

单词 统辖

统辖 ()

be in command of
have complete control over

See also:

noise of a barrow
linchpin of a wheel (archaic)
having jurisdiction over

External sources (not reviewed)

水需求管理的指导方针是:经济效率;公平享有;环境保护和生态系统功能可持 续性;基于最大程度参与、责任与义务、政治上可接受性 统辖 ”。
This is guided by economic efficiency; equity
and access; environmental protection
[...] and sustainable ecosystems functioning; governance [...]
based on maximum participation, responsibility
and accountability and political acceptability”.
任何全系统环境管理都需要一统辖 它 的 法律框架,然而,如前面所分 析,几乎没有关于内部环统辖的政府间指导材料。
However, as previously analyzed, there is little intergovernmental guidance for in-house environmental governance.
由于没有一个共同的框统辖联合国警察的各种职能,因此各警 察的做法有时令国家警察中的同行无所适从。
With no common framework for various United Nations police functions, the approaches of individual officers sometimes resulted in confusion among their counterparts in the National Police.
儿童基金会/世界卫生组织(世卫组织)供水和卫生联合监测方案在联合国水 机统辖下开 展业务活动,自 1991 年以来定期报告供水和卫生状况(见下文第四 节 D)。
The UNICEF/World Health Organization (WHO) Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation operates under the umbrella of UN-Water and reports on a regular basis since 1991 on the status of water supply and sanitation (see sect. IV.D below).
咨询委员会注意到,信息技术合并工作组就有效合并基础设施服务 由信息管理统处统辖的最佳模式达成了协议,目的是确保投资管理处 [...]
The Advisory Committee notes that the Information Technology Consolidation Working Group reached an agreement as to the best model to follow for the efficient and effective consolidation of
infrastructure services under the
[...] Information Management Systems Service, which is [...]
intended to ensure a seamless consolidation
of the computing infrastructure of the Investment Management Service and the Fund’s secretariat.
其他罪行和犯法行为依据“统”管 辖 权 原 则(例如属地 性或国籍)起诉。
Other crimes and offences are prosecuted on the basis of the
[...] “traditional” principles of jurisdiction (territoriality [...]
or nationality, for example).
国防统辖的第56“巴格达”旅经管的 设施尤其令人担忧,该旅由总理府提供政策指导。
This is especially worrying in facilities operated by the 56th “Baghdad” Brigade, which is administered by the Ministry of Defence, but which receives its policy direction from the Office of the Prime Minister.
委员会注意到,凡 已建统辖机构 对负责反恐的各执法机构的业务活动进行监管和指导的国家,往 往能较好地进行机构间协调,并能更有效地交流信息。
The Committee has observed that States that have created an overarching body to oversee and direct the operational activities of the various law enforcement agencies mandated to counter terrorism tend to have better inter-agency coordination and to share information more effectively.
2007 年 10 月,开始对将其余机构纳入该统的辖区问 题进行研究,尤其是派团到阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆国际理论物理中心(的里雅斯特) 考察。
A scoping study for the integration of the remaining institutes was initiated in October 2007, in particular through a mission to ICTP (Trieste).
随着1962年赛马法的修正,设立了地方赛马的法 统辖 机 构 ――地方赛马全国协会(NAR)。该协会成立的主要目标是: 1)为了发展日本全国地方赛马事业, 将此前由各个地方自治团体执行的赛马和马主的登记以及骑手和训马师执照的发放等职能统一收归NAR管理, [...]
2)促进赛马比赛公正和公平的运营, 3)将赛马比赛收益的一部分用于振兴畜产发展。
With the revision of the
[...] Horse Racing Law in 1962, the National Association of Racing (NAR) was established as a statutory authority for the purpose [...]
of 1) uniformly
conducting, for racing by local governments throughout Japan, such functions as the registration of race horses and owners, and licensing jockeys and trainers, thus far handled by the individual local governments; 2) promoting the fair and equitable operation of racing; and 3) utilizing part of the earnings from horse racing for the promotion of the livestock industry.
为了满足多种交易需求,在香港成立日立高科技(香港)有限公司,在上海和深圳分别成立服务于保税区企业以及提供国内人民币交易、进出口交易、售后服务的日立高新技术(上海)国际贸易有限公司和日立高新技术(深圳)贸易有限公司,并且正在上述地区组建营业性网点,此外,还成立了日立高新技术事业集团 统辖 中 国 市场。
We have also established the business offices in the above mentioned regions, and moreover, we have established Hitachi High-tech Business Group to lead the market in China.
在没有诸如属地或受害者国籍 等统管辖依据的情况下,俄罗斯刑法仅允许在国际条 约所涵盖的案件中行使普遍管辖权,从而使俄罗斯法院 [...]
In the absence of traditional grounds for jurisdiction such as territoriality [...]
or the nationality of the victim, the Russian
Criminal Code permitted universal jurisdiction to be exercised solely in cases covered by international treaty, thus permitting Russian courts to institute proceedings for genocide, war crimes and piracy, among others.
乌兹别克斯坦统管辖的现 行法律监督学院是科学鉴定和调查机构,对法 律进行监督,并且还对通过的法律进行法律评估,促进落实国家元首的立法倡议 权。
The Institute for Monitoring Current Legislation is a research arm of the Office of the President that monitors legislation and carries out technical review of the laws enacted in order to further the Head of State’s legislative initiatives.
[...] 制:乌兹别克斯坦共和国议会人权事务专员(监察员)、乌兹别克斯坦共和国全国 人权中心、乌兹别克斯坦共和国统 管 辖 的 现行法律监督学院。
In accordance with the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, Uzbekistan has established several national human rights institutions: the Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman) of the Oliy Majlis, the National Centre
for Human Rights and the Institute for Monitoring Current Legislation, which is
[...] attached to the Office of the President.
世界人权宣言》将这一原则置于更大 的范畴内,将个人视为个人,而不论其是否属于少数民族,或是否委任统治系统 (或后来的托管统)管辖下领 土的居民。
The Universal Declaration placed the principle in a wider dimension, by taking the individual qua individual, qua human being, irrespective of being a member of a minority, or an inhabitant of a territory under the mandates system (or, later on, under the trusteeship system).
韩 国计划至少每年向粮农组织提交相关信息,以促进保护脆弱海洋生态 统 免 受国 家辖范围 以外地区底层捕捞活动的全球努力。
It planned to submit relevant information to FAO at least on an annual
basis to contribute to global efforts to protect VMEs from bottom fishing
[...] activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
但是应该承认,在儿童充分享有权利方面还有很多不足,尤其是在 统酋 长管辖地区层面上。
Considerable reluctance is expressed, particularly at the level of traditional chieftainships, about the full enjoyment of children's rights.
还指出, 在一些国家,中央政府、地区委员会(或地方政府)和 统 当 局 之间 辖 权 重 叠是 在森林资源方面发生冲突的诱因。
In some countries, the factor of overlapping jurisdictions between the central government, the district
council (or local
[...] government) and traditional authorities was noted as being contributory to conflict in the management of forest resources.
由于选举委员会可依据选举法律推迟这些乡镇的选举,看起来 很可能出于国家安全考虑,宣布这些乡镇为 统 直 接 管 辖 的 “ 联邦 辖 区 ” ,从 而防止佤邦联合军在该地区的治理方面发挥任何官方作用。
As the Election Commission could postpone elections in those townships under the elections laws, it appears likely that those townships could be declared “Union territories” under direct administration of the President for reasons of national security, preventing the United Wa State Army from exercising any official role in the governance of its area.
法院曾在 1998 年承认联合国行政法庭的辖权, 在新 统 中 行政 法庭已由联合国上诉法庭取代。
In 1998, the
[...] Court recognized the jurisdiction of the United Nations [...]
Administrative Tribunal which, in the new system, has
been replaced by the United Nations Appeals Tribunal.
[...] 理同种族灭绝有关的绝大部分刑罚问题和就第2类和第 3 类嫌疑犯作出判决,而统的管辖区仅处理涉及第 1 类被告的案件。
They were given the responsibility of handling the biggest part of the penal issues related to the genocide and to
judge the category 2 and 3 suspects,
[...] while the classical jurisdictions dealt only with [...]
cases concerning the category 1 accused.
[...] 其他独立观察方在场情况下,进行评估访谈,并制定识别措施, 统 收 集 该国辖范围 内的难民、寻求庇护以及移徙儿童的资料,掌握他们曾否被征募或用于海 [...]
The Committee recommends that, in the context of the asylum procedure, the State party conduct all assessment interviews in the presence of an NGO or other independent observer
where necessary and to develop measures
[...] to identify, and systematically collect data on, [...]
refugee, asylum-seeking as well as
migrant children within its jurisdiction who may have been recruited or used in hostilities abroad and ensure that these children receive appropriate care and treatment, including multidisciplinary assistance for their physical and psychological recovery and their social reintegration.
具有一般辖权的法院统保护 和恢复遭到侵犯的权利。
The courts of general jurisdiction work to protect against [...]
and remedy violations of rights.
下列是同样承担着涵盖增进和保护人权任务的各个机构:议会上下两院内 的立法委员会和人权委员会、统执 行厅 下 辖 的 宪 法保障人权事务处、政府为确 保塔吉克斯坦恪守国际人权义务设立的委员会、政府设立的儿童权利委员会、政 [...]
府打击人口贩运行为的跨部门委员会和政府移民管制事务跨部门委员会等其它各 个机构。
The mandates of the following bodies also cover the promotion and protection of human rights: the Legislation and Human Rights Committees of both chambers of the parliament, the Office for
Constitutional Guarantees of Human Rights
[...] under the authority of the Executive Office of the [...]
President, the governmental commission
for ensuring Tajikistan’s observance of its international human rights obligations, the governmental Commission on the Rights of the Child, the interdepartmental commission to combat trafficking in persons and the governmental interdepartmental commission for the regulation of migration, among others.
各缔约国应当确保处理针对生活在外国占领、殖民主义或者外 统 治及辖之下 人民的一切形式和表现方式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心 理以及相关不容忍行为;并且根据国际人权法和国际人道主义法予以打 击,以便提供有效保护和防止再次发生这些行为。
States parties should ensure that all forms and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance targeted against people living under foreign occupation, colonial or alien domination and under these jurisdictions are addressed and combated in accordance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law with a view to provide effective protection and future prevention of such acts
委员会重申它建议 (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3,第20段) 缔约国为遵守《公约》第12条, 需要废除酌情起诉制度,这样主管当局只要有合理的理由相信在其 辖 境 内 的任 何地方发生了酷刑行为,就有义务主动开展 统 的 公 正调查,以便有效确保此类 罪行的犯罪者不能免于处罚。
The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3, para. 20) whereby compliance with the provisions of article 12 of the Convention requires a derogation from the system of discretionary prosecution, so as to oblige the competent authorities to launch impartial inquiries systematically and on their own initiative wherever there are reasonable grounds for believing that an act of torture has been committed in any territory under its jurisdiction, in order to effectively ensure that the perpetrators of such crimes do not remain unpunished.
负责任渔业行为守则》第 6.18
[...] 对就业、收入和粮食安全作出的重要贡献”,并建议各国“适当保护渔民和渔业 工人,尤其是从事自给、小型和手工作业的渔民和渔业工人,享有安全和公正生 计的权利,以及在适当时优先进入其国家 辖 水 域 内的 统 渔 场和获得资源的权 利”。
In article 6.18 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, there is recognition of the important contributions of artisanal and small-scale fisheries to employment, income and food security, with States recommended to appropriately protect the rights of fishers and fish workers, particularly those engaged in subsistence, smallscale and artisanal fisheries, to a secure and just livelihood, as well as
preferential access, where
[...] appropriate, to traditional fishing grounds and resources in the waters under their national jurisdiction.
法院为此指出,考虑到缔约方根据第 25 条和 46 条无条件接受委员会和法院辖的统 一 做 法,被告政府不可能不知 道,被通告废除的限制条款在公约制度中的有效性存有争议,而公约机构可 判定其不可接受。
In this connection, it observes that the respondent Government must have been aware, in view of the consistent practice of Contracting Parties under Articles 25 and 46 (art. 25, art. 46) to accept unconditionally the competence of the Commission and Court, that the impugned restrictive clauses were of questionable validity under the Convention system and might be deemed impermissible by the Convention organs.
[...] 不是《罗马规约》的缔约国,但它在 2003 年认可国 际刑院的辖权,瓦塔拉统在 12 月证实了该项决 定,承诺全力配合国际刑院的工作。
While not a State party to the Rome Statute, Côte d’Ivoire
[...] accepted the ICC’s jurisdiction in 2003, and President [...]
Ouattara confirmed that decision
in December, pledging full cooperation with the Court.
它建议科摩罗采取一切适当的措施,完成法律审查的过程,并酌 情通过或修正立法,以便确保不同 辖 范 围( 传 统 法 、 伊斯兰法和民法)的适用规定 协调起来,从而确保这些规定与《公约》的条款和原则保持一致。
It recommended that Comoros take all appropriate measures to complete the process of law review and, where appropriate, adopt or amend
legislation so as to
[...] ensure the harmonization of applicable provisions of the different jurisdictions (traditional, [...]
Islamic and civil law),
ensuring their conformity with the provisions and principles of the Convention.




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