单词 | 筏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 筏noun—raftn筏—raft (of logs)Examples:皮筏—inflatable raft leather float 筏子n—raftn 救生筏—a life raft
人们用自家造的香蕉筏挽救他们的财物。 unicef.org | People were trying to save their belongings by [...] using home-builtbanana rafts. unicef.org |
此前,国民卫队军官已经刺破了除那名女子之外所有移民的橡皮筏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Beforehand, the Civil Guard officers had punctured all the migrants’dinghies except that of the woman. daccess-ods.un.org |
管路一及管路二的流速可透过转换筏互换,从而确保所有机具移动的安全及便捷。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | This guarantees a secure and convenient control of all implement movements. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
他们建立一个木筏,开始穿越地下海洋,但很快就遇到一包Xiphactinus。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They build a raft and begin crossing the underground ocean, but soon encounter a pack of Xiphactinus. seekcartoon.com |
船 只 ’ 包 括 任 何 船 、 艇 、木筏及建造 或 改 装 成 可 浮 於 水 上 的 其 他 设 备 。 hkreform.gov.hk | vessel” includes any ship, boat,raft orother apparatus constructed or adapted for floating on water. hkreform.gov.hk |
对到岸的船舶来说,港口的水深不够,所以它们必须停靠在海上,只 [...] 有在天气许可的情况下,才能用小船和筏子把乘客和货物接到岸上。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is not deep enough for visiting ships, so they must anchor offshore and offload passengers and cargo via [...] small boats and rafts, weather permitting. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,该模型的ETERNA,集中在木筏上科恩蒂基由冒险家托尔海尔达尔在1947年时,他发现了由美洲土着太平洋岛屿peopling,开创了一个新的时代环境阻力外面。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Thus, the model Eterna, [...] focused on the raft KonTiki in 1947 [...]by adventurer Thor Heyerdahl when he discovered the peopling [...]of the Pacific Islands by Native Americans, opened a new era in environmental resistance outside. en.horloger-paris.com |
厕所清理作业筏门(Service Valve)故障,因此 决定从 3L 舱门拉管线进机舱,以清理中间厕所。 tacare.org.tw | The lavatory service valve was inoperative and it was decided to service the center lavatories with a hose through door 3R. tacare.org.tw |
此种进展 始于男子乘木筏和独木舟披星戴月旅行的年代,随后进展成为现代社会,其中各 [...] 种活动的重点是落实人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had begun in the days when [...] men sailed onrafts and canoes and [...]voyaged among stars, and had made progress to become a [...]modern society with various activities focused on human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
在水中前进时,配戴着枪和头盔的士兵们借助由帆布帐篷和竹竿做成的竹筏的浮力,还有一辆水陆两栖车辆在水中牵引部队。 wdl.org | Troops with guns and helmets practice ducking under the water as they swim across the river, and float gear using [...] tent canvas and poles for rafts. wdl.org |
先生随后溺亡。缔约国确认国民卫队军官的确将Sonko 先生及其同伴带到 [...] 他们的船上,并随后“将其释放”,但辩称,他们这样做的时候是在“非常靠近 岸边的地方”,而且没有刺破他们的橡皮筏。daccess-ods.un.org | The State party confirms that its Civil Guard officers did in fact take Mr. Sonko and his companions on board their vessel and [...] subsequently “released them”, but argues that they did so “in an area very close to the shore”, and did [...] not puncture the dinghies. daccess-ods.un.org |
他在1947年乘坐纸莎草筏横渡太平洋期间拍摄的《孔•替基号》获得1952年奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖,并仍然是挪威唯一获奥斯卡奖的电影。 norway.org.cn | Kon Tiki, which he filmed [...] during his1947 raft expedition in [...]the Pacific, was awarded the Oscar for best documentary in [...]1952 and remains Norway’s only Oscar-winning film. norway.or.kr |
钓鱼牌照规定,持有人在水塘钓鱼只可使用一支钓竿和一 [...] 条钓丝,而不得使用鱼网、爆炸品或有毒物质,也不得利用船艇、橡皮 艇、木筏等。devb.gov.hk | A fishing licence is for the use of one rod and [...] line only. Use of nets, explosives or toxic substances, [...] boats, dinghies,rafts etc. isnot allowed [...]in reservoir fishing. devb.gov.hk |
从这里,您可以乘坐独木舟或橡皮筏,顺米切尔河漂流而下,并探访延伸进国王湖(Lake King)八公里的米切尔河泥沙防波堤。 australia.com | From here, you can canoe orraft down the Mitchell River and explore the Mitchell River silt jetties that reach eight kilometers into Lake King. australia.com |
由于具有良好的透气性,因此可以广泛地应用于消防软管、救生筏艇和其他户外场合。 cn.lubrizol.com | Good breathability allows for use in fire [...] hoses and liferafts and other outdoor [...]applications. lubrizol.com |
形成一个紧密的盖子沿着溪和在其他潮湿地方里,有时形成流动的筏。 flora.ac.cn | Forming a dense cover along streams and in other wet places, [...] sometimes forming floating rafts. flora.ac.cn |
1 77. 即使是进行了充分翻修,对到岸的船舶来说,港口的水深也不够,所以它们 [...] 必须停靠在海上,只有在天气和海洋条件许可的情况下,才能用小船和筏子把乘 客和货物接到岸上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even when it is fully refurbished, the harbour will not be deep enough for [...] visiting ships, so they must anchor offshore and offload passengers and cargo via [...] small boats and rafts, weather permitting. daccess-ods.un.org |
具50米防水功能的腕表适合於游泳、激流划筏、涉水工作或活动(并不包括浮潜) 及钓鱼时佩戴;惟并不宜於潜水时佩戴。 twsteel.hk | Watches water resistant for 50m are suitable for swimming, white water rafting, non-snorkelling water related work and fishing and are NOT suitable for diving. twsteel.com |
2007年2月︰ 已完成的工作︰ 波兰特水泥(PCC)施作於筏式基础、柱及梁结构,碾压混凝土(RCC)施作於筏式基础; 进行中的工作︰碾压混凝土(RCC)施作於柱梁结构。 utbf.org | February, 2007: Work completed: PCC (portland cement concrete), Laying of reinforcement for raftslab, beam and column, RCC (Roller Compacted Concrete) for raft slab; in progress: RCC for raft beam. utbf.org |
本厂以生产海水电池救生衣灯为主要产品,其系列产品有:PH2703A海水电池救生衣灯、PH2701A干电池救生衣灯、JS1干电池频闪管闪光救生衣灯、JSL锂电池救生衣灯、QD2H2704海水电池救生圈自亮浮灯、QDL2S2G干电池、QDL2S2G锂电池救生圈自亮浮灯、以及WEA海水电池、WEL锂电池救生筏灯。 ship-jiuxing.com | Factory to the production of sea water battery lifejacket light as the main products, its products are: PH2703A seawater battery life jacket lights, PH2701A dry battery life jacket lights, JS1 dry battery strobe tube flashing lifejacket light of JSL lithium lifejacket light, QD2H2704 seawater battery life buoy bright floating light, dry [...] batteries QDL2S2G QDL2S2G lithium buoy bright floating light, and the WEA seawater [...] battery of WELlithiumliferaft lights. ship-jiuxing.com |
本文根据我们对鳞翅目昆虫棉铃虫和松毛虫以及其它动物(筏蜘蛛、朱鹮、鳕鱼和飞蝗)的微卫星富集性基因组DNA文库的筛选和分析结果,结合其它实验室已发表的资料,对鳞翅目昆虫基因组中微卫星DNA的丰度和结构特点进行了较为系统的分析。 actazool.org | A comparative analysis of microsatellite DNA in lepidopteran insects was carried out, based on our data from microsatellite-enriched genomic libraries of lepidopteran insects (the cotton bollworm and the masson pine moth) and a variety of other organisms (the migratory locust, gadoid fishes, fen raft spider and the crested ibis), as well as published data on other lepidopteran insects. actazool.org |
救生筏检测站拥有一支具有丰富专业理论和实践经验的检测人员,从业检测人员均具有船舶检验局颁发的检修人员合格证书,检测人员严格执行救生筏检修的各项工艺规定,认真、细致、高度负责的工作态度检测好每只救生筏,保证检修后的救生筏能符合制造厂的技术标准,符合国际海上人命安全公约规定的要求,以优质的服务,满意的价格和放心的质量,为国内国外船舶安全航行提供保障。 jyhdcb.com | The liferaft service station has a group of inspectors with abundant professional theory and practice experience, all inspectors have qualified certificates which were issued by Register of Shipping, the inspectors strictly execute each craft standard about liferaft overhaul .and guarantee the overhaul liferaft can conform to various factories [...] technical specification [...]and the demand of the International Convention for Safety of life at sea(SOLAS), we will provide high quality service 、reasonable price and good quality for domestic and foreign marine safety shipping . jyhdcb.com |