

单词 I am R
Broome was once the centre of the world¡¦s pearling industry, and today you can buy pearls, tour a pearl farm, visit a pearling museum or see the headstones dedicated to some 900 Asian pearl divers.
[...] Alps Electric’s HM&I业处(R&DQA/QC divisions) [...]
和 MMP 事业处 (生产部门) 使用向量信号分析仪(VSA)与向量信号产生器(VSG)测试无线模组产品。
In the early days when personal computers with built-in wireless LAN
capability started gaining popularity, Alps
[...] Electric’sHM&I Division(R&D and QA/QC divisions) [...]
and MMP Division (Production division)
used vector signal analyzers (VSA) and vector signal generators (VSG) for testing wireless module products.
[...] Alps Electric’s HM&I业处(R&DQA/QC divisions) [...]
和 MMP 事业处 (生产部门) 使用向量信号分析仪(VSA)与向量信号产生器(VSG)测试无线模组产品。
In the early days when personal computers with built-in wireless LAN
capability started gaining popularity, Alps
[...] Electric’sHM&I Division (R&D and QA/QC divisions) [...]
and MMP Division (Production division)
used vector signal analyzers (VSA) and vector signal generators (VSG) for testing wireless module products.
2005 年,俄罗斯联邦发射了 26 枚运载火箭和 35 件物体进入空间,其中 19 件是俄罗斯的: 两个联盟 TMA
系列载人宇宙飞船(6 和 7 号)、四个进步-M 系列 载货飞行器(52、53、54 和
[...] 55 号)、两 颗 Ekspress-AM通讯卫星(2 和 [...]
3 号)、 一颗新的 Gonets-M 系列卫星、六颗宇宙系列卫星(包括三颗全球轨道导航卫星
系统卫星)、Foton M 生物技术卫星、Monitor-E 土地遥感卫星、国立莫斯科大学 的 Tatyana 教育卫星和技术性的纳米卫星 TNS-O。
In 2005, the Russian Federation launched 26 carrier rockets and 35 objects into space, of which 19 were Russian: two manned spaceships of the Soyuz TMA series (Nos. 6 and 7), four cargo vehicles of the Progress-M series (Nos. 52, 53,
54 and 55), two communications satellites
[...] of the Ekspress-AM series(Nos. 2 [...]
and 3), one satellite of the new Gonets-M series,
six satellites of the Cosmos series (including three GLONASS satellites), the Foton M biotechnology satellite, the Monitor-E Land Remote Sensing Satellite, the Tatyana educational satellites of Moscow State University and the technological nanosatellite TNS-O.
我是天使基金会”支持“十万人留学中国计划”:在汇聚娱乐界、科技界和慈善界要人的首届Trans4m音乐会上,以黑眼豆豆(Black Eyed Peas)主唱will.i.am的“我是天使基金会”表示支持“十万人留学中国计划”,并鼓励其他组织共同为条件较差的青少年增加有关的机会。
i.am.angel foundation Honors 100,000 Strong: At its inaugural Trans4m concert, which brought together leaders in the entertainment, technology, and philanthropy
sectors for an evening of
[...] music, the i.am.angelfoundation, led by The Black Eyed Peas frontman will.i.am, honoredthe Initiative [...]
and encouraged
others to enhance educational opportunities for underserved youth. will.i.am serves as a cultural ambassador for the Initiative.
6.6 奖金的获得者即同意加AM关宣传事务,比如:采访、拍照和其他公众媒体方式来公布竞赛结果。
6.6 Prize winners consent to
[...] participate in AM'sPR enterprises, [...]
such as interviews, photo-reports and the public notification
through mass-media about the results of the competition.
Additional approved
[...] indicationsfor PHOTOFRIN(R)in North [...]
America are high grade dysplasia (HGD) in Barrett's esophagus
(BE) and papillary bladder cancer in Canada and Argentina.
The actual condition of affairs can scarcely be formulated in these terms, however, since the divergencies consist, for the most part, of mere variants in certain sentences, or in the fact that there were different authors and transmitters of them; and although many of these deviations are citedby R.Jonah and R. Jose, who lived and taught contemporaneously at Tiberias, this fact scarcely justifies the assumption that there were two different Talmudim, one taught by Jonah and the other by Jose; it will nevertheless be evident, from the statements cited above, that the Talmud existed in some definite form throughout the amoraic period, and that, furthermore, its final redaction was preceded by other revisions.
UsingITRI's development experience on R2R processing of plastic substrates, combined with Corning's expertise in glass handling, ITRI and Corning developed specially designed R2R machines that produced touch panel modules on Corning(R) Willow(TM) Glass, a flexible display-grade glass substrate.
据几名证人所述,这起仇恨犯罪为未遂私刑,当时被占领的东耶路撒冷 Ras Al-Am区的一名 17 岁居民 Jamal Julani 和他的四个朋友正走在西耶路撒冷 的锡安广场,突然他们发现一群年轻人在追赶自己,这些年轻人叫嚷着“阿拉伯 人,打死阿拉伯人”。
The hate crime — described by several witnesses as an attempted lynching — occurred as Jamal Julani, 17 years old, a resident of the Occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ras Al-Amud, and his four friends were walking in West Jerusalem’s Zion Square, when they suddenly found themselves being chased by a group of youths shouting “Arabs, death to Arabs”.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的(i)索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织I-24/7计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
这些事项包括下列问题:(a) 设保人是否必须与借款人同为一人;(b)担保协议是否对所有相关的义务实行担 保;(c)担保权是否必须服从任何法律限制;(d)贷款中是否必须有明确的支付时 间表;(e)是否有任何特别权利或义务(例如道路权或场地通行权);(f)是否有任 何特别义务保全设保资产;(g)是否有任何义务不得转让设保资产或在该资产上 设定另一担保权;(h)在发生违约和强制执行时如何可以通知设保人和其他利益 相关方(i)应当提及非司法执行;以及(j)是否应当有关于解决纠纷的条 款。
These matters include the questions whether: (a) the grantor has to be the same person as the borrower; (b) the security agreement secures all the relevant obligations; (c) the security right is subject to any legal restrictions; (d) there must be a clear payment schedule in the credit; (e) there are any special rights or obligations (such as rights of way or rights of access to a site); (f) there are any special obligations for the preservation of encumbered assets; (g) there are any obligations not to transfer the encumbered asset or create another security right in it; (h) ways in which the grantor and other interested parties could be notified in the case of default and enforcement; (i) there should be a reference to extrajudicial enforcement; and (j) there should be a dispute resolution clause.
创 新经济运营计划的重点是通过增加研发支 出R&D和企业合作发展、以及创业潜 能多样化,来增加新发明的数量。
The focus of the IE OP is to increase the number of innovations by increasing R&D outlays, the development of cooperation between the R&D sphere and businesses, as well as diversifying entrepreneurship potential.
The pilot plant can be used to test the operating behavior of an industrial-scale lime trap on site under realistic conditions, such as in combination with the R2S anaerobic pilot plant.
根据《市区重建策略》订定的财务模式,市区重建计划长远而言是希 望能够自给自足,即使市建局并非以盈利为目标,重建以外其他3R目估 计都会亏钱的,需要从重建项目赚取利润來补贴亏钱项目。
As most of the “3Rs” projects are  expected to yield negative gain, the URA is force d to squeeze every single penny from  the  redevelopment  projects  in  a  bid  to  balance  the  book.
世界各地的利益攸关者应大力加强努力,最大限度地扩大3R物管理 方法:减少、回用和再循环;最终目标是封闭的原料和养分循环,达到零废弃经 济。
Stakeholders worldwide should significantly enhance their efforts to maximize the “3 Rs” of waste management: reduce, reuse and recycle; having as an ultimate goal a zero-waste economy of closed materials and nutrient cycles.
会费委员会开展工作的依据是《大会议事规则》第 160 条所载的一般任务规 定;1946 年 2 月 13 日大会第一届会议第一期会议期间通过的筹备委员会报告 (PC/20)第九章第 2 节第 13 和 14 段以及第五委员会报告(A/44)所载的委员会最 初职权范围(第14(I)A决议第 3 段);以及以下大会决议所载的任务规定:第 46/221 B 号、第 48/223 C 号、第 53/36 D 号、第 54/237 C 和 D 号、第 55/5 B 和 D 号、第 57/4 B 号、第 58/1 A 和 B 号、第 59/1 A 和 B 号、第 60/237 号、第 61/2 号、第 61/237 号和第 64/248 号决议。
The Committee on Contributions conducted its work on the basis of its general mandate, as contained in rule 160 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly; the original terms of reference of the Committee contained in chapter IX, section 2, paragraphs 13 and 14, of the report of the Preparatory Commission (PC/20) and in the report of the Fifth Committee (A/44), adopted during the first part of the first session of the General Assembly on 13 February 1946 (resolution 14 (I) A, para. 3); and the mandates contained in General Assembly resolutions 46/221 B, 48/223 C, 53/36 D, 54/237 C and D, 55/5 B and D, 57/4 B, 58/1 A and B, 59/1 A and B, 60/237, 61/2, 61/237 and 64/248.
(a) 关于安全理事会第 1591(2005)号决议第 3 段(a)(i)关于安全理事 会第 1556(2004)号决议第 7 和第 8 段的义务,《战争物资法》(《战争物资法》, 经联邦法律公报,57/2001 号修订)、《对外贸易法》(《对外贸易法》,联邦法律 公报,50/2005 号修订)和《外贸法规》(《外贸法规》,联邦法律公报,121/2006 号)规定,向第三国出售,供应,转让或出口军火和有关物资,需出口授权书; 提供军事活动有关的经纪服务,也需授权。
(a) With regard to the obligations contained in paragraph 3 (a) (i) of Security Council resolution 1591 (2005) referring to paragraphs 7 and 8 of Security Council resolution 1556 (2004) the War Materials Act (WMA, Federal Law Gazette I No. 57/2001 as amended), the Foreign Trade Act (FTA, Federal Law Gazette I No. 50/2005 as amended) and Foreign Trade Regulation (FTAR, Federal Law Gazette II No. 121/2006) require an export authorization for the sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel to third countries and an authorization for the provision of brokering services related to military activities.
(i)公司所获取或持有权益的任何土地发展和加以利用,尤其是将该等土地整理和准备作建 筑用途,建造、改动、清拆、装饰、保养、布置、装备和改善建筑物,以及进行种植、铺 路、排水、种植、耕作、以租地建筑契或建筑协议出租,并向各类建造商、租客及其他人垫 付款项,以及与他们订立各种合同和安排。
(i) To develop and turn to account any land acquired by the Company or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders, tenants and others.
(i)第 1996/31 号决议,非政府组织参与联合国的活动必须遵守《联合 国宪章》的精神、宗旨和原则,以及该决议所确立的绝不破坏会员国主权的标准。
(i) According to Council resolution 1996/31, the participation of non-governmental organizations in United Nations activities must be in conformity with the spirit, purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the criteria established under the resolution, which in no way undermines the sovereignty of Member States.
董事亦可拒绝登记凭证式股份的转让,除非 转 让 文 件(i)妥 为 盖 印( 如 有 需 要 )并 送 交 本 公 司 的 登 记 办 事 处 或 董事会可能决定的任何其他地点,连同将要转让的股份的证书及/ 或 董 事 可 能 合 理 要 求 作 为 所 有 权 证 明 的 其 他 证 据;或(i i)与 一 类 股 份 有 关。
The Directors may also refuse to register a transfer of a certificated share unless the
instrument of transfer is: (i) lodged,
[...] duly stamped (if necessary), at the registered office of the Company or any other place as the Board may decide accompanied by the certificate for the share(s) to be transferred and/or such other evidence as the Directors may reasonably require as proof of title; or(ii) in respect of only one class of shares.
国家发展方案 3 是始于国家发展方案 1 的国家逐步发展规划过程的第三个阶段,它是纳米比亚和 国际上范围广泛的利益攸关者以及来自全国 13 个行政区的代表在温得和克作出 努力的结果,他们在 2007 年 10 月全国协商会议之后,参与确定了我国人民的需 要、优先事项、机会和面临的挑战,并制订了应对政策、方案和战略,(国家计 划委员会,2008I家发展方案 3,第 1 卷)。
Itself a third level of a national evolutionary development planning process that began with NDP1, NDP3 is the product of the efforts of a wide range of Namibian and international stakeholders in Windhoek, and representatives from the country’s 13 regions that participated in the identification of the needs, priorities, opportunities and challenges facing our people, and prepared responsive policies, programmes and strategies following the National Consultation Conference in October 2007 (National Planning Commission, 2008: i; National Development Plan 3, vol. 1).
评估团的任务是收集以下信息:(a) 失业回归者,包括移徙工人和离开利 比亚的前战斗员以及图阿雷格和图布武装分子大量涌入这些国家,他们的回归 正对东道国社区的社会经济和政治稳定产生影响;(b)大量武器流入该区域,小 武器和轻武器以及地对空导弹和爆炸物扩散;(c) 这些国家犯罪活动和恐怖主
义活动的性质及程度,为对付这些活动正在采取的区域举措;(d) 对安全部门 产生的影响;(e) 国家安全部门的行动能力;(f) 司法改革;(g) 为消除经常发
[...] 生的粮食无保障和营养不良的根源以及处理其他人道主义问题而需要作出的更 多努力;(h) 青年人失业(i)风险评估。
The mission was mandated to collect information on (a) the influx of unemployed returnees, including migrant workers, former combatants from Libya and armed Tuareg and Toubou elements into these countries, as well as the impact that their return is having on the socio-economic and political stability in the host communities; (b) the inflow of weapons into the region and the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, surface-to-air missiles and explosives; (c) the nature and the extent of criminal and terrorist activities in these countries and ongoing regional initiatives to address them; (d) the impact on the security sector; (e) the national operational capacity of the security sector; (f) judicial reform; (g) additional efforts needed to address the root causes of recurrent food
insecurity and malnutrition, as well as other humanitarian issues; (h) youth
[...] unemployment; and (i) disaster risk [...]
用可刻录光盘(CD-R把不同艺术家的唱片制成MP3合集; [...]
唱片封套质量很差(图像和文字模糊,用纸廉价,切割粗糙,单 面印刷,有错别字、手写字,塑料袋包装,或根本没有包装); 没有任何“©”标志。
at very low prices; by street sellers in
markets, car-boot sales or other informal
[...] locations, rather than in established [...]
stores; on Recordable Compact Disks (CD-Rs);
as MP3 compilations of albums by different artists; with poor quality inserts (blurry images and text; cheap and badly cut paper with printing only on one side; misspelled words and handwriting; loose plastic wrapping or none at all); without any © notices.
The MIIT has approved the TD-LTE scale test into the second stage in February this year, which
was mainly for the test
[...] of 3GPPR9 standardbasedsystem equipments and various scale terminals including TD-SCDMA, during which, three terminals are mainly introduced, such as Innofidei (support R9, two-chip platform [...]
for multi-mode terminal),
Leadcore Technology (single- chip platform for multi-mode terminal) and ZTE Microelectronics (single-chip platform for multi-mode terminal).
In addition, the company also has first-class processing and testing equipment, there are a variety of high-precision, large-scale machining center, CNC machine tools, and specialty-specific equipment, such as horizontal machining center, machining center, gantry processing center, large-scale Ball Lathe , horizontal boring and milling machine, etc.; equipped with PMI, tensile test, impact test,
metallurgical microscope and other materials testing
[...] equipment, r-Ray, ultrasound, [...]
magnetic particle, liquid infiltration and other
nondestructive testing methods, as well as three-dimensional measuring instrument, low-temperature test, fire test, low-leakage test, vacuum test, and other special test equipment; now under construction a valve cold and hot state test loop used to simulate the high and low temperature operating conditions of the valves tested.




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