有附表( 即旧附表) 或经修订的附表( 即新附表),兩 者 都已订明准许在每种指明食物∕食物類别中使用添加剂的 分量。
During the transition period, food trades would be allowed to comply with either list i.e. the existing (old) and the revised (new) lists of permitted preservatives and antioxidants, with levels of additives allowed under each specified foods/food categories.
执 行 企 业 会 计 准 则 後 产 生 的 递 延 所 得 税 差 异 是 由 於 新 旧 企 业 会 计 准 则 的 其 他 项 目 差 异 产 生 递 延 所 得 税。
Deferred tax differences that occur after the adoption of ASBE are due to differences between the new and old Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise on other aspects.
若英语学习生的残疾对其在这方面的参与和进度没有影响,而其个别教育计划又 没有包括英语发展目标,学校仍然必须确保学生参与至少连续 30 分钟的英语发 展课程(专门针对其英语程度教授的课程),直至学生获编为英语流利生止。
If ELD goals are not included in an EL student’s IEP because the student’s disability does not affect the student’s involvement and progress in this area, then the school still must ensure that the student participates in at least 30 consecutive minutes of ELD targeted specifically to their English proficiency level until reclassified.
Besides, in terms of various kinds of public policies, another survey in late April showed that, among the 25 issues, the 11 issues which people are most concerned with, in the priority from 1 to 10, are 1) increasing job opportunities and alleviating the unemployment problem, 2) lifting the leading ability of the government, 3) improving air quality, 4) improving public health mechanism, 5) poverty problem, 6) improving relations between the executive and legislative branches, 7) implementing small-class teaching in primary schools, 8) reforming the CSSA system. 9) re-developing old districts, 10) setting up a centralized slaughtering system for poultry and "up and down" bus fare adjustment mechanism.
在某些情况下,国家预算供资 只用于支付超出根据《国家养恤金保险法》支付的养恤金的部分,根据《公共服 务法》支付官员的额外养老金和一些其他养恤金补助费。
In some cases, state budget financing is used only for the part which exceeds the pension paid under the State Pension Insurance Act, the additional old-age pension paid to officials under the Public Service Act, and some other pension supplements.
宪兵称,被拘留者使用这 些卫生间,其中也有淋浴,但被拘留者称他们使用旧水瓶小便,然后倒入厕所。
According to the gendarmes, detainees had access to these bathrooms, which also had showers, but according to the detainees they used old water bottles to urinate and empty those down the toilets.
(b) 加紧努力使非正规经济部门的工人情况正常化,以便他们能够受益于 一整套基本社会保护,其中可能包括老年养恤金、产妇福利和保健服务。
(b) Intensify its efforts to regularize the situation of workers in the informal economy to enable them to benefit from a basic social protection package that may include an old-age pension, a maternity benefit and access to health care.
在西岸,以 色列继续扩建定居点,建造数百栋房舍,它还继续 批准类似的项目,并在被占领的叙利亚戈兰实施其 法律和行政管辖权,这些都对其人民,无论是青年 人还是老年人,个人还是家庭的人权和基本自由产 生了不利的影响。
The continued expansion of settlements in the West Bank, the construction of hundreds of homes, Israel’s continued approval of similar projects, and its imposition of its laws and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan had adverse consequences for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of its people, young and old, individuals and families alike.
用新的 高容量硬碟替换旧硬碟时,您可能会在不知情的状况下,在旧硬碟上留下许多即使重新格式化 也能够复原的个人机密资讯。
When replacing your old hard drive with a new, higher-capacity one, you may unwittingly leave on the old disc lots of personal and confidential information that can be recovered, even if you have reformatted it.
残疾人数增加有多种原因,其中最主要的是:内乱和持续战争;文盲率高; 营养不足和营养不良;传染病;保健服务低下;社会援助和服务水平低下;事 故和家庭暴力;大多数国家经济条件差;以及老年病和自然灾害(非洲联盟委员 会,2005 年)。
The increase in the number of people with disabilities is due to a number of reasons, chief among which are civil strife and continuing wars; a high level of illiteracy; undernutrition and malnutrition; communicable diseases; poor health services; a low level of social assistance and services; accidents and domestic violence; poor economic conditions in most of the countries; and old age and natural calamities and disasters (AUC, 2005).
这是经常断言或假定阿维斯塔宗教作为上述描绘的是宗教的大流士和其他阿契美尼德国王波斯( 549-336年)从楔形文字铭文这些君主(旧波斯语言,方言的妹妹Avestic Zend公司) ,我们知道非常好他们的宗教是什麽。
It is frequently asserted or assumed that the Avesta religion as above sketched was the religion of Darius and the other Achaemenid Kings of Persia (549-336 BC) From the cuneiform inscriptions of these sovereigns (in the Old Persian language, a sister dialect of the Avestic Zend) we know pretty well what their religion was.
於订立常州來方圆补充协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议之时,即使根 据上市规则第14A.25及14A.26条合并计算各自之年度租金,就本集团根据常州來方圆补充 协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议项下应付的年度租金之适用百分比率 (定义見上市规则第14.07条)仍低於0.1%,故根据上市规则第14A.33条,常州來方圆补 充协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议均豁免遵守申报、年度审阅、公告 及独立股东批准规定。
At the time of entering into of each of the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement, the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the annual rent payable by the Group under each of the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement, even if required to be aggregated with each other under Rules 14A.25 and 14A.26 of the Listing Rules, were less than 0.1% and therefore, the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement were then exempt from the reporting, annual review, announcement and Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements in accordance with Rule 14A.33 of the Listing Rules.
我们面前的秘书长的报告(S/2012/376)是一 份重要文件,它再次提醒我们注意影响武装冲突中 平民的处境、需要我们认真考虑并采取果断行动解 决的各种新老问题。
The report of the Secretary-General that is before us (S/2012/376) is an important document, drawing our attention again to old and new concerns affecting the situation of civilians in armed conflict, which call for serious consideration and decisive action.
这种情况加深了公 司和国家相互之间的经济依赖,即带来全球化的风险,也带来全球化的利益,使 贸易决策更多地从进出口监管转化为促进在全球经济中的竞争力和出口多样化, 尽管依然需要解决诸如关税等等的贸易政策“老”问题。
This deepened the economic interdependence of firms and countries, raised both the risks and rewards of globalization, and transformed trade policymaking from the regulations of imports and exports more to the promotion of competitiveness and export diversification in a global economy, although there was still a need to work on “old” trade policy issues such as tariffs.
对很多旧区业主而言,他们没有 稳定的收入来源或大量现金存款,无力承担强制验楼和跟进维修的费用。
In many old areas, owner occupiers of considerable proportion do not have a stable source of income or large amount of cash savings to pay for the mandatory inspection and the renovation works where necessary.
The prices include government tax IVA (12%), internet access at the lobby bar, WIFI on the covered top terrace, housekeeping everyday, towels, body soap, lines, blankets, 24 hours hot water, mailbox service, free maps of Quito, an amazing view point of Quito from our top terrace especially of the Old Town and besides a wonderful staff that they are ready to help you in everything you need.
这些方案可以促进妇女参加工作,在其达到一 定年龄后为其提供必要的生存手段,改善妇女受教 育的状况,但也要有社会政策作为辅助,以保障其 获得土地和生产资料,特别是贷款,以及其他专门 激发男女更公平分配家务劳动及促进妇女作为照料 者的作用的措施。
Such programmes, which could contribute to promoting women’s participation in the labour force, provide them with income security in old age and improve access to education, must be complemented by social policies to ensure that they had access, inter alia, to land, productive resources and credit; such policies should also provide incentives for a balanced sharing of household responsibilities between men and women and promote the role of women as caregivers.
进一步商定,评注中应 当解释:(a)凡对设保人身份识别标志实行变更的修订,其索引的编排是增加新 的设保人身份识别标志,如同一个新的设保人那样;(b)在这种情况下,以设保 人原有身份识别标志或新的身份识别标志进行查询,都将可显示登记情况;以 及(c)这样做将不会造成任何混淆,因为通知将按先后顺序编排索引。
Furthermore, it was agreed that the commentary should explain that: (a) an amendment changing the identifier of the grantor would be indexed by adding the new grantor identifier as if it were a new grantor; (b) in such a case, a search under either the old identifier or the new identifier of the grantor would reveal the registration; and (c) that approach would not cause any confusion as the notices would be indexed in a sequential order.




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