

单词 礼贤下士

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External sources (not reviewed)

礼上,Ringier集团下的瑞士法语 杂志《Montres Passion》为拥有新产品开发和良好品牌形象的钟表企业颁发创意奖和创新奖。
The famous Watch of the Year award
[...] ceremony took place on October 26, during which French Swiss magazine Montres [...]
Passion, which belongs
to the Ringier Group, rewards watchmaking houses for their creativity and innovations both in terms of new products as well as brand image.
星之子 (Tiernapojat) 的传统,是来自圣经东方三王(又名三 贤士 ) 朝 拜 圣婴耶稣,和后来希律王为了消灭耶稣 下 令 把 伯利恒一带两岁以内的男孩全部杀光的故事。
The Tiernapojat (literally, ‘star boys’) tradition, which draws on the legend of the Three Kings and the slaughter of young males, is enacted in Helsinki streets by groups of lads hoping for a coin or two.
在总部,已经或正在采取各种措施,以便:(i)从人员配备和资金方面加强总部外协 调局的力量,发挥其作为总部负责总部外事宜部门的作用,(ii)在作为各部门面向总部外 工作的主要联络点和入口处的各部门执行办公室的授权 下 , 在 一般事务类的中高职级中引 入地区总部外办事处联络中心的职位;(iii)在 下 两 个 方面加强总部外协调局和对外关系 与合作部门的合作:为对外关系与合作部门工作人员在总部外遭遇的相关处境提供政治上礼仪上 的支持,以及同各国全委会开展重要合作。
At Headquarters, various steps have been/are being taken to: (i) strengthen the role of BFC, as the voice of the field at
Headquarters, in
[...] staffing and resourcing terms; (ii) introduce the functions of regional field office focal points at mid- to senior-GS level, under the authority of the EOs of each sector as primary focal and entry points for the field in each sector; and (iii) enhance cooperation between BFC and ERC in terms of both the political and protocol [...]
backstopping of
ERC staff for relevant situations encountered in the field and also of the all-important cooperation with National Commissions.
在开展德班会议的后续活动方面,教科文组织还将加强与人权委员会负责种族主 义、种族歧视、仇外情绪和相关不宽容问题特别报告员、负责德班会议后续活动政 府间工作组、有关非洲后裔居民问题工作组,以及由联合国秘书长委任的监督《德 班宣言》和《行动纲领》落实情况的独 贤 达 人 士 团4 的合作。
As part of the follow-up to the Durban Conference, UNESCO will also reinforce its cooperation with the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, the intergovernmental working group on the Durban follow-up, the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent and the group of independent eminent experts4 appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to follow-up the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
除了剥削性的居住和工作条件和经常性的肉体和性虐 待,奴隶制的特殊性质由下事实 表明了其本身:受害者及其子女被认为是他们 主人的财产,可以被出租给他人、借给他人或者作 礼 物 送 给他人。
Besides exploitative living and working conditions and frequent physical and sexual abuse,
the specific nature of
[...] slavery manifests itself by the fact that the victim and her children are considered to be their master’s property and can be rented out, loaned or given as gifts to others.
手稿还为下故事配有插图:鸡士 柯 毕的 葬礼 (f. 4r);列那出征十字军东征 (f. 12v);列那及其孩子愉快地用餐时,蒂博特猫、罗伯狮、塔蒂夫蜗牛以及伊桑格里谟斯狼攻击其巢居地莫佩提城堡 (f. 14v);当列那及其孩子正在愉快地用餐时,蒂博特猫、罗伯狮、塔蒂夫蜗牛以及伊桑格里谟斯狼攻击其巢居地莫佩提城堡 (f. 14v);以及掠夺伊桑格里谟斯的妻子荷森 (f. 16r)。
They also illustrate such stories as the funeral of Lady Coppée, the chicken (f. 4r); Reynard’s departure for the Crusades (f. 12v); the attack on the castle of Maupertuis, the hero’s lair, by Tibert the Cat, Noble the Lion, Tardif the Snail, and Ysengrimus the Wolf while Reynard and his children have a carefree dinner (f. 14v); and the rape of Hersent, the wife of Ysengrimus (f. 16r).
下手术刀的礼手术业者也得到了 赔偿,以从事适当的工作。
Circumcisers who drop their knives are [...]
also provided with compensation to engage in adequate employment opportunities.
从新加坡任人贤的公共行政经验、摩洛哥为地方政府发展必要的人力资本 的实例,以及开发署在帮助公务员适应地方发展方面的丰富经验(如在尼泊尔、 卢旺达、索马里、加纳和南非)中,得出 下 两 个 结论:首先,地方治理在帮助 实现千年发展目标方面发挥了重要作用,可以名副其实地成为落实 2015 年后发 展议程的手段;其次,公民参与,包括适当和创造性地利用信息和通信战略,能 够加强地方治理,使其透明、问责和自主。
On the basis of the Singaporean experience of merit-based public administration and the Moroccan example of the necessity of human capital development for local governance, and the many experiences of UNDP in facilitating public-service adaptation for local-level development (for example in Nepal, Rwanda, Somalia, Ghana and South Africa), two conclusions [...]
were drawn: first,
that local governance has played an important role in facilitating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and can serve as a veritable implementation vehicle for the post-2015 development agenda; and second, that citizens’ engagement, including the appropriate and innovative use of information and communication strategies, has the power to strengthen local governance by infusing it with transparency, accountability and ownership.
日内瓦公约第二附加议定书》第 16 条 规定了在非国际性武装冲突情下对 文物 和礼 拜场所的保护。
Article 16 of Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions provides for the protection of cultural objects and of places of worship in the event of noninternational armed conflicts.
(c) 关贤达人士周年 纪念的提名建议仅限于已过世的人士;每个会员国希望教 科文组织参与的周年纪念和事件纪念活动的数量限定为每个双年度通常不得 超过 4 项。
(c) that proposals for anniversaries
[...] of eminent personalities, nominated posthumously only, and events with which Member States would like to associate UNESCO shall [...]
normally be limited
to four per Member State for each biennium, and that the selection criteria and procedures for consideration of the proposals concerning the celebration of anniversaries adopted by the Executive Board at its 154th and 159th sessions and amended at its 166th session be amended accordingly, with effect from the next biennium, with paragraph II(c) of the approved text contained in paragraph 9 of document 159 EX/32 reading as follows
一个暂新的海上奇迹即将诞生! MSC Divina 神曲号, 这艘以纪念地中海邮轮传奇“教母”索菲亚.罗兰 士 命 名 的旗舰邮轮,将于与2012年5月在法国马赛举行盛大 下 水 典 礼。
Prepare to meet the new star of the MSC fleet.
您搬家或收到⼿表作礼物,这种情 下 您 不能将⼿表带去购买的商店进⾏服务,请联络客户⽀ 持中⼼。
In the event that you have moved or have
[...] received your watch as a gift, and are not able to bring [...]
your watch to the shop where it
was purchased for serving, please consult Customer Support Center.
争议法庭下述案 件中裁定了赔偿金:(a) 原因是失去了被考虑担任某一职位的机会或者失去了被任命担任某一职位的机 会,依据是该工作人员有“很大”的任用机会,有 50%的任用机会,或者甚至是 10%的任用机会的推测;(b) 原因是程序性错误,即使工作人员并没有因这种错 误而遭受损害;以及(c) 原因是违反礼节性做法的义务,即使争议法庭认定有 争议的行政决定是合法的。
The Dispute Tribunal has awarded
[...] compensation in the following cases: (a) for the lost chance of being considered for a position or for the lost chance of being appointed to a position, based on the speculation that the staff member had a “high” chance of being appointed, a 50 per cent chance of being appointed or even a 10 per cent chance of being appointed; (b) for a procedural error even when the staff member did not suffer any injury as a result of such error; and (c) for violating obligations of courtesy, even though the [...]
Dispute Tribunal found
that the contested administrative decision was lawful.
1978年,施贤博士进入 德国外交部工作。
In 1978, Dr. Schaefer joined the diplomatic [...]
service of Germany.
(c) 关贤达人士周年 纪念的提名建议仅限于已过世的人士;每个会员国希望教 科文组织参与的周年纪念和事件纪念活动的数量限定为每个双年度通常不得 超过 4 项。
(b) that any contribution by the Organization to these celebrations will be financed under the Participation Programme, in accordance with the rules governing that programme
例如,我国婴儿和五岁下幼儿每 1 000 活产死 亡率自 1990 年以下降了 29%。同时,苏丹下提拔女性担任我国社会中的众多领导职务,树立了一个任 人贤、以 基本的平等原则为基础的榜样。
For example, our mortality rates for infants
[...] and children under five per 1,000 live births have fallen by 29 per cent since 1990, while His Majesty’s promotion of women to numerous leadership positions in our society has provided a meritocratic example, founded on the basic [...]
principle of equality.
Essadia Belmir 女士(摩洛哥)、** Alessio Bruni 先生(意大利)、**Felice Gaer 女士(美国)、* Luis Gallegos Chiriboga 先生(厄瓜多尔)、* Abdoulaye Gaye 先生(塞内加尔)、*
Claudio Grossman 先生(智利)、* Myrna Kleopas 女士(塞浦 路斯)、* Fernando Mariño
[...] Menéndez 先生(西班牙)、** Nora Sveaass 女士(挪 威)** 和王贤先生(中国)。
Ms. Essadia Belmir (Morocco),** Mr. Alessio Bruni (Italy),** Ms. Felice Gaer (United States),* Mr. Luis Gallegos Chiriboga (Ecuador),* Mr. Abdoulaye Gaye (Senegal),* Mr. Claudio Grossman (Chile),* Ms.
Myrna Kleopas (Cyprus),* Mr. Fernando Mariño Menéndez (Spain),**
[...] Ms. Nora Sveaass (Norway)** and Mr. Wang Xuexian (China).
[...] 计划在中国设立更多分支机构,并继续 贤 纳 士 , 以更好地服务本土市场,提供基于标准的认证、培训和业务解决方案,帮助我们的客户提升绩效、管理风险并且实现可持续增长。
Looking forward, BSI plans to open mores offices in China and
[...] continue recruitment in order to serve the [...]
local market better, providing standards-based
certification, training and business solutions that will help our clients drive performance, manage risk and grow sustainably.
H.E. Dr Michael Schaefer was [...]
born in Germany in 1949.
委员会第四十四届会议在2010年4月26 日的会议上,选举克劳迪奥·格罗
[...] 斯曼先生为主席,萨迪亚·贝尔米女士、费利斯·盖尔 士 和 王 学 贤 先 生 为副主 席,选举诺拉·斯韦奥斯女士为报告员。
At the forty-fourth session, on 26 April 2010, the Committee elected Mr. Claudio Grossman as
Chairperson, Ms. Essadia Belmir, Ms.
[...] Felice Gaer and Mr. Xuexian Wang as Vice-Chairpersons [...]
and Ms. Nora Sveaass as Rapporteur.
从出生在一个稳定的克里希纳,他是牧羊人 贤士 崇 拜 ,领袖带领通过一系列活动的那些救主相关的确切同行。
From the birth of Krishna in a stable, and his adoration by
[...] shepherds and magi, the leader is [...]
led on through a series of events the exact
counterparts of those related of Our Divine Lord.
欲了解更多详情,请浏览以上视频或访问我们的“ 贤 纳 士 ” 网 页。
To learn more, watch the videos above or click through the other pages of our Careers site.
一些代表团对委员会前成员玉贤策 先 生(日本)的早逝表示哀悼,并强调了 他对委员会工作的贡献。
Several delegations expressed their condolences for the untimely demise of Mr. Kensaku Tamaki (Japan), former member of the Commission, highlighting his contribution to the work of the Commission.
到处出现了灿烂的寺庙到湿婆,毗湿奴,和他的两个人的头像;偶像和阳具符号充满了无数的土地,以及每个对手邪教称赞其自己的特殊作为最高神,所有其他人服从它,并期待与更多或更少的蔑 下 降 上 礼 拜 不拥有任何形式。
Everywhere splendid temples arose to Siva, Vishnu, and his two human avatars; idols and phallic symbols innumerable filled the land; and each rival cult lauded its own special deity as
supreme, subordinating all others to it, and looking down with more or less
[...] contempt on forms of worship other than [...]
its own.
塞巴斯蒂安通知海卫一和天窗会破坏 礼 的 帮 助 下 , 各 种动物。
Sebastian informs Triton, and Scuttle
[...] disrupts the wedding with the help of various animals.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他 士 於 本 公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情 下 在 本 集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
Next week we will study whether [...]
Jesus was the sinless sacrifice that God required to redeem men from their sins.
德国驻华大使施贤博士与罗 兰•贝格国际管理咨询公司大中国区总裁及执行合伙人常博逸先生作为当晚盛会的主办方代表与到场的嘉宾们一起欣赏了音乐会和艺术展,并一同共进晚宴。
H.E. Michael Schaefer, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in China and Roland Berger Greater China Managing Partner, Charles-Edouard Bouee, enjoyed the concert and exhibitions with guests, and then have dinner with them together.
毛里求斯共和国报告称,《宪法》第 11 条——“保护良心自由”规定,“除
[...] 非本人同意,不得禁止任何人享受良心自由,并且,依照本条目的,享受单独或 与其他人公开或下在礼拜、 教授、信奉和祈祷活动中表达或宣传自己的宗教或 [...]
The Republic of Mauritius reported that article 11 of the Constitution, entitled “Protection of freedom of conscience”, provides that “except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of conscience, and for the purposes of this section, that freedom, either alone
or in community with others both in
[...] public and in private, to manifest and propagate [...]
his religion or belief in worship,
teaching, practice and observance”.
我代表安理会欢迎利比亚全国过渡委员会执行 局主席马哈茂德·吉卜里勒先生下 , 并 请 礼 宾 官陪 同他到安理会议席就座。
On behalf of the Council, I welcome His Excellency Mr. Mahmoud Jibril, Chairman of the National Transitional Council Executive Office of Libya, and request the Protocol Officer to escort him to a seat at the Council table.




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