单词 | 生菜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 生菜—lettuce(often used)less common: greens raw fresh vegetables Examples:生蔬菜n—raw vegetablen 鱼生火,肉生痰,青菜豆腐保平安—fish brings heat, meat brings phlegm, vegetables and tofu keep you healthy See also:菜n—vegetablespl cuisinen 菜adj—vegetableadj 菜—dish (type of food)
举个例子来说,您的购物手推车中的一包生的碎牛肉中的细菌可能会渗漏到您刚选购的生菜上。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | For example, bacteria from a package of raw ground beef [...] can leak onto thelettuce youalsohappen [...]to have in your grocery cart. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
把生菜拆开成一片片,然後撕成大片,置於大沙津盘中。 annafangpr.com | Separate thelettuce leaves, then tear [...] them into large pieces and place in a large salad bowl. annafangpr.com |
拼板、炖菜、生菜沙拉、酱菜、米饭、汤汁、甜点等的套餐只需2500日元(米饭与汤汁可以自由添加)。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | The picture shows a 2500-yen course menu which comes with assorted [...] appetizer, simmered vegetables, salad, pickles, [...]steams rice & soup (free refills on rice and soup), and dessert. en.tohokukanko.jp |
食用水果沙拉、生菜或鸡肉沙拉属于选择欠妥的例子;菜品原料也许没有被恰当地清洗过而且(或者)在没有适当冷藏的情况下被放置过一段时间。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Fruit salad,lettuce,or chicken salad [...] are examples of unwise food choices; the ingredients may have been improperly washed [...]and/or may have been sitting out for some time without proper refrigeration. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
汉堡 –配上生菜、西红柿、腌菜和洋葱增加口感又能补充蔬菜 –配上烤薯条,可以减少油脂的摄入 media.specialolympics.org | – Serve with lettuce, tomato, pickle, and onion to add flavor andvegetables. media.specialolympics.org |
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 [...] LIM/16 [...] 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 [...]花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and [...] pear; dimethoate (027) in [...] peppersandlettuce;malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, [...]apples and peaches; [...]and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16. codexalimentarius.org |
这些日子他还在忙于改造房子并在花园里种些生菜什么的。 bsdmap.com | These days he is also very busy renovating the house [...] and planting saladandother stuff [...]in the garden. bsdmap.com |
通过了 ALINORM 09/32/24 附录 IV 提出的最大残留限量草案,并 将其推进到步骤 6,注意到欧洲共同体和挪威就苹果中的灭多威(094),芸苔、梨果和生菜中的戊唑醇(189),以及香蕉和猕猴桃中的啶酰菌胺(221)的最大残留限量提出的 保留意见,其理由已在 CAC/32 LIM 16 做了解释。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission adopted the draft MRLs as proposed draft in Appendix IV of ALINORM 09/32/24 at Step 5 and advanced them to Step 6, noting the reservations expressed by the European Community and Norway on the MRLs for methomyl (094) in apples; tebuconazole (189) in brassica, pomefruits and lettuce, head and boscalid (221) in banana and kiwi for reasons explained in CAC/32 LIM 16. codexalimentarius.org |
罗马影响的地区是Vaison洛杉矶奥兰治,生菜和阿尔勒在城市的独特和清晰可见的,而后者有一个罗马竞技场,在暑假期间举办斗牛。 leapfrog-properties.com | The Roman influence to the region is [...] distinctive and clearly visible in the cities of [...] Orange, Vaisonla RomaineandArles; the [...]latter having a Roman arena hosting Bull-fighting during the summer. leapfrog-properties.com |
在生菜中加入苹果条、啤梨片及Pecorino 芝士,淋上沙津酱汁,加入合桃并拌匀。 annafangpr.com | Add the apple strips, pear slices and the [...] Pecorino cheese tothelettuce,drizzlewith the [...]creamy dressing, add walnuts, toss well. annafangpr.com |
三明治配料包括:蕃茄丝、洋葱丝、腌制酸萝卜丝、生菜丝、香菜、黄瓜丝、青红椒丝、青葱段、法式芥末蛋黄酱. shbite.com | all ba`nh mi served with tomato、onion radish pickle、lettuce、coriander、cucumber、capsicum、spring onion shbite.com |
我们精心准备了拉贝瑞法式整只鹅肝,康菲德无花果酱配吐司面包片,精美的Azovka鱼子酱,班尼橄榄,Wagyu牛肉配Tartufitali白松露橄榄油和有机生菜,火腿配问柏糊…… 当然还有来自法国慕斯和Fromi品牌的15款手工奶酪。 sinodis.com.cn | On the menu: Labeyrie French Whole duck Foie Gras served with Andresy fig jam and seasoned toast points, Azovka Caviar Tasting, Barnier Olives Degustation, Wagyu Beef Carpaccio with [...] Tartufitalia White [...] Truffle Oiland Organic Lettuce, Curedham with [...]Quince paste and Manchego… Of course our French cheese [...]was also well represented with a selection of fifteen or so of handmade cheeses from Mons and Fromi. sinodis.com.cn |
尤其的,Cheery [...] 菜单则很丰富多样:栗子咖啡、水果冰沙、牛肉粉、生菜肉卷、1人用 Cheery 火锅、泰式面条凉拌、欧亚菜诸如此类,可以说,这就是一家缩小饭店的咖啡馆。 cherrycafe.vnnavi.com.vn | In particular, the [...] cheery café’s menu is rich and varied [...]such as walnut coffee, mixed vitamins (combination of many types [...]of fruit), beef noodle, rolled mixed cake, cheery hot pot for one eater, Thai-styled mixed vegetable and other Western Asian dishes. cherrycafe.vnnavi.com.vn |
酒徒众经常说“一家一境、一馆一菜”,但此语在 Hang Duong 馆可不符合,因为这里的菜单有700多道菜,经常更新陌生菜,尤其是独特菜,故不能说 Hang Duong 馆菜单简陋。 hangduongquan.vnnavi.com.vn | Wine connoisseurs often tell each other that every restaurant serves a specific dish, but as for Hang Duong restaurant it cannot be applied now that the restaurant offers a menu listing over 700 disheswhich are frequently uppdated with new and unique ones. hangduongquan.vnnavi.com.vn |
在“可持续水果蔬菜生产的信息与技术”这一主题下包括下列关于水果 (包括酒用葡萄)、坚果、蔬菜和新鲜易腐产品论题 cigr.org | Under the title “Information and technology for [...] sustainable fruit and vegetable production” the programme [...]comprises the following topics [...]concerning fruit (including wine grape), nut, vegetables and fresh cut perishables cigr.org |
其中一些孩子就直接把大头菜生吃了,有些孩子会把大头菜放在火上烤热些。 unicef.org | Some of them eat them directly, while [...] others toss them in the fire to warm their meal a little bit. unicef.org |
这些项目扩大了小规模灌溉和基础设施项 目;创造了就业机会;改善了蔬菜生产;改进了办学条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The projects resulted in expansion in [...] small-scale irrigation and infrastructure projects; job [...] creation; improved vegetableproduction; andbetter [...]school conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在许多缺水地区回用水已经成为水资源管理不可分割的一部分,尤其在城市的周边地 区的小规模蔬菜生产。 wrdmap.org | Water reuse is already an integral part [...] of water management in many water-scarce areas, particularly [...] for small-scale vegetable cultivation inperi-urban areas. wrdmap.org |
本文件说明了蔬菜农场如何遵守“良好农业规范—蔬菜生产(GAPVA)认证计划”的标准。 ava.gov.sg | This document explains the vegetablefarm's compliance with the standard of the Good Agricultural Practice for Vegetable Farming (GAP-VF) Certification scheme. ava.gov.sg |
粮农组织在莫桑比克、斯威士兰、乌干 达、坦桑尼亚联合共和国和赞比亚向妇女提供提供农业技术推广工作的技能培 [...] 训;加拿大则在中国的动物卫生推广方面、在加纳的收获后加工方面和在苏丹返 乡难民从事蔬菜生产方面,为妇女提供了人员技能培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | FAO has provided women with skills training in agricultural extension work in Mozambique, Swaziland, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia; Canada has supported skills training for women as animal health [...] extension workers in China, post-harvest processing [...] in Ghana andvegetable production forreturning [...]women refugees in the Sudan. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年,农业部开始着手进行一系列干预措 施,协助农民建设能力,提高生产能力,其中包括下列措施:为改良基因进口了 97 头牛和 38 [...] 只羊;继续参与通过保护农业系统帮助农民改进和增加蔬菜生产的项目;并启动了一个增加开曼群岛番薯生产和产量的全面项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | These included the importation of 97 cattle and 38 goats for genetic improvement purposes; ongoing participation in a programme to [...] assist farmers in their efforts to improve [...] and increase vegetable production through [...]protected agricultural systems; and the [...]launching of a comprehensive programme to increase production and yields of sweet potatoes in the Cayman Islands. daccess-ods.un.org |
劳动密集蔬菜生产需要的 是小量但频繁和多样的手工劳动,不太容易纳入斯密型分工及其规模经济效益。 lishiyushehui.cn | What labor-intensivevegetable growing requires are [...] small increments of frequent and variegated hand labor, which do not [...]lend themselves readily to the classic Smithian division of labor and consequent economies of scale. lishiyushehui.cn |
良好农业规范--蔬菜生产(GAP-VF)》是由新加坡农粮兽医局(AVA)制定的统 一规范或规范准则,目的在于实现安全优质的农场蔬菜生产。 ava.gov.sg | The Good [...] Agricultural Practice for Vegetable Farming (GAP-VF) is a set of consolidated practices or COP formulated by Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) for on-farm safe and quality vegetableand foodcrop production. ava.gov.sg |
在塞舌尔,目前温室种植仅占集约化种植总面积的约 5%,并且是 为确保在 11 月至 4 月的雨季月份的蔬菜生产而实施的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Seychelles, greenhouses currently represent only about 5 per cent of the total area under [...] intensive cultivation and are used to ensure [...] the cultivation of vegetables during the rainy months [...]of November to April. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于法国的温室蔬菜生产和园艺等特定农业活动,能源账单往往是真正负担。 daccess-ods.un.org | For certain agricultural activities in [...] France, such as vegetableproduction and [...]horticulture under glass, the energy bill is often a real burden. daccess-ods.un.org |
对水果和蔬菜生产的技术支持:使工厂管理更高效、 环保的新工具,关于农业生产自动化的各种改进 cigr.org | Technological assistance [...] to fruitandvegetable production: [...]new tools enabling a more effective and environmental-friendly [...]plant management, variety improvement in relation to automation of agricultural practices cigr.org |
禁令涵盖的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜;b) 所有奶类、奶类饮品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷冻或冷藏野味、肉类和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷冻或冷藏水产品,除 非附有日本主管当局所签发的证明书证明有关食物的辐射水平并没有超出食 品法典委员会的标准。 cfs.gov.hk | Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) allmilk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen [...] game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, [...]and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex. cfs.gov.hk |