

单词 短跑

短跑 ()

sprint (race)

See also:


short adj
brief adj


shortness n
fault n

run around (on errands etc)
(of an animal) paw (the ground)
(verb complement) away
(of a gas or liquid) leak or evaporate


run v
escape v
run away v

External sources (not reviewed)

PCr位於肌肉中,可以快速恢復並維持ATP的濃度,可以因 短跑 、 跳 躍、 舉重和拋物等激烈運動的需求。
PCr is localized in the muscle so
that it can rapidly restore and maintain ATP levels for intense
[...] exercises such as sprinting, jumping, lifting [...]
and throwing.
短跑设置 为执行在杨新干线的比赛中Cloudsdale,计划执行一个的“索尼克Rainboom”(混合音爆和彩虹效果)赢得。
Rainbow Dash is set to perform in the Young Flier's Competition in Cloudsdale, planning to perform a "Sonic Rainboom" (a mix of a sonic boom and rainbow effect) to win it.
我們只要收 到 信 息 , 知 道 在 數 分鐘內會表決,我們便 保證會 作 100短 跑 回來, 一定可以出席 表決的。
If we should be informed that voting would be held in a few minutes, we would definitely make a 100-metre sprint and hurry back to cast our votes.
据媒体报道,将采用一种名为“工程材料阻滞系统”的技术建造新型跑道, 使较大飞机可以在机场短跑道上 起降 短跑 道 可 能刚刚超过一英里长。
According to media reports, a technology called an “engineered material arresting system” will be
employed to allow a
[...] new kind of runway that will allow the airport to receive larger aircraft on its short runway, which is likely [...]
to be a little more than one mile long.
在一个友好的马蹄铁游戏,苹果白兰地和彩 短跑 开 始 拥有其他的竞技实力。
After a friendly game of horseshoes,
[...] Applejack and Rainbow Dash start boasting [...]
to the other on their athletic prowess.
2013-02-26  高野
[...] 進教授在香港體育學院主持『香港業餘田徑總會教練大師級講座系 列: 短跑』講座。
2013-02-26  Prof. TAKANO gave the "HKAAA Master Coach
[...] Seminar Series: Sprints" seminar at [...]
Hong Kong Sports Institute.
然而,如果没有彩短跑,他 们无法工作,和暮光之城终于打破了不和谐的咒语。
However without Rainbow Dash they fail to work, and Twilight is finally broken by Discord’s spell.
然而,如果没有彩短跑,他 们无法工作,和黄昏是最后...
However without Rainbow Dash they fail to work, and Twilight is final...
拥有皮特的小狗(中脱离出来,从红宝石矛“的小狗1978特殊的,谁想要一个男孩的基础上同一个名字的书)和他的朋 短跑 , 多莉,杜克大学,和幸运的冒险。
Featuring the adventures of Petey the Puppy (which was spun off from Ruby-Spears'
1978 special,The Puppy Who Wanted A Boy based on the book of the same name)
[...] and his friends Dash, Dolly, Duke, and Lucky.
该项目 将包括一个小机场建筑、一短跑道 、 连接道路、一个小港口码头及配套工程, 以及空中交通控制系统的安装。
The project will involve a small
[...] airport building, a short runway, connecting roads, [...]
a small harbour terminal and ancillary
works, as well as the installation of air-traffic control systems.
By analyzing the
[...] two animals' sprinting patterns and [...]
contact forces, the researchers identified several biomechanical factors
that help the cheetah outstrip its canine competition, they reveal today in The Journal of Experimental Biology.
今天,会有各种不同的比赛,短跑 , 集体授课,可以为外来务工的员工解决如何与他们的留守孩子交流。
Today, there are going to be different kinds of
[...] competitions, such as sprinting, combined with [...]
lectures that will address the problem of
how to communicate with children left behind in workers hometowns.
然而让这位牙买加的飞人同敏捷的猫科动物竞争或许不是太公平,尤其是在2009年的时候,一只名叫萨拉的猎豹以快3秒的成绩打败了博尔特百 短跑 破 记录的9.69秒。
Though pitting the Jamaican athlete against the speedy cat may not be a fair comparison—especially since in 2009 a cheetah named Sarah bested Bolt's record-breaking 9.69-second 100-meter dash by a good 3
seconds—scientists now know what makes the swift feline faster
[...] than similarly built speedsters, such as the [...]
racing greyhound.
其中包括就可接受的价格进行谈判, 降低费用以及超时风险,核准修建 短跑 道 的机场以及圣赫勒拿政府必须承诺进 行必要的改革,以开放该岛经济。
In July 2010, the Secretary of State for International Development announced that the Government of the United Kingdom would be willing to finance an airport on Saint Helena, subject to strict preconditions being met, including the negotiation of acceptable price, the mitigation of cost risks and time overruns, the approval of the airport design using a shorter runway and the undertaking by the Saint Helena Government of reforms necessary to open the island’s economy.
暮光之城提供了她一本书,从“大胆”(基娅拉赞尼)的小说,但彩虹 短跑 拒 绝 ,认为阅读是一个“理论家”业余爱好。
Twilight offers her a book from the "Daring Do" (Chiara Zanni) novels, but Rainbow Dash refuses, considering reading to be an "egghead" hobby.
他们开始了一个非正式的“铁小马”的挑战,以证明谁是更好的,但彩虹系 短跑 , ...
They begin an informal series of "Iron Pony" challenges to prove who is
[...] better, but Rainbow Dash, ...
短跑设置 为执行在杨新干线的比赛中Cloudsdale,计划执行一个的“索尼克Rainboom”(混合音爆和彩虹效果)赢得。
Rainbow Dash huwa stabbilit biex iwettaq fil-Kompetizzjoni tal-Jtiru Young fil Cloudsdale, tippjana li twettaq "Rainboom Sonic" (taħlita ta 'boom sonika u l-effett qawsalla) li jirbaħ dan.
2013-02-27  高野 進教授為香港田徑隊運動員傳短跑 正 確 姿勢要訣。
2013-02-27  Prof. TAKANO taught Hong Kong Athletic Team members about the tips & techniques on sprints.
文康廣播司答覆的譯文:  花樣滑冰短跑道速 度滑冰比賽,必須在面積介乎 56 米× 26 米與 61 米× 30 米之間 的室內場館舉行;而速度滑冰通常是在設有兩條跑道的露㆝環迴賽道㆖進行。
SECRETARY FOR RECREATION AND CULTURE: Mr President, I take it that the question refers to ice skating.
例如,在北京奧林匹克運動會(“奧運會”)上,男子 100米短跑的金牌只有1面,而北京殘疾人奧運會男子1 00 米 短跑 ,則 按殘疾程度分為13個級別。
For instance, at the Beijing Olympic Games, there was only one gold medal for the 100 m Men race, but at the Beijing Paralympic Games, the 100 m Men race was divided into 13 levels according to the degree of disabilities.
2010 年 7 月,国际发展国务大臣宣布联合 王国政府愿意资助在圣赫勒拿修建一个机场,但必须满足严格的先决条件,其中
[...] 包括谈判可接受的价格,降低费用风险和超时,核准使用 短跑 道 的 机场设计以 及圣赫勒拿政府承诺为开放该岛经济进行必要的改革。
In July 2010, the Secretary of State for International Development announced that the Government of the United Kingdom would be willing to finance an airport on Saint Helena, subject to strict conditions being met, including the negotiation of acceptable price, the mitigation of cost risks and time
overruns, the approval of the
[...] airport design using a shorter runway and the undertaking [...]
by the Government of Saint Helena
of reforms necessary to open the island’s economy.
例如有些 组织提到的淡水可短缺问 题就是应当让学校的学生意识到的一个令人关注的重大问题。
The potential shortage of fresh water, [...]
for instance, was mentioned as one of the major concerns which students in schools should be made aware of.
雖然我們並不預期通訊環節短期內 冒升成為主要的增長動力,但長遠而言此行業 的重要性將會穩步上升。
While we do not expect the telecommunications sector to emerge as a leading driver
[...] of growth in the short term, the sector [...]
will steadily grow in importance over the longer term.
我們在 2007 年 1 月把 711CL 號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級,稱 為 724CL 號工程計劃「啟德發展計劃-跑道 南 面發展項目前期基礎 設施工程的勘測和詳細設計」;按付款當日價格計算,估計所需費用 為 3,800 萬元,用以委聘顧問進行勘測和詳細設計工作,以配合 跑道 南 面的規劃發展項目的前期基礎設施工程的需要。
In January 2007, we upgraded part of 711CL to Category A as 724CL “Kai Tak development – investigation and detailed design for advance infrastructure works for
developments at the southern
[...] part of the former runway”, at an estimated cost of $38.0 million in MOD prices, for engaging consultants to undertake the investigation and detailed design for advance infrastructure works to serve the planned developments at the southern part of the former runway.
(b) 设施和基础设施(74 227 400 美元,为批款的 36.8%),这是由于特派团
任务期限的不确定性导致部署冻结,加上其后安理会决定将特派团的军事部分从 5 200 人减至 2 200
[...] 人,因而导致重大建设项目的缩减或取消,如直升机停机坪、 通道、停机坪和现跑道的 扩展和重铺路面等项目;部分抵消这一减少额的是, [...]
加,冰箱运费高于预算,以及公用事业费用高昂(另见第 17 段)。
(b) Facilities and infrastructure ($74,227,400 or 36.8 per cent of the apportionment), owing to a freeze in deployment resulting from the uncertainty about the Mission mandate, followed by the Security Council decision to reduce the military component of the Mission from 5,200 to 2,200 with the resultant scaling down or cancellation of major construction and other large projects such as helipads, access
roads, aprons and the extension and
[...] recarpeting of existing runways; partially offset [...]
by increased costs for rental of premises
owing to delays in the construction of accommodation and office premises, increased requirements for security services, higher-than-budgeted freight charges for refrigerators, and the high cost of utilities (see also para. 17).
馮檢基議員: 主席,在渣打香港馬拉松 2007 於本年 3 月舉行後,有學 者跑手提 出以下的建議:將比賽日期提前、更改活動路線、延長比賽和封 路時間、收緊競爭性賽事的參賽資格、調低參加人數上限、調整各項賽事的跑時間 以免參加者互相阻礙、增設專供志在參與的人士參加的嘉年華組跑活動 、開放活動路線的部分路段讓公眾夾道觀賞和安排電視台直播賽事等 以增加比賽氣氛、加強推廣跑運動 的正確知識,以及呼籲參加者以負責任 和認真的態度對待賽事和做足準備工夫。
MR FREDERICK FUNG (Chinese): President, following the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2007 held
in March this year,
[...] some academics and runners made the following suggestions: advancing the race day, changing the routes of the event, extending the duration of the race and road closure, setting higher eligibility criteria for joining competitive races, reducing the maximum number of participants, adjusting the starting time for various races to avoid participants from obstructing each other, holding a separate long-distance running carnival for those who just wish to participate, opening some sections of the routes for members of the public to line both sides as spectators and arranging for the event to be televised so as to enhance the atmosphere of competition, stepping up efforts to promote correct knowledge of long-distance running, as [...]
well as urging participants
to adopt a responsible and serious attitude in joining the event and be well-prepared for the race.
将他们引渡的决定是根据《公民权 利和政治权利国际公约》的条款做出的,并考虑到了罪名的严重性以避免有人跑和确保缔约国领土上的公共安全。
The decision to extradite them was taken in accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and also taking into account the gravity of the charges, to avoid the individuals escaping and to ensure public security on the territory of the State party.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管 短 名 单 并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
理事会正在寻求问题短 期解 决办法,但需要找到普遍定期审议资金问题的长期解决办法,避免采取临时 [...]
While searching for a solution to
[...] the problem in the short term, the Council [...]
needed to also find a long-term solution to
the question of resources for the universal periodic review process to avoid ad hoc measures, which risked undermining the principle of equal treatment for all States.




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