释义 |
Examples:the crisis year of 1900 involving the Boxer uprising and the eight nation military invasion—Great Sword Society, an offshoot of the White Lotus in the late Qing dynasty, involved in anti-Western activity at the time of the Boxer rebellion—a Qing prince who was the designated successor emperor Guangxu until the Boxer uprising—Zhu Hongdeng, one of the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion—a street the south of the Forbidden City that was the Legation quarter during the Boxer uprising—Tsugiyama Akira, secretary at the Japanese legation killed during the Boxer uprising—Support the Qing, annihilate the West! (Boxer rebellion slogan)—protocol of Beijing of 1901 ending the Eight-power allied force intervention after the Boxer uprising—Klemens Freiherr von Ketteler, German minister killed during the Boxer uprising— |