

单词 申索

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 等行為施加適當懲處,以阻遏該等行為重現;即使投訴成立,也 沒有任何機制讓受反競爭行為影響的人 申索 損 害 賠償。
It is also not possible to impose appropriate sanctions for such conduct and deterrence of its recurrence, nor is
there any mechanism for parties aggrieved by anti-competitive conduct to seek
[...] damages when a complaint is substantiated.
同樣地,没有建立妥善的員工監督系統可以 成申索的根 據,令有限責任合夥的所有合夥人均須對疏忽負上 集體法律責任。
Also, a failure to establish a proper system of staff supervision can be the basis for a claim that all partners of an LLP are collectively liable for negligence.
(ee) 較早前已就有關分銷迷你債券申索 與 分 銷銀行達成和解的客戶 (見問題 5 的答案)。
(ee) customers who have previously settled their claims in relation [...]
to the distribution of Minibonds with the Distributing
Bank (see the answer to Question 5 below).
勞審處在決定是否作出 有關強制命令時,須顧及申索的情 況,例如僱主與僱員之間的 關係、與解僱有關的情況、僱主遵從該命令時可能面對的任何真 正困難等。
In determining whether to make such a compulsory order, LT must take into account the circumstances of the claim such as the relationship between the employee and the employer, the circumstances surrounding the dismissal, whether the employer may face any genuine difficulties in complying with the order etc.
專員根 據巴塞爾委員會的上述決定訂立《多邊發展銀行修訂公告》, 更新在《銀行業(指明多邊發展銀行)公告》(第 155章,附屬法 例 N)中
[...] "多邊發展銀行"的名單,使監管機構可允許銀行就其對 多邊投資擔保機構申索使用 0%風險權重。
MDB Amendment Notice has been made by MA to update the list of "multilateral development banks" in the Banking (Specification of Multilateral Development Bank) Notice (Cap. 155 sub. leg. N) to reflect the
above decision of the Basel Committee, so that supervisors may allow
[...] banks to apply a 0% risk-weight to claims on MIGA.
4.4 倘若一名或多名或所有賬戶持有人去世,本行在有關人士去世後及實際收到有關的書面通 4 知前,根據授權人員或其中任何一位的要求、指示或指令所作出的任何作為、事情、契據
[...] 或事項,將對賬戶持有人、其遺產及遺產代理人及透過賬戶持有人或其中任何一名或多名 人士進申索的任 何人等具絕對及終局性約束力。
4.4 When any one or more or all of the account holders or the users of the service die(s), any act, thing, deed or matter made or done by us pursuant to the requests, instructions or directions of the Authorized Signatory or any of them after such death but before the actual receipt of notice in writing thereof by us shall be absolutely and conclusively binding on the account holder or the user of the service, his
estate and personal representative and any
[...] party or parties claiming through or under [...]
the account holder or the user of the
service or any one or more of them.
修訂條例》對《個人 資料(私隱)條例》(第 486章 )(下稱"《私隱條例》")作出修訂,包 括訂定條文,以規管在直接促銷中使用個人資料及提供個人資 料以供用於直接促銷;將披露未經資料使用者同意而取得的個 人資料訂為新罪行;賦權個人資料私隱專員(下稱"私隱專員")為 擬根據《私隱條例》向資料使用者提出法律程序 申索 補 償的 受屈資料當事人提供法律協助;對重複違反執行通知施加較重 罰則;以及將重複違反《私隱條例》的規定(已有執行通知就其 發出者)訂為新罪行。
The Amendment Ordinance introduced amendments to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) ("PDPO"), inter alia, to provide for regulation over the use of personal data in direct marketing and provision of personal data for use in direct marketing; to create a new offence for disclosure of personal data obtained without consent from data users; to empower the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data ("the Privacy Commissioner") to provide legal assistance to aggrieved data subjects in bringing proceedings to seek compensation from data users under PDPO; to impose a heavier penalty for repeated contravention of enforcement notices; and to create a new offence for repeated contravention of the requirements under PDPO for which enforcement notices have been served.
(2) 儘管細則條文載有任何規定,如適用法律准許,在本公司或股份過戶登記
處已代本公司將之拍攝成縮微膠片或以電子方式儲存後,董事可授權銷毀本公司細則第 (1)段(a)至(e)分段載列的文件及與股份登記有關的任何其他文件,惟本公司細則只適用
[...] 於本著誠信及在本公司及其股份過戶登記處未有獲明確通知該文件的保存 申索 有關 的情況下銷毀的文件。
(2) Notwithstanding any provision contained in these Bye-laws, the Directors may, if permitted by applicable law, authorise the destruction of documents set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (1) of this Bye-law and any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the Company or by the share registrar on its behalf provided always that this Bye-law shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and
without express notice to the Company and its share registrar that the preservation of such
[...] document was relevant to a claim.
(a) 《高院規則》第62號命令第21(5)條規則訂明的評定 費會按訟費單申索款額徵收,而非如現時般按准予 的款額徵收。
(a) The prescribed taxing fee required under Order 62 rule 21(5) of the RHC will be levied on the amount of costs claimed in the bill of costs, instead of the amount of costs allowed as at present.
委員要求政府當局分 析,如法援局所建議般把僱員就勞資審裁處轉介的上訴提出的 申索納入輔助計劃第I部之內,在不同情況下,有關僱員就該申索所須 繳付的分擔費用總額,供委員參考。
The Administration was requested to provide for members' reference an analysis, with different scenarios, on the total amount of contributions payable for employee claims on appeal from LT should such claims be covered under SLAS Part I as proposed by LASC.
事務委員會亦會跟進政府當局並不支持的其他建議,尤其 是有關將小業主就強制售賣物業向物業發展商提出 申索 , 以 及銷售 商品及提供服務申索納入 輔助計劃的建議。
The Panel would also follow up on other proposals which were not supported by the Administration, in
particular the proposed
[...] inclusion of claims against property developers by minority owners regarding compulsory sales of property and claims against sale [...]
of goods and provision of services under the SLAS.
將予發行之認購股份概無附帶任何留置權、抵押、抵押權益、產權負擔及敵 申索, 並且於發行及繳足後,將彼此之間及與發行及配發認購股份時之已發行股份均享有同 [...]
The Subscription Shares will be issued free from all
liens, charges, security interests,
[...] encumbrances and adverse claims, and when issued [...]
and fully paid, will rank pari passu among
themselves and with Shares in issue at the time of issue and allotment of the Subscription Shares.
任 何人士如登記申請被拒或其姓名載於遭剔除者名單上,也可就其 情況提申索。
People whose applications for registration had been rejected or whose names had been put on the omissions list
[...] might also lodge claims with regard [...]
to such cases.
(d) 容許在囚人士或受羈押人士將就他人的選民登記提 出反對的通知書或就其本人的選民登記提 申索的 通知書,以郵遞方式而無須親身前往選舉登記主任的 辦事處提交,以免剝奪其提出反對 申索 的 機 會。
(d) allowing prisoners or persons in custody to deliver to the office of the ERO a notice of objection to the
registration of another person
[...] or a notice of claim for his own registration by post instead of in person so that they will not be deprived of the opportunity to lodge an objection or claim.
委員亦歡迎政府當局的建 議,在輔助計劃之下,納入更多專業疏忽申索、因銷售保險產品而引 起的申索、就銷售的一手住宅物業向發展商提出的申索,以及就勞資 審裁處所轉介的上訴提出的僱申索 , 而不 論 申索 的 金 額為何。
Members also welcomed the Administration's proposals to include under the SLAS more professional negligence claims, claims arising from the sale of insurance products, claims against developers in the sale of first-hand residential properties, as well as employees' claims on appeal from the Labour Tribunal regardless of the amount of the claim.
此外,有關根據現行第 32N(6)條作 出再次聘用命令的執行問題,亦引起了關注,原因是即使這條款 涵蓋了僱主的繼承人或相聯公司,勞審處也因為有關繼承人或相 聯公司並非與訟一方,而不會對這些並 申索 個 案 的當事人發出 再次聘用的命令。
Moreover, concerns have been raised about the enforceability of a re-engagement order under the existing section 32N(6) as LT would not issue an order of re-engagement against a successor of the employer or an associated company, being non-parties to a claim, notwithstanding that this subsection has included them.
我們也注意到,由於產權擁有人所提出的監管後申索也會 受暫止期規限,有產權擁有人關注到,若根據先前訂立 的租約使用、佔用或管有其財產的公司在臨時監管期間拖欠到期 支付的租金及其他款項,他們對其財產擁有什麼權利,而他們希 望這點能夠獲得確定。
We also note the concerns of property owners, who wished to ascertain what rights they have over property which was being used, occupied or in possession by the company under a pre-existing agreement, where the rent and other payments falling due during the provisional supervision was not paid, as the owners’ post-commencement claims would also be subject to the moratorium.
就輔助 計劃而言,除了與人身傷害、僱員補償及醫療、牙科及法律專業疏忽有關申索外,輔助計劃的涵蓋範圍自 2012 年 11 月起已予大幅擴大,以涵蓋更多 有關專業疏忽申索、關 於保險人或其中介人在銷售個人保險產品時涉及疏 忽申索,以 及就售賣已落成或未落成的一手住宅物業向賣方提出的金申 索等法律程序。
As far as the SLAS is concerned,
[...] in addition to claims relating to personal injuries, employees compensation and medical, dental and legal professional negligence, the scope of the SLAS was significantly expanded in November 2012 to cover a wider range of professional negligence claims, negligence claims against insurers or their intermediaries in respect of the taking out of personal insurance products, and monetary claims against the vendors [...]
in the sale of completed
or uncompleted first-hand residential properties, amongst other types of proceedings.
例如,《申 訴專員條例》第 18A 條給予豁免權的保障:任何人如在執行或其意是執 行《申訴專員條例》下的職能或行使權力時,出於真誠而作出或不作出 的作為,該人無須就該等作為負上個人民事法律責任,亦無須就該等作 為而對任何民申索負上 個人法律責任。
For instance, section 18A of the Ombudsman Ordinance grants immunity to protect any persons acting in good faith from personal liability for any civil liability or claim in respect of act done or omitted to be done in the performance or purported performance of the functions and the exercise of the powers conferred under the Ombudsman Ordinance.
在公開查閱期結束時,選舉登記主任並沒有就地方選 區或功能界別接獲任何反對申索個 案
3.13 By the end of the public inspection period, the ERO did not receive any
[...] objection or claim for both GCs [...]
and FCs.
6.6.2 彌償人如在簽立彌償契據後,因任何原因無法履行彌償契據所規定的責任;或彌償 人身故;或你知悉彌償人本身提出破產呈請或有人提出與彌償人有關的破產呈請; 或彌償人被法院頒布破產令;或彌償人申請「個人自願安排」;或你知悉已有人就 彌償人任何或全部資產被委任為接管人、管理人、行政接管人、受託人或其他同類 人員;或彌償人牽涉於任何在香港或其他地方進行的訴訟、仲裁或行政法律程序之 中;或有人針對彌償人或其任何資產在香港或其他地方提出任 申索 , 你 必須立即 以書面通知本處。
6.6.2 After the Indemnifier signs the Deed of Indemnity, you should notify the Agency in writing immediately if for any reason your Indemnifier becomes incapable of fulfilling the obligations required under the Deed; or deceased; or if you are aware that a bankruptcy petition is filed by him/her or presented against him/her or a bankruptcy order is made against him/her; or your Indemnifier applies for an IVA; or if you are aware that a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer has been appointed over any or all of your Indemnifier’s assets; or your Indemnifier is a party to any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) or if there is any claim (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) against him/her or any of his/her assets after he/she signs the Deed.
申索證明 樣式:截止日期命令其中規定,所有針對債務人提交 申索 證 明必須大致符 合截止日期命令附件 B 的樣式;因應任何衍生交易合約下所欠款項而針對債務人申 索持有人,除須及時提申索證明 外,亦須於 2009 年 10 月 22 日下午 5 時正(當時東 岸時間)或之前另行提交一份問卷;而因應擔保(包括非債務人實體在衍生交易合約 下義務的擔保)針對債務人申索持 有人,除須及時提 申索 證 明 外,亦須於 2009 年 10 月 22 日下午 5 時正(當時東岸時間)或之前另行提交一份擔保問卷。
Proof of Claim Form: the Bar Date Order provides, among other things, that all Proofs of Claim filed against the Debtors must substantially conform to the form attached to the Bar Date Order as Exhibit B; that each holder of a claim against a Debtor based on amounts owed pursuant to any Derivative Contract, in addition to filing a timely Proof of Claim, must file a separate Questionnaire on or before October 22, 2009, at 5:00 pm (prevailing Eastern Time); and that each holder of a claim against a Debtor based on a Guarantee, including a Guarantee of the obligations of a non-Debtor entity under a Derivative Contract, in addition to timely filing a Proof of Claim, must files a [...]
separate Guarantee Questionnaire
on or before October 22, 2009, at 5:00 pm (prevailing Eastern Time).
委員察悉,政府當局並不贊同將輔助計劃的 範圍擴及少數份數業主就強制售賣樓宇單位向物業發展商提出申索、涉及銷售商品及提供服務 申索 、 有 關信託 申索、 向業主立案法團提出的財產損申索 、 有關小型船隻意外申 索,以 及涉及有限公司與其小股東之間的爭議 申索。
Members noted that the Administration did not support proposals for
expanding the scope of
[...] SLAS to cover claims against property developers by minority owners in respect of compulsory sales of building units, claims against sale of goods and provision of services, claims in respect of trusts, property damage claims against incorporated owners, claims against small marine boat accidents and claims involving disputes [...]
between limited
companies and their minority shareholders.
有限責任合夥是一種 商業聯繫模式,賦予無辜的合夥人有限法律責任,使其個人資
[...] 產可在其他合夥人因在有限責任合夥的業務過程中的失責行為 而招申索時得以保存。
LLP is a form of business association which confers limited liability on the
innocent partners so as to save their
[...] personal assets from claims arising from [...]
the default of other partners in the course of LLP’s business.
透過接納上市公司要約,南聯股東將向要約人出售其不附帶任何留置權、質押 申索及 產權負擔的南聯股份以及隨附於南聯股份的所有權利,包括接收在提出上市公司要約日 [...]
期(即公佈相關要約文件)後宣佈、作出或支付的所有股息和分派,但不包括以實物方 式分派及特殊現金股息。
By accepting the Listco Offer, Winsor shareholders will sell their
shares in Winsor to the Offeror free from all
[...] liens, charges, claims and encumbrances [...]
and with all rights attached to them, including
the rights to receive all dividends and distributions declared, made or paid after the date on which the Listco Offer is made, being the date of posting of the relevant offer document(s), excluding the Distribution In Specie and the Special Cash Dividend.
(1) 根據細則交付或郵寄或留置於股東登記地址的任何通知或其他文件,即使 該股東當時已身故或破產或已發生任何其他事件,以及不論本公司是否有該身故或破產
或其他事件的通知,均視為已就以該股東作為單獨或聯名持有人名義登記的股份妥為送 達或交付(除非在送達或交付通知或文件之時其姓名已從股東名冊刪除作為股份持有
[...] 人),而且該送達或交付就各方面而言,均視為已向所有擁有股份權益(不論共同或透 過該股申索)的人士充分送達或交付該通知或文件。
(1) Any Notice or other document delivered or sent by post to or left at the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Bye-laws shall, notwithstanding that such Member is then dead or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred, and whether or not the Company has notice of the death or bankruptcy or other event, be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in respect of any share registered in the name of such Member as sole or joint holder unless his name shall, at the time of the service or delivery of the notice or document, have been removed from the Register as the holder of the share, and such service or delivery shall for all purposes be deemed a sufficient service or delivery of
such Notice or document on all persons interested (whether
[...] jointly with or as claiming through or under [...]
him) in the share.
(2) 每名股東同意放棄其原可因董事在履行本公司職責時採取的任何行動或 未有採取任何行動而針對董事提起 申索 或 起 訴權利(不論個別或根據或憑藉本公司的 權利),惟該權利的放棄不延伸至任何與董事欺詐或不忠誠有關的事宜。
(2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Direy such Director, or the failure of such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the Company; PROVIDED THAT such waiver shall not extend to any matter in respect of any fraud or dishonesty which may attach to such Director.
37 (B) 在不損害該董事與公司所訂服務合約被違反而提出損害賠 申索 的 權 利 的情況下,獲委任主席或代理主席或董事總經理或聯合董事總經理或代理董事總 經理或助理董事總經理的董事,如他因為任何因由停任董事,其有關委任即自動 終止。
(B) The appointment of any Director as Chairman or Deputy Chairman or Managing or Joint Managing or Deputy or Assistant Managing Director shall automatically determine if he ceases to be a Director but without prejudice to any claim for damages for breach of any contract between him and the Company.
購買或以其他方式購入、出售、交換、交回、租賃、作出按揭、押記、交換、藉以取 得溢利、作出處置及處理各類房產及個人財產及權利,特別是任何類別的按揭、債權
[...] 證、產品、特許權、期權、合約、專利權、年金、許可、股額、股份、債券、保單、 賬面債項、業務考慮、承諾申索、 優先權及據法產權。
(vi) To purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, exchange, surrender, lease, mortgage, charge, convert, turn to account, dispose of and deal with real and personal property and rights of all kinds and, in particular, mortgages, debentures, produce, concessions, options, contracts, patents, annuities, licences, stocks,
shares, bonds, policies, book debts, business concerns,
[...] undertakings, claims, privileges and [...]
choses in action of all kinds.
(2) 每名股東同意放棄就任何董事於履行其職責時與或為本公司所採取之任何行動或該董 事未有採取之任何行動而個別或透過本公司或以本公司之權利對有關董事提出任申 索權或 採取法律行動之權利,惟該項豁免並不延伸至與有關董事之任何有意疏忽、故 意違約、欺詐或不誠實行為有關之任何事項。
(2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Director on account of any action taken by such Director, or the failure of such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the Company; PROVIDED THAT such waiver shall not extend to any matter in respect of any willful negligence, wilful default, fraud or dishonesty which may attach to such Director.




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