单词 | 羊头 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 羊头 —sheep's headfig. advertisement for good meatExamples:领头羊—bellwether 挂羊头卖狗肉—fig. cheat • lit. hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat [idiom.] • wicked deeds carried out under banner of virtue • dishonest advertising See also:羊 n—sheep n • goat n • lamb n • goats n
感受羊头的迷 人魅力,自然的勃勃生机必让您兴奋不已。 discoverireland.com | Enjoy the magic of the Sheep’s Head where [...] all things wild will embrace and invigorate. discoverireland.com |
我也正两个不同的委员会的项目创作,一个是瑞士设计公司的,另一个是一个巨大的 羚 羊头 骨 ,我 将像 Botanical Skull 系列那样制作他。 luxe-immo.com | I am also working on two different commission projects, one for a Swiss design company and the other is a huge wildebeest skull that I will be decorating like the Botanical Skull series. luxe-immo.com |
随着中国为其大国崛起寻求正当 理由,中国也不希望被看成是全球独裁政权阵营 的领头羊。 crisisgroup.org | As it seeks increased legitimacy for its rise as a great power, China does not [...] want to be seen as heading a league of the [...]world’s worst dictatorships. crisisgroup.org |
随着手机使用界面的快速发展,再加上IT行业的 领 头羊 , 苹 果 和谷歌公司把智能手机从小配件发展到了日常生活上必不可少的工具。 dukascopy.com | The rapid development of mobile UI, driven by IT [...] industry leaders, Apple Inc. and Google, [...]turned smartphones from geeky accessories [...]into an indispensable tool for everyday life, suitable even for inexperienced users, allowing them to concentrate on trading. dukascopy.com |
自 1928 年开始制造出世界上第一个自动打火机以来,Colibri [...] 不断制造出出各种创新产品,无疑使其成为打火机技术领域的 领 头羊。 hk.ashford.com | Beginning with the world’s first automatic [...] lighter in 1928, and a host of revolutionary products that [...] followed, Colibri easily became the [...]leader in lighter technology. ashford.com |
作为工业锅炉领域的技术领头羊,武 汉天元拥有国家A级制造许可证,该资质是国内市场最高级别的资质认证。 bosch.com.cn | As a technological leader in industrial boilers, Wuhan Tianyuan has a Grade A certification, which is the highest in the Chinese market. bosch.com.cn |
羊群效应”的出现一般在一个竞争非常激烈的行业上,而且这个行业上有一个领先者 ( 领 头羊 ) 占 据 了主要的注意力,那么整个羊群就会不断摹仿这个 领 头羊 的 一 举一动, 领 头羊 到 哪 里去“吃草”,其它的羊也去哪里“淘金”。 jxlcd.com | The flock effect" appeared in general a a very competitive industry, [...] and the industry has a [...] leader (leader) occupied the main attention, so the whole flock will constantly copying the leaders movements, leaders where to go "eat grass", the other the sheep go where "gold". jxlcd.com |
作为市场的“领头羊”, 贝宁格将继续依托自身掌握的综合性工艺技术为用户提供高品质的设备和理想化的服务。 benninger.de | As the market leader Benninger will continue to rely on its comprehensive process know-how in order to be able to offer high-quality installations with excellent customer service. benninger.de |
这场比赛的胜利将会帮助他们取得头名的领先优势,同时也结束AC米兰的 领 头羊 地 位。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | A victory, and they claim first place, ending AC Milan’s reign. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
为大 会提供的主要信息是,国际水文计划在教科文组织乃至联合国系统有关淡水和可 持续的水资源管理活动中具有领头羊 地 位 ,因此需要继续为该计划提供必要的人 力和预算资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The central message for the General Conference is that IHP, which occupies a lead position within UNESCO and the United Nations system initiatives on fresh water and sustainable water resources management requires the continuing provision of necessary resources in staffing and budget. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在此后的 13 年时间里,A-Pex 在 EMC 业务方面发展为日本的领头羊。 ul.com | In the 13 years since its inception, the A-Pex EMC operation has grown to become Japan's largest. ul.com |
中国环境基金在 社会责任投资风险资本中扮演着领 头羊 的 角 色。 banktrack.org | The China Environment Fund is a leading player in SRI venture capital. banktrack.org |
马达和机电集团- 是地板护理业内世界最大的气动电动机制造商,也是航空航天、商用机器、大容量公共运输、医疗和计算机市场领域生产无刷气动马达的 领 头羊。 solartronmetrology.cn | Electromechanical - the world’s largest manufacturer of air-moving electric motors for the floor care industry and a leader of brushless air-moving motors for the aerospace, business machine, mass transit, medical, and computer markets. solartronmetrology.com |
73 国有石油公司一直是中国能源行业的 领 头羊 ,并 不断根据自身经济利益塑造政府政策。 crisisgroup.org | allowed it to outbid any competitive commercial company, and China’s state-owned companies are not reciprocally open to foreign purchase. crisisgroup.org |
目前担任中国互联网视频网站领头羊 — — 优酷网的顾问,郭怡广曾是行业领先的广告机构奥美的数字战略总监。 spli-t.com | A consultant for China’s leading Internet video site, Youku.com, Kuo previously serving as a director of digital strategy for leading advertising agency Ogilvy. spli-t.com |
学院的作用在社区内得以拓展,将洛雷恩县社区学院定位为教育以及经济、文化和社区发展(洛雷恩县社区学院使命的四大基石)的 领 头羊。 china.blackstone.com | The role of the College has broadened within the community, positioning LCCC as a regional leader not only in education, but in economic, cultural, and community growth—the four cornerstones of Lorain County Community College’s mission. blackstone.com |
电子仪器仪表集团- 是先进的监视、测试、校准、测量和显示仪器制造领域的 领 头羊 , 产品销往世界各地,主要面对加工、航空航天、能源和工业市场。 solartronmetrology.cn | Electronic Instruments - a leader in advanced monitoring, testing, calibrating, measurement and display instruments sold to the process, aerospace, power and industrial markets worldwide. solartronmetrology.com |
先进的技术 由于我们不断进行技术投资,因此 Bowers & Wilkins 始终是扬声器创新领域的领头羊。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Bowers & Wilkins remains at the forefront of speaker innovation thanks to our ongoing investment in technology. bowers-wilkins.eu |
这项技术让我们成为在德国南部众多学校中的开拓者和 领 头羊, ” 于2012年2月正式接任慕尼黑患病儿童学校校长一职的Alto Merkt解释道。 wacker.com | This technology makes us a pioneer and pacesetter in southern Germany for other schools,” explains Alto Merkt, who is taking over as manager of the Munich school for sick pupils in February 2012. wacker.com |
REVISION3是互联网视频网络领域的领 头羊 , 并 与众多顶尖的内容制作商、广 告商和经销商建立了合作伙伴关系。 nexsan.com.cn | Revision3 has emerged as the leading Internet video network and has attracted top content creators, advertisers and distribution partners. nexsan.com |
今天,SMS Meer 已成为市场和技术的领头羊,以 持续优化的工艺技术为用户提供灵活并且面向未来的解决方案。 sms-meer.com | Today, we are the market and technology leader, offering flexible, future-proof solutions with continuously optimized processes. sms-meer.com |
我大体的看了一下最近意甲的比赛,这场比赛确实吸引到了我,AC米兰在圣西罗主场对阵尤文图斯,我很想看到米兰如何抵御现在的 领 头羊。 sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com | AC Milan host Juventus at [...] the San Siro, and I was flabbergasted to see that Milan were [...]dogs at home to the defending champions. sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com |
2012年6月1日Thalacker将来到Wintersteiger(温特斯泰格)股份公司担任行政总裁,并成为这家在其所有业务领域都称得上是世界市场 领 头羊 的 康 采恩集团的领导者。 ski2.com | With the move to Wintersteiger AG on 1 June 2012, Thalacker will take over the managing directorship and with it also the management of a company which is a global market leader in all its divisions. ski2.com |
RPM公司是全世界专用涂料的领头羊。 eckart.com.cn | RPM, Inc. is a world leader in specialty coatings. eckart.net |
在美国共同基金的总体资产管理规模中,麻州占有 了21%的管理规模,由此成为与纽约州和加州齐名 的共同基金的领头羊。 massinsight.com | In addition, Massachusetts is home to the top firm in Recordkeeping for Retirement Assets with $838B in assets and over 14 million participants. massinsight.com |
这是一段由十九世纪三十年代一家慕尼黑小型机床厂开始并直到今天成为全球范围专用机床技术领先者和市场 领 头羊 的 发 展之路。 grobgroup.com | A long path that enabled the small machine tool factory from Munich in the thirties to develop into a global payer and worldwide technology and market leader in the construction of special-purpose machines. grobgroup.com |
作为全球 GaN 加工设备的领头羊,Ve eco MOCVD 技术为硅基板氮化镓生产的突破性发展提供一个平台,以期解决单晶片成本问题并提供性能解决方案,从而为硅基板氮化镓电力电子器件带来商业上的可行性。 veeco.com.cn | As the world’s leading expert in [...] GaN processing equipment, Veeco MOCVD [...]technology is providing a platform for GaN-on-Si [...]production breakthroughs, solving cost-per-wafer and performance solutions to lead to commercial viability for GaN-on-Si power electronics growth. veeco.com |
我们有信心与我们经验丰富的技术供应商INTRALOT共同合作,成为捷克游戏市场的 领 头羊 并 重 建其游戏市场格局。 bilot.bg | We are confident that together with our experienced technological vendor, INTRALOT, we will manage to become the market leader of the country and recreate its gaming world”, commented Mr. Martin Illner, CEO of Fortuna Lottery. bilot.bg |