

单词 脚踏实地

踏踏实实 adjective ()

steady adj

See also:

脚踏 n

foot n


free from anxiety
firmly based
have peace of mind

实地 n

ground n
field n

实地 adj

field-based adj

External sources (not reviewed)

它们为实现全民教育提 供脚踏实地、稳 当可靠和价廉实用的模式。
They provide onthe-ground, professionally sound, practical and costeffective models
[...] of how education for all can be achieved.
第二项是,里约大会应当以跨部门的方式涵纳 21
[...] 世 纪议程的核心理念之一,即,我们应当放眼全球脚 踏实地。
The second is that the Rio Conference should
integrate in a transectoral manner one of the core ideas of Agenda 21, namely that we should
[...] think globally and act locally.
尽管他取得了极大的成功,但他仍 脚踏实 地、实 事求是并不忘使命——将他毕生的成就传 递给未来的一代。
Despite all his success,
[...] he remained down-toearth, practical and mindful [...]
of his responsibility to pass on his life's achievement to future generations.
国 际传播发展计划脚踏实地地为 发展传媒基础设施和能力建设提供实际支持方面具有悠久的 历史。
The IPDC has a long history of providing practical on-the-ground support in developing media infrastructure and capacity.
尽管他的想象力天马行空,但在处理问题时, 脚踏实地 , 他 能够巧妙地平衡“概念化”的意向与日常事务的现实情境,两者皆为必需。
The ability to look at a problem (or an organization) from a conceptualizing perspective means that one must think beyond day-to-day realities.
但是, 审议大会召开一年后,我们必 脚踏实地 , 将 我们的 注意力准确地集中到执行该会议《最后文件》 [...]
But, one year after that
[...] Conference, we must be pragmatic and focus our attention [...]
sharply on the steady implementation of
the action plan in the Final Document of the Conference (NPT/CONF.2010/50 (Vol. I)).
有了他脚踏实地的稳 健基础,才能支持我天马行空的梦幻创意。
They have their feet on the ground so [...]
I can keep my head in the clouds.
此外,作为走向无核武器世界 脚踏实地 的 第 一 步,日本认为,加强不对无核武器国家使用核武器的 安全保证或持有核武器的目的仅仅是阻止他方使用 核武器等看法应当得到重视。
Furthermore, as a first practical step towards a world without nuclear weapons, Japan finds worthy of attention such [...]
ideas as enhancing the
effectiveness of security assurances not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or retaining nuclear weapons solely for the purpose of deterring others from using such weapons.
需要建立独立于项目的专门核心政策咨询能力; 脚踏实地 ” 举措为在本 组织内建立关于气候变化和贫穷-环境关系问题的核心政策专长提供了一个绝佳 机会。
There is a need to have a dedicated core policy advisory capability independent of projects; and the “boots-on-the-ground” initiative provides a great opportunity to build a core of policy expertise within the organization on climate change and the poverty-environment nexus.
你仿佛身处辽阔的大海之上,却又分 脚踏实地。
As if you were out on the open
[...] sea, yet with your feet still firmly on dry land.
气候变化和小岛屿发展中国家跨部门平台协同可持续发展教育跨部门平台,共同举办 了关于气候变化教育促进小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的讨论会,讨论中提出了多个领域的 行动建议,包脚踏实地的国家计划和小岛屿发展中国家之间的网络。
The Indaba created a platform for dialogue and discussion on culture policy and strategies and how they can contribute effectively to national processes such as the constitutional reform process in a coordinated manner. Issues raised and discussed at the Indaba included: national policy on arts and culture, National Arts Council of Zimbabwe Act, festivals, Culture Fund models, intellectual property, cultural industries in the development agenda, and the 2005 Convention on the Promotion and Diversity of Cultural expressions and how it can be implemented in Zimbabwe.
大卫·汤普森因脚踏实地而受 到人民爱戴。
David Thompson endeared himself to the people because he was firmly grounded.
我们喜欢在大胆设想的同时 脚踏实地 的 方 式求取更大的进步与突破。
We like to think big while also charting the terrain forward with small steps and larger strides.
比如,他们在提出雄心勃勃的销售目标同时,并不妨碍其做出更 脚踏实地 的 预 测。
For example, they can present ambitious sales targets without compromising the integrity of their forecasts.
我们的中心预测确实仍然相当好: 美国软着陆,欧洲复苏强而持久,日 脚踏实地 , 中 国和印度活动蓬勃。
... Our central forecast remains indeed quite benign: a soft landing in the United States, a strong and sustained recovery in Europe, a solid trajectory in Japan and buoyant activity in China and India.
就“与西方接触“,人民解放军内部分支持和反对两 派,但按一位中国学者的话说,人民解放军受整体上受 “保守的民族主义”所支配,它的重要宗旨包括,保护 领土完整,国家团结,内部稳定,以 脚踏实地 , 勤奋 务实,不舍近求远,不好高骛远”为关注重点的保守、 防御型军事定位。
Within the PLA are both pro- and anti- “engagement with the West” factions, but the PLA is generally dominated by what one Chinese academic calls “conservative nationalism”, the key tenets of which are preserving territorial integrity, national unity, internal stability, and a conservative and defensive military posture focused on “consolidating what it has under its control rather than acquiring what it has claimed”.
但是创新又是建立在对行业、公司、产品深刻理解的基础上的,若非如此你所做的创新就可能是闭门造车,所以我希望你首先是全身心投入 脚踏实地 的 做 好你的本职工作,直至熟能生巧、参与我们的创新。
But innovation is based on the profound understanding of the industry、company、products, if not your innovation may be work behind closed doors, so I hope you  are
engaged in at first and do your job
[...] down-to-earth, then you can participate in our innovation until practice makes perfect.
经过一年以来的调整和发展,国内最困难的时期已经度过,作为PCB企业来说,与其花费大量精力去讨论和预测,还不 脚踏实地 , 抓 好产品质量和服务,提升自己的竞争力,这才是企业真正的发展之道。
After a year of adjustment and development since, the most difficult time has been spent, as the PCB enterprises, instead of spending a lot of energy to discuss
and predict, not as down to earth, good
[...] grasp of product quality and service, enhance [...]
their competitiveness, This is the
road to real development business.
针对这种应用的方案包括摇脚踏开 关实现两种功能的快速切换),配有无线信号传输功能的脚踏开关,以 [...]
The program for this application field
[...] includes among others rocker foot controls that allow for [...]
fast change between two functions, foot controls with wireless signal
transmission and multi-function foot controls with pedal and joystick.
而且 其安全性和舒适性也有所提高:由于没有线缆所以操作中不会被绊倒 ,而脚踏开关可以放在任地方。
Safety and comfort are improved: there are no
[...] tripping hazards and the footswitches can be placed anywhere.
脚踏三轮车曾经是乔治镇内以及周 地 区 很 普遍的交通工具,如今主要供游客享用,且仅限于在市中心。
These three-wheeled trishaws were once a common form of transport [...]
in and around George Town.
因此,安全 和正义实现法治的基本踏脚石。
Security and justice are
[...] therefore essential stepping stones in achieving the rule of law.
但尽管这种主张显然是完全站不脚 的 , 事 实 却 是 它被人狂 地 引 用 来说 服安全理事会通过第 1907(2009)号决议。
But utterly untenable as this proposition might appear, the fact is it was feverishly invoked to cajole the Security Council to adopt resolution 1907 (2009).
实现更 持续的运输是联合王国首屈一指的可持续运输慈善组织 Sustrans 的 首要目标;它的目的是使民众能够更经 地 走 路、 骑 脚踏 车 和 使用公共运输,从 而减少拥挤、污染和路上对骑车者及行人的危险、并且也有助于民众的整体健康。
Attaining greater transport sustainability is the primary goal of the United Kingdom’s leading sustainable transport charity, Sustrans; it aims to enable people to walk, cycle and use [...]
public transport much
more, resulting in less congestion, pollution and danger on the roads for cyclists and pedestrians but also contributing to the overall health of people.
出租车、公共交通脚踏三路 车是游览槟城最常见的方式。
Taxis, public transport and trishaws remain popular ways of getting around the city.
通过细腻而缓地图画组合,隐喻了当下上海这座国际大都市里,平 踏实 , 充 满细节,拥挤而繁密的私人经历的市井生活,更有妙在无目的的心理活动和私人压抑。
The slow and meticulous composition is a microcosm of urban life in the international metropolis of Shanghai, bustling, humdrum and personal.
我们在这个项目上一个优势是学生开发组在 地 搭 建 了用户的开发环境,因此我们需要安装应用服务器软件、配置连接池、做好版本控制、用异常复杂的 A N T 脚 本 实 现 代码编译和发布, 并做好需求整理工作。
One of the advantages of this project was that the apprentice shop reproduced the
customer’s development
[...] environment, so all of us were involved in installing application server software, configuring connection pools, executing version control, building and deploying code with ANT scripts of significant complexity, [...]
and clarifying requirements.
四分之一的汽 车旅程不到两英里,接近三分之二的旅程不到五英里;更 地 用 走 路和 脚踏车 的 方式完成这些当地旅程可以同时降低二氧化碳排放量和对石油的依赖性。
A quarter of car journeys are under two miles, and nearly two thirds are under five miles; more walking and cycling for these local journeys would both reduce CO2 emissions and dependence on oil.
公司于ROHS推行前就一直研发替代普通光敏电阻的环保型光敏器件,近几年来,产品从开发到大量生产,我们走过一个 踏实 的 脚 印 , 而高端的品质也使公司的产品成功的销往英国、法国、日本、台湾、香港等多个国家。
The company has been pushing in ROHS before the development of alternative ordinary photoconductive resistance environmental photodetector, in recent years, the products from a development to mass production, we passed a solid step, while high-end quality also make the products of the company are sold to the success of Britain, France, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other DuoGe countries.
鑒 於本港經濟踏 入 通 脹 期,但失 業 率依然 高企,工資亦未 有 明 顯 回 升 ,而社會貧富懸殊的 情況更趨嚴重,本會促請政府設立一 個政府的跨部門扶貧委員會,全面 研究本港 的貧富懸殊問題,以 便 提 升弱勢社 羣 的 自 助能力 及 更 有地 分 配 社會資源 ,以幫 助最 需要受 幫 助的人,以及保障基層市民的 基 本生活 需要;同時,政 府應協調各部門的工作,制訂 相應的政策及協助脫 貧的措施,以 縮 窄 貧 富懸殊的 差距,減少 社會矛盾,並促進社會和 諧 發 展 。
That, as the Hong
[...] Kong economy has entered an inflation period, yet the unemployment rate remains high, with wages not showing an evident rebound and the disparity between the rich and the poor becoming more serious, this Council urges the Government to set up a governmental interdepartmental committee on aiding the poor to comprehensively examine the disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong, so as to enhance the self-help capability of the socially disadvantaged groups and enable a more effective allocation of social [...]
resources, thereby helping
those who are most in need and safeguarding the basic needs of the grass-roots people; at the same time, the Government should co-ordinate the efforts of various departments in formulating corresponding policies as well as measures to help get rid of poverty, with a view to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, reducing social conflicts and promoting harmonious social development.




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